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How to filter content by genre or other descriptions in the game wall view


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My initial idea was to use the L1 or R1 buttons to switch between genres and thus shorten the search for games more efficiently. While this is not my particular case, I know that there are users with a large number of games, which could make searching for a specific one tedious. Also, I had in mind to use R2 or L2 to toggle filters to things like ratings or other tags. However, I am not sure if this is possible or how to implement it. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions to address this issue, I would be very grateful.


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3 hours ago, C-Beats said:

You can bind a key to "Open Index" which would let you jump to a letter, open search, or open the filter menu and then can use those controls to more quickly get to the game you're wanting to go to.

I already tried it but the index does not open in the game wall view, I can't even assign it within the ctc editor since it doesn't appear, it only appears in the horizontal and vertical wheel view.

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34 minutes ago, IADhunter said:

I already tried it but the index does not open in the game wall view, I can't even assign it within the ctc editor since it doesn't appear, it only appears in the horizontal and vertical wheel view.

I've not used the CTC, but adding the index to a view in the raw XAML isn't overly complicated. If you look in the default theme folder you can find the code easily enough. It's at the bottom of those views. Faeran left a comment for that section that says "alpha-numeric index" or something real similar.

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1 hour ago, C-Beats said:

I've not used the CTC, but adding the index to a view in the raw XAML isn't overly complicated. If you look in the default theme folder you can find the code easily enough. It's at the bottom of those views. Faeran left a comment for that section that says "alpha-numeric index" or something real similar.

I don't know much about code but I tried to do what you told me and it still doesn't show the index, this is a test wall view that I made, do you think you can verify where the index should be added?

COMMUNITY Theme Creator - Version 3.2
Theme:          inMERSE 2Ux
Aspect Ratio:   16:9
Created by:     y2guru
Published by:   IADhunter
Published:      Monday 09, September 2024 @ 12:53 PM
BigBox Version: 13 or later
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