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Is it possible that I could have a Platform Category listed in my Bigbox platform section? Because I'd like to sort by platforms, But I also wanted to add comics among all my games. and I want to be able to sort my comics via Series, and I'd rather not have to change my entire sorting system to Platform Categories just to do this, as it means every single platform has to go through more layers to get to the games. 

What i mean is like, Ok. I want to be able to sort by platforms, so all my systems. IE, PS3, PS2, SNES, NES, etc. However, I also want a comics Platform Category inside of my bigbox platforms, that I can click it and it goes Comics -> Comic Series -> Comic Issue (So for example, I have the God Of War Comics, I would like to be able to go Comics -> God Of War Series -> Fallen God Comics -> The Comic Issues) while still having all my other platforms unaffected and not in platform category

Also on the topic of doing this, How Can I change a single platform/Platform Category to NOT have Clear Logos as the base image? Because for my games, I want Clear Logo as the main image, but for Comics I want the Cover Page, which I have set to "Front Box Art" 

Would it be possible to add more support for stuff like this? I know this is mainly for launching games, But I want to use it as a multi-media launcher, since I saw some other people on youtube using it like that.

Maybe if possible, would it be possible to add Comic support fully? So I can like, not have to manually fill out the metadata for comics. I know this is a big ask, and it might not be easy to do, I don't know if metadata stuff exists for comics like it does for Games.

But here, I'll show you how I have mine setup (Ignore the SNES Japan section. I plan to remove it and replace it with a Super Famicom section. That's why it isn't sorted)


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You're half way to the solution in your description. You DO indeed want platform categories view, you just don't want your game platforms placed in a category like they are now. You can edit the platforms so that their parent is root and then delete the categories they were in. This would make it so the game platforms are at the root level and don't take 2-3 levels to get to the games list while having your comics still nested.

The "base image" thing I'm not real sure what your hope is. Are you referring to the image in the wheel or somewhere else?

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16 hours ago, PhoenixCF said:

I mean the image that shows up in my view of bigbox. normally this is the clear logo

In the wheel? That typically can't be changed, there ARE views that show the covers though instead of the logo's you just need to change to them. Something like Horizontal Boxes (I believe we call it)

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