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DailyTalk:- Hyper is over...



Well my weekend Hyper finally subsided after the wife told me to sit down and stop talking and getting dropped in it at work. 2hr job turns into 10hrs nice. :)

To be fair hypers are fun but tiring.

Anyway decided to be less self promoting and removed my logo from here. Its going to be more random now, i should probably get a diary but whats the point in reading stuff, i thought today, tomorrow.

Off to dig some flower beds at a ridiculous  8pm...i just want to beat my paperboy score :(



Side gossip from the emu scene:-

Simply Austin is having content strike issues from Nintendo (he should know better)

ETA Prime balls up and got a copyright strike from RetroPi (just made a mistake)

An idiot should be getting banned from RetroFE soon. Watch out for Mark Norville @lordmonkus although think he will be at HS. (Promise i will stop tagging people also sorry)



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