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About This File

What is this ?

This is a batch file for people who only want to have a clean and streamlined set of games in their Arcade platform. It will copy out a curated set of roms from a full Mame rom set. The list of games selected was based off of input from people here on the forums, discord and my own personal experience playing these games growing up in the arcades back in the 80s and 90s. There are 434 rom files that will be copied out but there are some duplicates of a few games that have 2 or 4 player versions such as TMNT or Gauntlet for example, you can pick which one you want to use in your setup. (see below)

This is not the end all be all set of games of course but it is a good solid base to build your own personal set from rather than trying to pare down a complete set of roms. I tried not to include games that had really funky controls or light gun games though I did include some trackball and spinner games.

Included in the zip file you will find a batch file, spreadsheet document and 2 text files (1 list of roms and 1 list of games). The spreadsheet will allow people an easy way to maintain and add games as required. The rom list will make it easy to download only those files if you use a seedbox to get your roms from a torrent and the games list will let you compare what you have imported into Launchbox to see if anything is missing.

How to use this:

First you will need to download the Non-Merged rom set that the batch file was made with which is version 0.200, using a different set than the bat file was intended for may or may not cause incompatibilities in roms. Then simply copy the batch file into the folder with all of the roms and double click the bat file, it will make a new folder within that folder and copy all of the roms into that newly created folder. From there you can copy that new folder of roms to anywhere you like and import them into Launchbox, be sure to update your rom path in your mame.ini to point this rom set location. You can now do whatever you like with your full set you downloaded, it is no longer needed for the NoFiller set to function, though you may want to keep a backup just in case.

Games that have problems importing into LB, will need to be imported individually.

Akai Katana - akatana.zip
Crossed Swords 2 - crswd2bl.zip
KaGeKi - kagekiu.zip
Sailormoon - sailormnnu.zip
Wrestlefest - wwfwfestu.zip

Games that have more than 1 rom file for 2 player or split screen variant.

darius2 (3 screen)
darius2d (2 screen)
gauntlet (4 player)
gauntlet2p (2 player)
tmnt (4 player)
tmnt2pj (2 player)
xmen (4 player, 1 screen, pick any character)
xmen6pu (6 player, 2 screen, coin slot determines character)


If you think I have missed some extremely important games that I overlooked and desperately need to be added feel free to post in the thread below and I will consider adding them in a future update.

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