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Files posted by Lordmonkus
Cranky Ape
By Lordmonkus in Custom Themes
This theme is a modified version of Jasons New Default No Shadows or Blurred Backgrounds theme.
The changes were made to function best on a 27" 2560 x 1440 display so your results may vary based on your display size and resolution.
I will no longer be updating this theme, I have no desire to try and keep up with changes Jason makes or new features added. So if anyone wishes to take this theme and release they are free to do so.
*Requires Launchbox 10.9 or newer
Things I changed:
Reduced vertical space between platform names. Increased the vertical scroll bar width in the Box Images View. Increased the vertical scroll bar width in the List View. Increased the vertical scroll var width in the Details panel. Shifted the vertical scroll bar of Box and List view over to line up with the Details panel. Adjusted the "Platforms" panel dropdown menu so that it shows all entries without having to scroll (unless you have an obscene amount). Extract and copy the Cranky Ape folder into your \LaunchBox\LBThemes folder.
In Launchbox Options > Visuals choose the Cranky Ape theme from the dropdown menu and restart Launchbox.
Bad Old Monkey
By Lordmonkus in Custom Themes
This theme is not a drastic change from the default but I did change some things about Jasons default theme that did not suit my personal preference.
I will no longer be updating this theme, I have no desire to try and keep up with changes Jason makes or new features added. So if anyone wishes to take this theme and release they are free to do so.
*Requires 8.6 Beta 1 or newer
Things I changed:
Reduced vertical space between platform names. Shifted platforms text slightly left. Removed gap at the bottom of the Game Details panel. Removed gap on the right hand side of the Game Details panel. Shifted scroll bar in the main game window closer to the Game Details panel. Reduced font size of "Platform Name" at the top of Launchbox. Reduced the space between the top of box art to the top of the Launchbox window. Adjusted the "Platforms" panel dropdown menu so that it shows all entries without having to scroll. Enlarged the vertical and horizontal scrollbars in List View. Reduced the vertical space between the games in List View. Reduced the height of the column headers in List View. Install instructions:
Copy the Bad Old Monkey folder into your \LaunchBox\LBThemes folder.
In Launchbox Options > Visuals choose the Bad Old Monkey theme from the dropdown menu and restart Launchbox.
If anyone applies the theme and it does not seem to work, try this:
In LB, change theme to Default. Exit app.
Delete the current Bad Old Monkey theme folder entirely.
Download the latest zip from the theme download page.
Extract the new Bad Old Monkey folder into the LBthemes folder.
Open LB again and change theme to bad old monkey.
After relaunching app, it should work correctly.
Spacing settings I use in Launchbox:
Horizontal Spacing 5 Vertical Spacing 5 Horizontal Padding 5 Vertical Padding 5 Text Spacing 2 Text Lines to Show 2 Aspect Ratio 0.651,844 downloads
Mame NoFiller Version 2
By Lordmonkus in Third-party Apps and Plugins
A complete Mame Non Merged rom set for the version you are downloading. You must have this downloaded to your hard drive to use the batch file. If you have a seedbox you can use the included NoFiller v2 - *.txt file to copy / paste to a filter and only download those files if you don't want to use your own internet bandwidth downloaded a complete Non Merged rom set.
What is this ?
This is a batch file for people who only want to have a clean and streamlined set of games in their Arcade platform. It will copy out a curated set of roms from a full Mame rom set. The list of games selected was based off of input from people here on the forums, discord and my own personal experience playing these games growing up in the arcades back in the 80s and 90s. There are 434 rom files that will be copied out but there are some duplicates of a few games that have 2 or 4 player versions such as TMNT or Gauntlet for example, you can pick which one you want to use in your setup. (see below)
This is not the end all be all set of games of course but it is a good solid base to build your own personal set from rather than trying to pare down a complete set of roms. I tried not to include games that had really funky controls or light gun games though I did include some trackball and spinner games.
Included in the zip file you will find a batch file, spreadsheet document and 2 text files (1 list of roms and 1 list of games). The spreadsheet will allow people an easy way to maintain and add games as required. The rom list will make it easy to download only those files if you use a seedbox to get your roms from a torrent and the games list will let you compare what you have imported into Launchbox to see if anything is missing.
How to use this:
First you will need to download the Non-Merged rom set that the batch file was made with, using a different set than the bat file was intended for may or may not cause incompatibilities in roms. Then simply copy the batch file into the folder with all of the roms and double click the bat file, it will make a new folder within that folder and copy all of the roms into that newly created folder. From there you can copy that new folder of roms to anywhere you like and import them into Launchbox, be sure to update your rom path in your mame.ini to point this rom set location. You can now do whatever you like with your full set you downloaded, it is no longer needed for the NoFiller set to function, though you may want to keep a backup just in case.
Extra Notes:
Games that have problems importing into LB, will need to be imported individually.
Akai Katana - akatana.zip
Crossed Swords 2 - crswd2bl.zip
KaGeKi - kagekiu.zip
Sailormoon - sailormnnu.zip
Wrestlefest - wwfwfestu.zip
Games that have more than 1 rom file for 2 player or split screen variant.
darius2 (3 screen)
darius2d (2 screen)
gauntlet (4 player)
gauntlet2p (2 player)
ssriders (4 player)
ssridersabd (2 player)
tmnt (4 player)
tmnt2pj (2 player)
xmen (4 player, 1 screen, pick any character)
xmen6pu (6 player, 2 screen, coin slot determines character)
List of games in this batch file.
Mame 200 NoFiller Batch Copy
By Lordmonkus in Third-party Apps and Plugins
What is this ?
This is a batch file for people who only want to have a clean and streamlined set of games in their Arcade platform. It will copy out a curated set of roms from a full Mame rom set. The list of games selected was based off of input from people here on the forums, discord and my own personal experience playing these games growing up in the arcades back in the 80s and 90s. There are 434 rom files that will be copied out but there are some duplicates of a few games that have 2 or 4 player versions such as TMNT or Gauntlet for example, you can pick which one you want to use in your setup. (see below)
This is not the end all be all set of games of course but it is a good solid base to build your own personal set from rather than trying to pare down a complete set of roms. I tried not to include games that had really funky controls or light gun games though I did include some trackball and spinner games.
Included in the zip file you will find a batch file, spreadsheet document and 2 text files (1 list of roms and 1 list of games). The spreadsheet will allow people an easy way to maintain and add games as required. The rom list will make it easy to download only those files if you use a seedbox to get your roms from a torrent and the games list will let you compare what you have imported into Launchbox to see if anything is missing.
How to use this:
First you will need to download the Non-Merged rom set that the batch file was made with which is version 0.200, using a different set than the bat file was intended for may or may not cause incompatibilities in roms. Then simply copy the batch file into the folder with all of the roms and double click the bat file, it will make a new folder within that folder and copy all of the roms into that newly created folder. From there you can copy that new folder of roms to anywhere you like and import them into Launchbox, be sure to update your rom path in your mame.ini to point this rom set location. You can now do whatever you like with your full set you downloaded, it is no longer needed for the NoFiller set to function, though you may want to keep a backup just in case.
Games that have problems importing into LB, will need to be imported individually.
Akai Katana - akatana.zip
Crossed Swords 2 - crswd2bl.zip
KaGeKi - kagekiu.zip
Sailormoon - sailormnnu.zip
Wrestlefest - wwfwfestu.zip
Games that have more than 1 rom file for 2 player or split screen variant.
darius2 (3 screen)
darius2d (2 screen)
gauntlet (4 player)
gauntlet2p (2 player)
tmnt (4 player)
tmnt2pj (2 player)
xmen (4 player, 1 screen, pick any character)
xmen6pu (6 player, 2 screen, coin slot determines character)
If you think I have missed some extremely important games that I overlooked and desperately need to be added feel free to post in the thread below and I will consider adding them in a future update.
Mame HLSL ver 2
By Lordmonkus in Third-party Apps and Plugins
This is a new version of HLSL settings I have been using recently and I find them much more "accurate" than my previous settings found here:
To use this simply enable HLSL in your mame.ini by setting hlsl_enable to 1 instead of 0 and dropping this raster.ini file into your \Mame\ini\presets folder. Backup your old one first just in case you do not like this one.
I do not take any credit for these settings at all. I got these from the youtube channel Big Blue Frontend and his custom 186 version of Mame he uploaded.
As always with shaders there are several factors that have an effect in how they look such as display type (TN vs IPS) size and resolution and of course personal preference.
Retroarch Mame 185 Core
By Lordmonkus in Third-party Apps and Plugins
I have seen several times over the last couple of months people looking for the old 185 version of the Mame core for Retroarch which is no longer available through their downloader. Many people still use older Mame rom sets and would like to have this version of the core over using the newer one and having to update their rom set to ensure full compatibility. I got permission from Hunterk over on the Retroarch forums to provide this core openly for people to download https://forums.libretro.com/t/where-can-i-redownload-the-mame-185-core/11335/17?u=lordmonkus but if I am asked to remove it at a later date I will do so.
This is the 64 bit version, sorry I don't have the 32 bit version.
NeoGeo Rom Copy 190 Non-Merged
By Lordmonkus in Third-party Apps and Plugins
This is an updated batch file to copy out a full NeoGeo rom set from a Non-Merged 190 Mame rom set. The zip file contains both a batch and a plain text file so you can see what is being copied out.
Simply place the bat file into the folder where your Mame roms are located. Run the bat file and it will create a folder in that folder called NeoGeo and then copy the files located in that folder over to the folder that was created. It will copy all the game roms and the bios files.
@ckp deserves the bulk of the credit for compiling this list, all I did was convert it to a batch file and upload it.
Retroarch GenesisGX Split Cores
By Lordmonkus in Third-party Apps and Plugins
This is for those of you that want to have separate configs and shaders for each of the different consoles the GenesisGX core in Retroarch supports. As some of you who have tried to just make copies of the GenesisGX core and renamed them know this doesn't work because Retroarch uses the internal name of the core .dll file to generate configs. These are 64 bit only so if you are using the 32 bit version of Retroarch they won't work.
You will use the main GenesisGX core for your Genesis / Megadrive emulation and included in the download file is separate cores for the SG-1000, Game Gear, Master System and Sega CD. Simply extract them to your Retroarch\cores folder and change your command lines in Launchbox for the platforms to point to these cores that you choose to use.
I did not create these at all, the user by the name of Typhon over on the Retroarch forums took the time to compile these separated cores. Anyone can do this if you have the know how to compile the code into a working .dll file but Typhon did the work and uploaded it over there. For anyone downloading these just be reminded that these will not be updated by the Retroarch dev team so if you want up to date ones in the future you will either have to compile your own or hope that someone has done it and uploaded it. These are up to date as of October 31, 2017.
Lordmonkus' Best of 2600 List
By Lordmonkus in Playlists
This my personal Best of 2600 list.
Some of these games are part of my list because I grew up playing them, others are just there because they are classics but the vast majority are there because they are actually still fun to play today. I tried not to put many arcade ports on here but there is a couple if they were actually really good ports. There are a couple of improvement hacked roms which are homebrews and not hacks that you would need to get and they are freely available over on http://atariage.com/index.php they are not copyright protected so there is no worry about that.
Space Rocks thread and download http://atariage.com/forums/topic/197315-space-rocks-2600
Pac-Man (8K) post and download http://atariage.com/forums/topic/229152-new-pacman-for-atari-2600/page-37#entry3298369
Here is the list of games in the playlist file and a short blurb about it:
Adventure - Not really a favourite of mine but it is a classic 2600 game.
Atlantis - Sort a Missile Command clone but different enough and unique.
Barnstorming - Fly through barns, what other games offer this ?
Beamrider - Another game that isn't really a favourite of mine but many people like it so it's here.
Berzerk - Arcade port but really well done.
Boxing (Activision) - This game is a great 2 player vs game, really fun button mashing action.
Chopper Command - Horizontal shooter Defender clone but by Activision so you know it's good.
Communist Mutants From Space - That name alone makes it great but it is a very good Space Invaders clone.
Cosmic Ark - Shoot asteroids and abduct people, how can you go wrong ?
Dark Chambers - Closest thing to Gauntlet on the 2600.
Demon Attack - Probably the best Space Invaders clone similar to Phoenix but it's an Imagic game and looks great.
Dolphin - It's like Ecco the Dolphin only it's on the 2600.
Dragonfire - Steal treasure from a dragon, nothing else needs to be said.
DragonStomper - Insane RPG game for its time, try it out.
Enduro - Awesome racing game, Outrun before Outrun.
Frostbite - Mix of Q-Bert meets Frogger but with a unique twist, fun game.
H.E.R.O - It's freaking H.E.R.O. arguably the best game on the system.
Keystone Kapers - Fun game I played for many hours as a kid.
Laser Blast - Fun Space Invaders in reverse, you play the invader destroying the base.
Official Frogger - This was made by Starpath for the Super Charger addon. It looks great, you have to see it in comparison to the Parker Bros version.
Pac-Man (8K homebrew) - This one you need to get from Atariage forums. This is how Pac-Man should have been on the system.
Pengo - Fun puzzle game.
Phoenix - Space Invaders clone but I played it a lot as a kid so it's on here.
Pitfall and Pitfall II - 'Nuff said.
River Raid - Also 'nuff said, play it if you never played it.
Sea Quest - Fun underwater horizontal shooter.
Solaris - Late release for the system, looks great and is a lot of fun.
Space Rocks - This is another Atariage homebrew and is the best version of Asteroids on the 2600. The original Asteroids is left off because of this version.
Spider Fighter - Another Activision games and great fast paced shooter.
Stampede - Rope cows, how many games has this ? A lot of fun and played it a lot as a kid.
Starmaster - First person space combat and another Activision game.
Survival Island - Another Starpath Super Charger addon game, swim to the island without getting eaten.
Tutankham - Raid tombs and steal treasure.
Yars Revenge - System exclusive and a classic.
No Filler Mame Rom Copy 182
By Lordmonkus in Third-party Apps and Plugins
These bat files will copy all the roms and bios files from a split rom set as of Mame v.182 rom set. Using this on a rom set not 182 you may have missing roms so use with care if your set is different.
This is an updated version of the older No Filler batch file for romset 170 I uploaded here:
Thanks to @ckpfor taking the time to update this batch file for the newer set.
In the download zip file you will find 2 files, one .txt and one .bat file. The .txt file is just there so you can look inside and see what is being done by the .bat file.
To use this simply copy the _NoFiller.bat file to the folder containing your 182 rom set and run it like any other program. It will create a folder called _NoFiller and copy all the roms from your rom collection into the _NoFiller folder. From there you can then move that folder out to a location of your choosing for storage and then import those roms into Launchbox and you will have a nicer streamlined set of games.
All Killer No Filler Mame Rom Copy
By Lordmonkus in Third-party Apps and Plugins
These bat files will copy all the roms and bios files from a split rom set as of Mame v.170 rom set. Using this on a rom set not 170 you may have missing roms so use with care if your set is different.
First off I did not create this at all, I am merely packaging this into one file for easy download and distribution. I got these files from http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,149708.msg1563036.html#msg1563036 and they were created by the user BadMouth and he deserves all the credit for these files and the work put into them.
In this package you will find bat files and txt files of the same name, these are exactly the same files but with different extentions. Open the txt files if you wish to view exactly what the bat files are going to do.
To use these files simply copy the bat files into your Mame rom folder and run each bat file. Each bat file will then create a folder with a name matching the bat file and copy the roms from your Mame roms into the corresponding folder for easy organization. It does not move your files so you will still have an intact full Mame rom set.
If you do not wish to have separate folders simply use the _NoFiller.bat to copy them all in one shot into a folder created by the bat file.
630 games including those commented out. The batch file may contain more than this since I included multiple versions of a few games so the user could pick which works best for them. (2 or 4 player version, Budweiser Tapper or Root Beer Tapper, etc)
I'm using split sets, these numbers may vary depending on type of set and compression method.
NeoGeo Rom Copy
By Lordmonkus in Third-party Apps and Plugins
These bat files are used to copy or move the NeoGeo rom set out of a Mame rom set to have a separate collection of just NeoGeo roms if you have not obtained a separate NeoGeo rom set already.
In this zip file you will find 4 bat files, use the one for the job you wish to do whether it is move or copy and if your rom set is in .zip or .7z files.
Simply drop the appropriate bat file into the folder where your Mame roms are located. Run the bat file and it will create a folder in that folder called NeoGeo and then copy / move all the files located in that folder over to the folder that was created. It will copy / move all the game roms and the bios files.
I generated this list of roms from my "full" NeoGeo rom set I had downloaded. It should be complete but I cannot guarantee with 100% certainty that its completely accurate.
If you find any problems please let me know on the Launchbox forums.
Mame HLSL Settings
By Lordmonkus in Third-party Apps and Plugins
Here are the Mame HLSL settings I use. HLSL has the advantage of working for both horizontal and vertical games.
These settings are for use in Mame version 0.172 or later. Older versions will not look right, there were changes made in Mame 0.172 that made HLSL a much better shader choice.
There are 3 text files inside, one is a readme with simple instructions. As always when making edits and changes make a backup of your files you are about ti edit first just in case you do not like the changes.
Copy the text from "mameini.txt" and paste it into the mame.ini file replacing the block of text that is already in it. Don't simply add it to the end.
Copy the text from rasterini.txt into the "raster.ini" file located in the /ini/presets folder in the Mame folder. Overwrite everything that is there.
As always with shader settings they may look better or worse on your monitor depending on size, resolution and calibration. These settings I think look really good on my monitor which is a 27" 1440 resolution TN panel from Asus.