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About This File

This is a .bat file that will copy all of the needed ROMs from your MAME folder. To use just place the .bat in your MAME ROMs folder and run the program can't be done from a network location has to be done on the actual computer where the directory is located. A few games won't copy as the names have changed and SuperModel doesn't play the new ROMs that aren't named correctly and renaming them to the correct name doesn't make a difference either. They are mostly deluxe versions of games and Scud Racing Plus. Their or is a version of the games in working order . VF3 wouldn't launch with the ROM from the 178 version of MAME so I went back to the one I had originally everything else is working with the newer MAME ROMs I was using r488 of SuperModel but that was crashing all of the Virtua Fighter games after updating to r495 from emu.cr those games are no longer crashing. Hope this makes it easier to either get your Model 3 games imported or at least to update your ROMs to the latest version.

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