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20 Screenshots

About This File

This is a reboot of my pack of platform banners to keep in line with Nosh On This Twice - Clear Device Logos. The biggest addition is platform categories and playlists for every system. As mentioned in clear device logos, there may be unneeded genre playlist images for some of the platforms, at some point i will remove them but for now it includes everything.


98 Platform Banners

2854 Playlist Banners

298 Platform Category Banners


Other Nosh On This Twice Downloads

Nosh On This Twice - Banners

Nosh On This Twice - Clear Logos

Nosh On This Twice - Clear Device Logos

Nosh On This Twice - LaunchBox Theme

Nosh On This Twice - Black LaunchBox Theme

Nosh On This Twice - BigBox Theme

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User Feedback

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These look great. i just wish the resolution was higher. using it for my second display on my pc and these arent large enough unfortunately. but the style is great. very well done.

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