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Bezel for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum platform.

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This is probably my favourite bezel for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum but the size of it was weird (1920x1200) and I don't like that it doesn't have the rounded "TV" part in the middle.

I tried to sort it myself by pasting it over an existing bezel that did have the "TV" part. Unfortunately, the sides of yours are narrower than what I was working with. As such, I have attached the two that I've came up with.

The first one has the width of the original stretch to match the size of the template I was using. This keeps all of the image but makes it fat.

The second one is completely resized so that width fits but the bottom of the bezel is cut off, so the screenshots and little image of the actual 48K are gone. This is probably the one I will use myself.






Great work, love the bezel and thanks also Fatguy for adapting it

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