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6 Screenshots

About This File


Eclipse for BigBox is a different kind of theme.  Rather than using the normal theme engine, it uses a plug-in to build the user interface from the ground up.  The goal for this plug-in is to provide: 

  • Netflix style user interface with multiple lists of games on the screen at one time
  • Voice search
  • Random game function


Platform list view

Eclipse - Platform List.png


Game detail view

Eclipse - Game Details.png


Options for categorizing games

Eclipse - Options.png


Startup theme

Eclipse - Startup Theme.png


Shutdown theme

Eclipse - Exit Theme.png


Attract mode (screen saver)





Installation Instructions
1. Download: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/3220-eclipse/
2. Extract the contents to a folder
3. Inside the Eclipse folder is a folder called LaunchBox
4. Copy the Plugins, StartupThemes, and Themes folders
5. Go to your Launch Box installation folder and paste the copied folders
6. Open Big Box
7. Esc to get to options
8. Select Options > Views
9. Set Theme to Eclipse
10. Set Platforms List View to Platform Wheel 1
11. If you want to use the startup theme, Options > Game Startup
    - Uncheck Show "Loading Game..." Message
    - Check Enable Startup Screen
    - Startup Theme: Eclipse
    - Minimum Startup Screen Display Time: 5 seconds
    - Maximum Startup screen Display Time: 5 seconds
    - Check Hide Mouse Cursor on Startup Screens
12. Go back - the first time the theme starts will take a long load time to generate the image cache
13. NOTE - If you get any errors, you can check the log file called Eclipse.txt in your LaunchBox folder and message me on the forums to let me know

General usage
- Up, Down, Left, Right - moves around
- Enter - selects something
- Escape - cancel or go back - pressing it will get you back to the BigBox settings where you can exit the application
- Page Up - pick a random game
- Page Down - voice search

- Bezel images can be displayed around the preview videos
- The system will first look for a game specific bezel. If not found, it will look for a platform specific bezel. If not found, it will look for a default bezel. 
- A few default bezels are provided with the installation. You can delete them from the folders specified below if you prefer the videos without bezels.

Game specific bezels
- The system tries to find a game specific bezel image in the following order:

1. In plug-in media directory:

- Here {CleanGameTitle} replaces any invalid characters with an underscore. Characters like ' and : cannot appear in file names so they are replaced with an underscore
- For example: A bezel file for the game "19XX: The War Against Destiny" should have the following path and file name ..\LaunchBox\Plugins\Eclipse\Media\Images\Arcade\Bezel\19XX_ The War Against Destiny.png

MAME bezels
- If a game specific bezel isn't found in the plug-ins media folder as described above, then the program will look into the MAME installation folder. In order for MAME bezels to work, installing the bezel project for MAME would create files with this structure:


Retroarch bezels
- Bezels installed by the bezel project for retroarch will go into a folder location like this:


Platform specific bezels
- These are used if there are no game specific bezels found
- You can specify a different image for horizontally and vertically oriented games so that they fit appropriately
- The platform specific bezel image files must have the following file names and locations:

System default bezels
- These are used if there are no game specific or platform specific bezels found
- You can specify a different image for horizontally and vertically oriented games so that they fit appropriately
- The default bezel image files must have the following file name and location:

Looking for feedback

I'm looking for any suggestions that would make this theme better.  What's currently on my list for improvements:

  1. New option to add a game to a playlist from the game detail screen
  2. New option to display game manuals from the game detail screen
  3. Improve image cache logic to better detect differences between LB images and plugin image cache
  4. Use VLC for video playback 
  5. Option to flip box art 
    1. This could be expanded a bit more to 
  6. Show achievements in game details
  7. Improvements to the options side-panel that opens up under the gear (add some icons and make it look a little less "blah")
  8. Several ideas for configuration options
    1. Default category and list to pick when opening 
    2. Minimum number of games required to be included in a category
      1. This would allow you to eliminate lists don't have more than 1 game showing in the series category for example
  9. Improvements to the loading screen to make it prettier
  10. Performance improvements for loading times by doing more work in the background
  11. Overhaul of entire codebase
    1. Support for any resolution or aspect ratio - currently this only works (well) on 16:9 screens
    2. Make game lists more dynamic - the implementation of the lists uses a bunch of static image controls 
    3. Localization

If anyone thinks of anything that could make this theme better, I'd be interested to hear it!

Source Code
If you're interested in the source code, it's (not pretty and it's) available here: 

Edited by Fry
Adding suggestion

What's New in Version 0.0.019   See changelog


Added a setting to control the padding around the game details

  • Like 14
  • Thanks 2
  • Game On 2
  • Unusual Gem 8

User Feedback

Recommended Comments



6 hours ago, samisnow said:

I absolutely love this theme however am finding issues with the voice search it is not working.

The error that is coming up it "The language for the grammar does not match the language for the speech recognizer"

I am in Australia and have my languages set to English Australia

Hi there, glad you are enjoying it so far. Regarding the error, do you have an eclipse.txt file in your Launchbox folder with any details about the error?  If so, please send it over, it may help me to figure out what is causing the error. I’ll see if I can figure out how to change the language in my computer to English Australia and whether I can reproduce the error. 



On 10/8/2023 at 2:01 AM, samisnow said:

I absolutely love this theme however am finding issues with the voice search it is not working.

The error that is coming up it "The language for the grammar does not match the language for the speech recognizer"

I am in Australia and have my languages set to English Australia

I think he is revamping the search mech soon.



On 9/4/2023 at 8:59 PM, Fry said:

Yeah this is still on my radar.  It's the main feature I've been working on when I've had time to work on this project but time has been super limited.  So far, I've got a new search option that opens an onscreen keyboard and when you input values into the keyboard, it will present a list of matching metadata values as possible filters.  I need to take it further and allow you to select from the filters and have it filter the game list with the selected filters.    

Here's how it's looking at this time.  I'm still working out the layout and how it should all be incorporated into the overall theme.


Can we get a boot leg version of that? The kids will be over soon and I would like to search for them on the TV. If it is possible. Thank you!

  • Like 1


Unfortunately I have been too swamped to spend a second thinking about this project and it’s not in a state where a new release would provide you with the value you’re looking for. Some day when my work is not so busy I will come back to this (maybe…hopefully). I do miss working on this but other responsibilities, ya know?  The code is out there for anyone to extend as they like!

  • Like 2


On 11/21/2023 at 5:47 PM, Fry said:

Unfortunately I have been too swamped to spend a second thinking about this project and it’s not in a state where a new release would provide you with the value you’re looking for. Some day when my work is not so busy I will come back to this (maybe…hopefully). I do miss working on this but other responsibilities, ya know?  The code is out there for anyone to extend as they like!

That hit hard. Because I totally understand what you mean. Times has changed and hobbies seem like a luxury now.
Sigh. I feel you. 


Posted (edited)

First of all a big, big thanks for this awesome theme to @Fry!

I have 2 questions:

1. Can I reduce the size of the line with release date, star ranking etc.?

2. Is it possible to show the game notes?

3. Is it possible to have a screenshot if there´s no video available?

Edited by Guenther


5 hours ago, Guenther said:

First of all a big, big thanks for this awesome theme to @Fry!

I have 2 questions:

1. Can I reduce the size of the line with release date, star ranking etc.?

2. Is it possible to show the game notes?

3. Is it possible to have a screenshot if there´s no video available?

Thanks for the kind words.

#1 would require a bit of development, I don’t think it would be too complicated so I will look into adding a setting to set the size of those items. 

#2 also will require some development as well as a bit of design.  Where are you wanting to see the notes?  I remember trying to add them under the release date and star rating area and it didn’t look very good to me so I kept them off.  I could include an option on page up/down to toggle them on screen like I did with the zoomed in box art, kind of like a pop up that you can toggle on or off?  Or are you wanting to see the notes under the release date and star rating area?  If so just on the game details screen when you’ve selected a game or on the main screen and on game details? Let me know and I can try some stuff.

#3 I need to take a look at the code, I can’t remember now if there’s a configuration that would let that happen.  Actually I thought it should show screenshots by default when there is no video.  I’ll check to confirm.




3 hours ago, Fry said:

Thanks for the kind words.

#1 would require a bit of development, I don’t think it would be too complicated so I will look into adding a setting to set the size of those items. 

#2 also will require some development as well as a bit of design.  Where are you wanting to see the notes?  I remember trying to add them under the release date and star rating area and it didn’t look very good to me so I kept them off.  I could include an option on page up/down to toggle them on screen like I did with the zoomed in box art, kind of like a pop up that you can toggle on or off?  Or are you wanting to see the notes under the release date and star rating area?  If so just on the game details screen when you’ve selected a game or on the main screen and on game details? Let me know and I can try some stuff.

#3 I need to take a look at the code, I can’t remember now if there’s a configuration that would let that happen.  Actually I thought it should show screenshots by default when there is no video.  I’ll check to confirm.


Thank your very much for your fast response!

I think the best place to have the game infos would be on the game details screen.



Alrighty, for now I took care of #1.  I've uploaded a new version (Eclipse.v.0.0.019) which has a new setting for the selected game details padding.  You can access that setting via launchbox from Tools > Manage Eclipse on the Margin tab: 


The default value is 0 and the game details will be the same size as they were in version 18 of the plugin.  


Setting it to a value of 5 will look something like this: 


Setting it to a value of 10 will make the details really small: 


As for number 2, I will play around with it a bit more but for now the notes look really out of place to me so I will think on it.  In the meantime, the source code is available so anyone is more than welcome to edit it to create a new version that shows the details however they see fit.  

For number 3, it is coded to use a video if available and if not it takes the background image and if no background image is available for a game then it will use the game's screenshot image.  Here's an example of a game in my library that has no video and no background image but it does have a screenshot image:


Are you not seeing screenshots when missing videos because you are seeing the prioritized background images?  Were you saying you prefer to prioritize the screen shots over the background images or you're not seeing them at all?

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1


I see the latest update to LaunchBox updates to a newer version of .net and replaced the XML data files with a SQLLite database. I’m not sure what will break with this theme since it’s been so long since I looked at the code but I have a feeling somewhere I’m reading an XML file or some Issue with the .net update may cause incompatibility. I’ll test and update things when I get a chance but if anyone has tested please let me know if your run into any issues!


Posted (edited)

On 1/2/2025 at 3:15 AM, Fry said:

Are you not seeing screenshots when missing videos because you are seeing the prioritized background images?  Were you saying you prefer to prioritize the screen shots over the background images or you're not seeing them at all?


Frist of all sorry for my late response! I was pretty bussy. And thank you for your awesome update!
And yes, it works now. I see the video, if there is non I see the background. If there´s non as well, I see the screenshot now. But I would prefer to prioritize the screenshot over the background.

On 2/13/2025 at 8:44 PM, Fry said:

I see the latest update to LaunchBox updates to a newer version of .net and replaced the XML data files with a SQLLite database. I’m not sure what will break with this theme since it’s been so long since I looked at the code but I have a feeling somewhere I’m reading an XML file or some Issue with the .net update may cause incompatibility. I’ll test and update things when I get a chance but if anyone has tested please let me know if your run into any issues!

I´d like to test your theme, but I can even start Launchbox 13.19 without having an error.

Another question: What size do you recommand for the game logos? Mine are 800 px wide with different heights. The problem is that some look blurry.

Edited by Guenther


On 2/14/2025 at 2:43 PM, Guenther said:

I would prefer to prioritize the screenshot over the background.

The theme is hard coded to get the background image first and if there isn't one it will then get the screenshot image and if not, it grabs the default background.  One thing you could do to prioritize screenshots without any need for a code change is to set the screenshot image(s) you prefer in the launchbox background properties.  From launchbox, tools > options, media > background priorities, scroll down and check the image you prefer like screenshot - gameplay, and use the move selected up button to move the image up to the top.  Then when the theme code gets the background image it will get a screenshot if one exists and if not it will still get a background image.  This would impact all themes though, not just this theme so I'm not sure this approach works for you. 

On 2/14/2025 at 2:43 PM, Guenther said:

What size do you recommand for the game logos? Mine are 800 px wide with different heights. The problem is that some look blurry.

What's your display resolution?  The way the theme is setup, the clear logos will scale uniformly to fit approx 28% of the monitor height.  The laptop I do this on is old and is 1366x768, so my game logos are scale to approx 215 pixels tall.  If your monitor is 1920x1080 the logos would scale to take up about 302 pixels. 


Posted (edited)

On 2/17/2025 at 4:57 AM, Fry said:

The theme is hard coded to get the background image first and if there isn't one it will then get the screenshot image and if not, it grabs the default background.  One thing you could do to prioritize screenshots without any need for a code change is to set the screenshot image(s) you prefer in the launchbox background properties.  From launchbox, tools > options, media > background priorities, scroll down and check the image you prefer like screenshot - gameplay, and use the move selected up button to move the image up to the top.  Then when the theme code gets the background image it will get a screenshot if one exists and if not it will still get a background image.  This would impact all themes though, not just this theme so I'm not sure this approach works for you. 

What's your display resolution?  The way the theme is setup, the clear logos will scale uniformly to fit approx 28% of the monitor height.  The laptop I do this on is old and is 1366x768, so my game logos are scale to approx 215 pixels tall.  If your monitor is 1920x1080 the logos would scale to take up about 302 pixels. 

Thanks for the tip with the background options - that´s perfectly fine for me :)

My resolution ist 1920x1080. I tested some logos with 1000 px and they are a little bit to wide. So 800 px is my personal preference.

And your theme is working with Launchbox 13.19 as well. But I haven´t checked all the options in detail, yet. BUT: The option to manage Eclipse under "Tools" in Launchbox is missing now. Is there a way to set the options manually for example in an INI file?

Edited by Guenther


Thanks for the heads up about the settings dialog, I hadn't noticed that.  I'll look into why that's not working and get a fix out when I'm able.  Yes, in the meantime, you can manage settings manually through json files that are stored in your launchbox folder under Plugins > Eclipse > Settings.  There are two setting files, EclipseSettings.json defines the main settings and CustomLists.json define any custom lists.  It would probably be a little cumbersome to try to manage the settings through these files but it is definitely possible.  Let me know if you run into any trouble trying to do it an I can help you with some of the syntax if anything isn't making sense or working as expected. 



On 2/19/2025 at 2:49 PM, Fry said:

Thanks for the heads up about the settings dialog, I hadn't noticed that.  I'll look into why that's not working and get a fix out when I'm able.  Yes, in the meantime, you can manage settings manually through json files that are stored in your launchbox folder under Plugins > Eclipse > Settings.  There are two setting files, EclipseSettings.json defines the main settings and CustomLists.json define any custom lists.  It would probably be a little cumbersome to try to manage the settings through these files but it is definitely possible.  Let me know if you run into any trouble trying to do it an I can help you with some of the syntax if anything isn't making sense or working as expected. 

As I took pictures of my settings before reinstalling it was quite easy adapting the EclipseSettings.json. Thank you!

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