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6 Screenshots

About This File

I know this isnt very good as such but showing a potential style for the cocktail view that could be done, if anyone wants to use it for template please feel free, this may be useful for style.


My hope with the glass segment was the idea that if it transitioned between menus it would open and close like a door opening to selected platform/view that could occur, this is a single view for Vertical Wheel 1


What's New in Version 1.0.2   See changelog


More view options as shown above screenshot attempts, i apologise if any issue as new to the theme creator tools.

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Reimu Daze

· Edited by Reimu Daze


This one seemed really trippy so at first I was not sure how it would workout, but once I tried it it's actually a really cool theme. It seems barebones, lacking some features one may come to expect from top themes, atleast at first because more information is available when you select the game, but even so that would not necessarily be a bad thing at all, doing things differently can have good results too, it certainly works really well on a big screen for me. I also appreciate the background you picked, as well as making the game cases the centerpieces, a lot of us warmly remember collecting video game and their cases, so I am certainly biased! 

This seems like a theme from someone who knows the direction they want to go, at least that is the impression I get, this is yet another theme that I will keep my eyes on! I think this is one of those themes that everyone should try, especially if undecided on which theme to use. 

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