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5 Screenshots

About This File

Hey Guys,

I wanted to have cohesive media set for my MSU-1 games, so I made some boxes and discs for them.

This took much longer than I had anticipated it would, but there are 18 games included as well as templates for any not here. There are two version to download. One has everything and one excludes the gameplay snaps if you don't need/want those.

This set includes the following:


Platform media (located in the Extras folder):

- Banner

- Clear Logo

- Fanart

If you need a platform video, I have one linked just below that I made awhile ago, but I'm still happy with it:


Game media:

- 3D boxes

- Box fronts, back and spines

- Discs

- Gameplay snaps

If you want Cinematic/Theme videos there are some available at the following link that I made. About half of these games are covered. I had wanted to make some for the others, but I need to move on to other projects, but will eventually make some for them too:


There are also some extras included as well in the folder of the same name:

- Templates

- SNES font I used

- Screenshots

- Fanart

- Title screenshots

- Retroarch overlay (nothing crazy and I didn't make it but does the job)

- Clear logos but these are the same as the SNES ones; just included for sake of completion

- Game Details if you use the Unified Refried theme (background and Video Border)

- Startup/Pause for the Unified Pause theme


Below is a preview if you want to get an idea of things before downloading:


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