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9 Screenshots

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Some Game Bezels I created, using a mix of Arcade Cabinet View(reshade version) and Rocketlauncher to display. 

Note: If you use arcade Cabinet view or reshade, I hade to set up each game individually inside the game folder reshade mixes up the games?? Probably from so many using the orginal BOR game to start.

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Posted (edited)

Any chance of the ini files for the bezels to use with RocketLauncher ?


Edited by zugswang


On 1/31/2023 at 2:59 AM, zugswang said:

Any chance of the ini files for the bezels to use with RocketLauncher ?


I’ll try later sorry for the late reply 




Here are my Ini's for Rocket Launcher, There are only 3 games and I use the PC Launcher Module. they would not work with Arcade Cabinet view they are to old.

All the rest I use Arcade Cabinet view much easier to set up.

Demon Sluga and Rage of the Dragon I had to set Fixed Resolution Mode to true under System specific module settings to get them to work.


I had to add Sleep 1000 line to the PClauncher module before the BezelDraw() should be around line 206 without it I had problems with the bezel being drawn behind the game.

If (DXWndGame = "true" and (DXWndMaximizeWindow = "aspect" or DXWndMaximizeWindow = "stretch"))
    appPrimaryWindow.Maximize(If (DXWndMaximizeWindow="aspect") ? "true" : "false")

Sleep 1000


TimerUtils.Sleep(FadeInExitSleep)    ; PCLauncher setting for some stubborn games that keeps the fadeIn screen up a little longer

If you noticed the top and bottom boarders on them are not even, I could not get the centered correctly using the bezel offset settings in rocketlauncher.



Hatchet Ninjaz.ini Rage of the Dragon.ini Demon Sluga.ini

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