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Hyper NeoGeo 64 & The Rest of SNK | MAME Controller Exclusive Button Layout Images & Pre Mapped Config Files | NVRAM Fixes & Enhancements, Free Play, Unlocks etc 1.0.0

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69 Screenshots

About This File

This is the rest of SNK after completing NeoGeo. This one is all about those rotary joystick games and the best way to map them. But, did you know that the majority of these have a joystick hack version that doesn't use a rotary input at all. Great!

Despite this I still have configured the rotary versions. Essentially, you can turn/spin left or right on the spot with these games. On OG hardware you'd twist the joystick to do this. Figuring this out for controllers was tricky but nothing I can't handle.

Turn left & right is on the right stick and LT & RT. This suits those who prefer to use both sticks with shoot on RB/LB. You can also use LT & RT to turn and use the face buttons to shoot.

Hyper NeoGeo isn't 100% yet but it's getting there. Enough for me to configure for.

Alpha Denshi had a very close relationship with SNK. So, I configured those handful of games for the sake of completeness.

Below is a table of everything that has been done game by game. I have noted everything of importance for the end user experience.

ASO: Armoured Scum Object / Alpha Mission
Game Info:
-This game was called ASO in Japan and Alpha Mission in other regions. Both have been configured and a separate image created for both.

-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, bonus life changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-All ships at start cheat is ON.
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
Bermuda Triangle
-Rotary joystick game. Mapped correctly so rotate is on the triggers or right stick. Using digital inputs for these is way better.
-These games do not play like twin stick shooters. The rotary element was for simply turning (rotating) left and right.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
Chopper I
Display Info:
-At default (3:4) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to pixel aspect (14:25) so it doesn't look like ass.

-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
Country Club
Game Info:
-Fuck this game.

-Trackball golf game.
-Man, this is the only game so far that has defeated me. It's working but it's impossible to refine your shots with analog input. It's midrange hits no matter what, even after swapping to digital. Problem with digital is that it has no variance with speed. I dunno, it's shitty game anyway.
-You are welcome to have a crack at this to get it working 'perfectly', but I'm out on this one. It works well enough to play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
Fighting Soccer
Display Info:
-At default (4:3) this game is squashed and distorted.
-Set to pixel aspect (25:14). These the earliest dedicated widescreen arcade games I have come across.

Game Info:
-This game has been switched to a 4 player machine.
-The multiplayer game type selection is stupid, with 5 to choose from. These are on the start buttons of their respective controllers. Type A = Start on controller 1 etc. For Type E (1&2 player v 3&4 player) you'll need to press Y on controller 4.

-Rotary joystick game. Mapped correctly so rotate is on the triggers or right stick.
-There is a joystick hack version 'fsoccerb' that has been changed/hacked so you simply kick the ball in the direction you are facing. Completely removing the rotary aspect of the input. You may find this to be easier to play. However, the game was intended to be played while being able to 'spin' your kick direction on the spot.
-Both the original rotary joystick, and hacked non rotary versions have been configured.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Cab type set to 4 player cocktail. No screen flipping.
Gladiator 1984
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
Guerrilla War
Display Info:
-At default (3:4) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to pixel aspect (14:25) so it doesn't look like ass.

-Rotary joystick game. Mapped correctly so rotate is on the triggers or right stick. Using digital inputs for these is way better.
-There is a joystick hack version 'gwarb' that has been changed/hacked so you simply shoot in the direction you are facing. Completely removing the rotary aspect of the input. You may find this to be easier to play. However, the game was intended to be played while being able to 'spin' on the spot.
-Both the original rotary joystick, and hacked non rotary versions have been configured.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
Ikari Warriors
-Rotary joystick game. Mapped correctly so rotate is on the triggers or right stick. Using digital inputs for these is way better.
-There is a joystick hack version 'ikaripb' that has been changed/hacked so you simply shoot in the direction you are facing. Completely removing the rotary aspect of the input. You may find this to be easier to play. However, the game was intended to be played while being able to 'spin' on the spot.
-Both the original rotary joystick, and hacked non rotary versions have been configured.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
Jumping Cross
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
Lee Trevino’s Fighting Golf
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
Mad Crasher
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
Marvins Maze
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
Psycho Soldier
Display Info:
-Left at default (4:3) this game is squished.
-Pixel aspect ratio set (25:14). This is really wide for the time.

-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Rotary joystick game. Mapped correctly so rotate is on the triggers or right stick. Using digital inputs for these is way better.
-There is a joystick hack version 'tnk3b' that has been changed/hacked so you simply shoot in the direction you are facing. Completely removing the rotary aspect of the input. You may find this to be easier to play. However, the game was intended to be played while being able to 'spin' on the spot.
-Both the original rotary joystick, and hacked non rotary versions have been configured.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
TouchDown Fever
Display Info:
-At default (3:4) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to pixel aspect (14:25) so it doesn't look like ass.

Game Info:
-This game has been switched to a 4 player machine.
-The multiplayer game type selection is stupid, with 5 to choose from. These are on the start buttons of their respective controllers. Type A = Start on controller 1 etc. For Type E (1&2 player v 3&4 player) you'll need to press Y on controller 4.

-Rotary joystick game. Mapped correctly so rotate is on the triggers or right stick.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Cab type set to 4 player cocktail. No screen flipping.
TouchDown Fever
Display Info:
-At default (3:4) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to pixel aspect (14:25) so it doesnt look like ass.

Game Info:
-Technically a sequal despite being a clone of 'tdfever'.
-This game has been switched to a 4 player machine.
-The multiplayer game type selection is stupid, with 5 to choose from. These are on the start buttons of their respective controllers. Type A = Start on controller 1 etc. For Type E (1&2 player v 3&4 player) you'll need to press Y on controller 4.

-Rotary joystick game. Mapped correctly so rotate is on the triggers or right stick.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Cab type set to 4 player cocktail. No screen flipping.
Vanguard II
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
Victory Road
-Rotary joystick game. Mapped correctly so rotate is on the triggers or right stick. Using digital inputs for these is way better.
-There is a joystick hack version 'dogosoke' that has been changed/hacked so you simply shoot in the direction you are facing. Completely removing the rotary aspect of the input. You may find this to be easier to play. However, the game was intended to be played while being able to 'spin' on the spot.
-Both the original rotary joystick, and hacked non rotary versions have been configured.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
World Wars
Games Info:
-A different version of Bermuda Triangle.

Display Info:
-At default (3:4) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to pixel aspect (14:25).

-Rotary joystick game. Mapped correctly so rotate is on the triggers or right stick. Using digital inputs for these is way better.
-These games do not play like twin stick shooters. The rotary element was for simply turning (rotating) left and right.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
Pioneer Balloon
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
Sasuke vs. Commander
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
Satan of Saturn / Zarzon
Game Info:
-Known as Zarzon in other areas. Both titles configured.

-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-4 buttons to shoot up, down, left and right. I have also mapped this to the right stick so it plays like a twin stick shooter. However, there is no auto fire.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
Ikari III: The Rescue
Display Info:
-At default (4:3) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to Pixel Aspect (8:7) so it looks correct.

-The parent version is the normal non rotary input type.
-I have configured both non rotary and rotary versions so you have the choice.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
P.O.W: Prisoners of War
Display Info:
-At default (4:3) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to Pixel Aspect (8:7) so it looks correct.

-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
SAR: Search And Rescue
-Rotary joystick game. Mapped correctly so rotate is on the triggers or right stick. Using digital inputs for these is way better.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
Street Smart
Display Info:
-At default (4:3) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to Pixel Aspect (8:7) so it looks correct.

-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
Hyper NeoGeo 64  
Beast Busters: Second Nightmare
Game Info:
-Despite what preservation websites may tell you, this game is not for 3 players. Yes it has an entire input system setup for a third player, but it is not used. My source is 'page 28' of the manual.

Display Info:
-At default (4:3) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to Pixel Aspect (8:7) so it looks correct.

-Light Gun game. Accurate out the box.
-Setup to be played with controllers or mice.

Test/Service Menu:
-Blood set to RED, Meat (Gibbing) is ON
-Free Play set
Buriki One: World Grapple Tournament '99 in Tokyo
-What an odd control scheme. On original hardware, move left and right is on 2 buttons, for the right hand. With a joystick in the left hand, that is for attacking and blocking depending on which direction you pushed.
-Attack and block controls are set to an 8 way joystick. Rather than break these out onto button inputs, keeping this set to a joystick is preferable. This is due to how moves are pulled off and really requires joystick input to play correctly.
-Attack/block/moves is set to the right stick. Move left and right buttons are set to the left stick.

Test/Service Menu:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set
Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Violence is ON. Blood etc.
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set
Roads Edge / Round Trip RV
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Speedometer changed to MPH.
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set
Samurai Shodown 64
-Button combinations needed for power moves. These have also been mapped to the triggers and shoulder buttons for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Violence set to MAX. Level-3
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set
Samurai Shodown 64: Warriors Rage
-Button combinations needed for power moves. These have also been mapped to the triggers and shoulder buttons for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Violence set to MAX. Level-3
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set
Xtreme Rally / Off Beat Racer!
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Speedometer changed to MPH.
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set
Gang Wars
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. It disables attract
Gold Medallist
Display Info:
-At default (4:3) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to Pixel Aspect (8:7) so it looks correct.

-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. It disables attract
Sky Adventure
Display Info:
-At default (3:4) this game is squashed and distorted.
-Set to Pixel Aspect (7:8) so it looks correct.

-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. It disables attract
Sky Soldiers
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. It disables attract
Super Champion Baseball
Display Info:
-At default (4:3) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to Pixel Aspect (8:7) so it looks correct.

-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. It disables attract
Time Soldiers
Display Info:
-At default (3:4) this game is squashed and distorted.
-Set to Pixel Aspect (7:8) so it looks correct.

-Rotary joystick game. Mapped correctly so rotate is on the triggers or right stick. Using digital inputs for these is way better.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. It disables attract
Next Space, The
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. It disables attract
Paddle Mania
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. It disables attract
Game Info:
-An awesome game. Stupid hard but a little known gem.

-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. It disables attract
Mahjong Block Jongbou
Game Info:
-Not a mahjong game. It's Arkanoid meets Mahjong.

-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. It disables attract
Mahjong Block Jongbou 2
Game Info:
-Not a mahjong game. It's Arkanoid meets Mahjong.

-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. It disables attract
Super Stingray
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play
Games With Unique/Individual HW  
Beast Busters
-Light Gun game.
-Not 100% accurate at default. When calibrating precisely it's still off by a bit. Needs some time spending on it to get 100% accurate.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play
Canvas Croquis
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play
Main Event (1984)
Game Info:
-Man, fuck his game and it's stupid control scheme. I've done it, but I hated every second.

-Boxing game with a joystick in each hand to simulate punching. Uppercuts were on buttons. These have been mapped to LT & RT.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play
Mechanized Attack
-Light Gun game. Not 100% accurate by default. The seems to be no way to calibrate this game via a test menu. Looks like it was calibrated on the actual light gun hardware.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play
Meijinsen NOT USING OR CONFIGUURING Japanese heavy game.
Micon-Kit Part II
-Analog dial that returns when let go. This is not ideal so changed to digital input for left stick.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play
Prehistoric Isle in 1930
Display Info:
-At default (4:3) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to Pixel Aspect (8:7) so it looks correct.

-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play
Safari Rally
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play
Royal King Jang Oh NOT USING OR CONFIGUURING Mahjong game that uses a mahjong panel.
Games on Other HW  
Ozma Wars
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.

Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play

Edited by Warped Polygon

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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