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6 Screenshots

About This File

This is a custom, Clear Platform Logo, Neon Style, Set of 68 128\ PNG files that were generated in Photoshop.  I am a complete NOOB at Photoshop, but thought the set turned out pretty good for my first attempt!  I am therefore sharing the fruits of my labor with the LaunchBox Community.  The set is meant to compliment the brilliant BigBox theme, Neon Deluxe Arcade, created by Mr. RetroLust!  Enjoy!

A special thanks to:

  • Mr. RetroLust for the brilliant Neon Deluxe Arcade theme.
  • Dan Patrick for his v2 Platform Logos Professional Redrawn + Official Versions New BigBox Defaults set.  This was invaluable to my efforts!





























American Laser Games.png


Atari 7800.png

Atari Jaguar-Alt.-2.png

Coleco ADAM.png

Commodore Amiga 1200.png

Fairchild Channel F.png

GCE Vectrex.png

Magnavox Odyssey 2.png

Microsoft Xbox.png

NEC PC Engine.png

Nintendo Game Boy Advance.png

Nintendo Super Game Boy 2.png

Nintendo Wii U.png

SNK Neo Geo AES-Alt.-2.png

Williams Classics.png


Wonderswan Color.png

3DO Interactive Multiplayer-Alt.-2.png

Nintendo Satellaview.png


Apple II.png


Sinclair ZX Spectrum.png

SNK Classics.png

Texas Instruments TI 99 4A.png

Edited by ROGERWILCO340
Major Update!

What's New in Version 2.0.0   See changelog



-All Platform Logos in the Set have been reworked correcting for the distorted glow effect around most logos that was first reported by damageinc86...Thanks!

-Many new logos added to the Set bringing the total to 128...  In fact, too many to list!

-For  your convenience, I have included the MASTERS of each logo in the Set in PSD format!  Enjoy!

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  • Unusual Gem 2

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