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266 Beat 'Em Ups (Split playlists for MAME and Consoles)


The .xml files:
Beat Em Ups (Arcade):         133 Games for MAME
Beat Em Ups (NES):                 28 Games (17 NES + 2 Famicom)
Beat Em Ups (SNES):               60 Games (37 SNES + 18 Super Famicom)
Beat Em Ups (Genesis):          45 Games (40 Genesis/Megadrive + 5 Sega CD)

Beat Em Ups (Turbo  Grafx): 22 Games

Download the .xml files and place them in your LaunchBox\Data\Playlists directory.


Issues with Metadata and Launchbox IDs:

'Avengers' (Arcade) is a vertical scrolling beat 'em up made by Capcom with no Launchbox ID.  Launchbox will default the Metadata and Media to 'Avengers In Galactic Storm'.  That is the wrong game.  The Mame rom filename is 'Avengers'.  Do not attach any Metadata,  title it exactly as 'Avengers' in the Edit Game window in Launchbox, and Emumovies should give you the proper media (although you may have to surf around to get a clear logo).

There's an arcade prototype game called 'Judge Dredd' made by Midway. It is a beat 'em up and has no launchbox ID.  This is confusing because there is a light gun game called 'Judge Dredd' made by Acclaim. The Mame rom file is 'jdreddp'.  Title it as 'jdreddp' in Launchbox, and Emumovies will give you the media for it. Hit ok and edit it again if you want to change the title without losing the media.  Just don't title it as 'Judge Dredd' or it will get mixed up with the other game.  I named it 'Judge Dredd Prototype'.

For the SNES list I added the Rushing Beat Series: 'Rushing Beat', 'Rushing Beat Ran: Fukusei Toshi', and 'Rushing Beat Shura'.  These are the Japanese but superior versions of Rival Turf, Brawl Brothers and The Peace Keepers, respectively.  No metadata for the Japanese versions and I'm still looking for some of the media.

'UFO Kamen Yakisoban' for the Super Famicom also has no launchbox ID, but there is media for it on Emumovies as long as it is titled exactly like I have it here.

It took about a week and a lot of research to put these lists together and I tried very hard to get every Beat 'Em Up for each platform.  But,  I was pretty strict about what made it on the lists.  There aren't any one-on-one 'Fighters' in these lists, that's a whole other category.  I also kept away from 'Hack n Slash' games which can be categorized as Action/Platformers.

Please let me know if there are any games that should be on these lists.  I'm sure I missed a few.  


What's New in Version 1.1.0   See changelog


More games added to Arcade, NES, and SNES.

Added a new list for Turbo Grafx/PC Engine.

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