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I realize that Pinball FX2 Does have a fairly easy way of importing the tables directly into Launch Box but I was just adding another frontend on which doesn't have the same import functionality so I figured I would drop these here in case someone else wants to use them. There are batch files for FX3 but I could not find any for FX2 so I spent the last hour or so making them. 

Just drop these in the Pinball FX2 folder (where Pinball FX2.exe is) and click to load the table. You can also just import these to LB like any other windows game.  I should mention that these are meant for the stand-alone version (not steam version) and you need to have cabinet mode unlocked (not covering that here, search the forums, it's been brought up many times).

If any don't work, i probably just misspelled the title so sorry, there is a lot of tables and I was going threw them pretty quickly, just let me know and Ill fix it.

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