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About This File

Back once again - this time with a Nintendo NES Marquee / Banner pack. Based on the No-Intro set. Big shout out to @y2guru for the CTC marquee generator! The banners consist of a 3D box on the left, logo in the middle and cart on the right, all over a blurred fanart background. The set is fairly complete but some games don't have fan art and so these marquees just have a black background.

I had previously released a similar set for the Nintendo Famicom (Japan region), consisting of 1294 marquees. This new set includes all regions and contains 2522 marquees, split into 4 zips. Like before, these marquees are fairly long and slim, measuring 2250 x 500px.

A couple of other banner sets are out there but they're generally fatter in terms of the dimensions and with a different aesthetic.

Let me know if any issues or requests.


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