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39 Screenshots

About This File

If there was one system platform that needed a decent 2D front and spine image set, its GBA. There are some decent GBA 2D front image collections out there, but none of them include spine images. I tried to be as accurate as possible and I think most of the FRONT covers are accurate, some spines images may be completely custom tho. (no, I dont have a list of the ones that might be completely custom, I should have kept track). And yes some front covers are upscaled, but not to the point where they look terrible. All North American games are included, along with most Euro exclusives. All the shitty GBA Video movie "games" are included, but it was hard to find decent source scans for most of them. I did not include most of the 2 or 3 game packs that had a single release. The 2 or 3 game packs I did include, are those that did NOT have a single release. Some Japanese exclusives that have been translated or use english menus have been included, but not many. I did include ALL Famicom Mini boxes that were only released in Japan, only because the boxes are cool. I did include PSD templates for the various box styles, for those that may want to create their own boxes that were not included here. Enjoy this much needed set. Any questions, let me know. I will upload a 3D Box version of this (that is the main reason I create these sets).

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