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Files posted by WallyWonka

  1. NEC TurboGrafx CD 3D Box Art

    After doing the TG16 set, I felt I had to bang this one out too. This system confused with the type of art it used. Like TG16, some of the CD games were released in cardboard boxes, while most were just sold in jewel case form. All of these games had a jewel case, but some had a double jewel case despite having only one disc. Very weird (some Sony PS1 games did the same). 4 in 1 Super CD was the most confusing to me. This game has one disc, but I dont know if it had a proper jewel case or not. I couldnt find a proper back or spine image, and I don't think it even had its own cover art. I made a generic custom one for that. If anyone has any information or pictures/scans of the original release let me know. Anyway, all releases are included, but again no japanese PC Engine CD releases here. The boxes that did have a standard cardboard release are here, along with all jewel cases. Templates are also included. Enjoy.


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  2. NEC TurboGrafx CD 2D Box Art

    After doing the TG16 set, I felt I had to bang this one out too. This system confused with the type of art it used. Like TG16, some of the CD games were released in cardboard boxes, while most were just sold in jewel case form. All of these games had a jewel case, but some had a double jewel case despite having only one disc. Very weird (some Sony PS1 games did the same). 4 in 1 Super CD was the most confusing to me. This game has  one disc, but I dont know if it had a proper jewel case or not. I couldnt find a proper back or spine image, and I don't think it even had its own cover art. I made a generic custom one for that. If anyone has any information or pictures/scans of the original release let me know. Anyway, all releases are included, but again no japanese PC Engine CD releases here. The boxes that did have a standard cardboard release are here, along with all jewel cases. Templates are also included. I'll upload the 3D boxes as well. Enjoy.


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  3. NEC TurboGrafx-16 3D Box Art

    There is a very nice jewel case 3D box collection for this system out there, but while collecting 2D images for this system I noticed not every game had a jewel case for it and I always thought it did. All games were released with standard cardboard box covers (except Keith Courage as it was a pack-in game) and most had a standard CD jewel case inside with the Hu-Card inside of that jewel case. Must have cost NEC a fortune in packaging. But some games just had the Hu-Card in a plastic housing inside the cardboard box with no jewel case. I collected and made 2D front and left spines for all released games. 94 in total. This does not include the japanese PC Engine versions. Funnily enough, I don't think any Japanese PC Engine games were released in cardboard boxes, jewel cases only. Anyway, this set includes the regular cardboard boxes and the jewel cases. Since not every release had a jewel case, I made a custom one for it anyway. I always loved the jewel case boxes, but now I prefer the retail cardboard fronts. As always I included templates for those that want to make their own boxes. I am going to upload TubroGrafx CD as well. Enjoy.


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  4. NEC TurboGrafx-16 2D Box Art

    TurboGrafx-16 needed some love with a decent 2D box collection (with spines). There is a very nice jewel case 3D box collection for this system out there, but while collecting 2D images for this system I noticed not every game had a jewel case for it and I always thought it did. All games were released with standard cardboard box covers (except Keith Courage as it was a pack-in game) and most had a standard CD jewel case inside with the Hu-Card inside of that jewel case. Must have cost NEC a fortune in packaging. But some games just had the Hu-Card in a plastic housing inside the cardboard box with no jewel case. I collected and made 2D front and left spines for all released games. 94 in total. This does not include the japanese PC Engine versions. Funnily enough, I don't think any Japanese PC Engine games were released in cardboard boxes, jewel cases only. Anyway, this set includes the regular cardboard boxes and the jewel cases. Since not every release had a jewel case, I made a custom one for it anyway. I always loved the jewel case boxes, but now I prefer the retail cardboard fronts. As always I included templates for those that want to make their own boxes. I am going to upload 3D box versions, and TubroGrafx CD as well. Enjoy.


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  5. NES 2D Box Art Retail Spines

    Here are the 2D box art images I used on the 3D box set I uploaded. Its a huge a collection, ultra high quality boxes collected from thecoverproject.net and some created by me and others. All retail spines, with front and back art included. There are about 888 games in total with some alternates here and there. These look amazing and are print quality. Some boxes look a bit blurry  as I couldnt find high quality source images, like Chuck Yeager's Fighter Combat (which is a prototype game and did not have real box art anyway). But all retail games and many unlicensed ones look perfect. I included a PSD template for those that want to crop these images using the automate feature. I would have included cropped versions, but front and back cropped sets are like 3GBs a piece.
    This set may be a bit overkill for many but they look great in Bix Box, especially fullscreened. Enjoy this, guys. Feel free to contact me if anyone has better source images than some of the ones included here. All credit go to the folks at thecoverproject.net! Too many users to list. 


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  6. Atari 2600 3D Boxes

    I started out only making 2D boxes for this system, because I always felt the Atari 2600 3D box art set was up to par. But later I did notice that a lot of the spines were inaccurate. This set fixes that. I tried to be accurate and thorough as possible. All the major releases are included, as well as unlicensed, prototypes, European exclusives and dozens of alternates. I would love to add these to the gamesdb but that is so daunting. I wish I had access to the gamesdb and clean it all up in like a day. The entire database. Anyway, I did include templates for those that want to make their own boxes or improve the ones that are in this collection. Enoy!


       (2 reviews)



  7. Atari 2600 2D Boxes

    Another box art set for another dead system (but that's not even true, games are still being made for the Atari 2600!). Frustrated with lack of decent Atari 2600 2D box art images, I set out to collect or even make box art for the hundreds of games for this system. A lot of these images were taken from coverproject.net, or made from scratch by me and others. Only front and left spine images are included, no back box art for this sorry. I did the left spines so I could make a 3D box art set which I will upload as well. I tried to get the best quality source images possible and folks at coverproject.net made that possible. For the Europe, unlicensed and prototype releases I did the best I could with what was available. These look great and I wish I could add them all to the gamesdb but that would take so effin long. There are hundreds of official and unofficial releases here. And a lot of alternate boxes for some games are included. There are 2 downloads, boxes with spine and boxes without. Enjoy these guys!


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  8. Sony Playstation 1 3D Boxes

    Huge collection of Sony Playstation 3D box images. All USA games included, along with Euro exclusives and same Japanese games that have translations. All the long box games. Long box releases that also had jewel case releases are also here. I also included all Greatest Hits games (there were a lot more than I thought). Sadly, only one Collector's Edition box is here. I couldnt find high quality scans of any of those. I included 3D box templates in PSD format if anyone needs it. There are quite a few 3D box sets out there for PS1, what makes this one exciting is all the Greatest Hits game have 3D art for the first time. Also, for the longest time I thought ALL PS1 long boxes were cardboard format, but it turns out quite a few long box releases used a plastic clamshell similar to Sega Saturn. The templates used were all 3D art images collected from the games DB, that I simply made into templates so I couldnt give credit to whom created what. Enjoy this massive collection!


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  9. Sony Playstation 1 2D Front + Spines

    Huge collection of Sony Playstation box images, complete with retail spines. All USA games included, along with Euro exclusives and same Japanese games that have translations. All the long box games are here WITH spines (finally). Long box releases that also had jewel case releases are also here. I also included all Greatest Hits games (there were a lot more than I thought). Sadly, only one Collector's Edition box is here. I couldnt find high quality scans of any of those. I included box templates in PSD format if anyone needs it. Cropped front and spines are also available the download. I will also upload 3D boxes. There are almost 1700 game boxes and I tried to be as accurate as possible. If anyone finds a mistake let me know. Enjoy!


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  10. Nintendo Game Boy Advance 3D Boxes

    If there is one system platform that needed a decent 3D box image set, its GBA. There is only one GBA 3D box set I have ever seen. It was uploaded on Hyperspin over a decade ago. It was great for the time, but it used fake spines and the dimensions are small. Most of that set is the 3D art found in the games db for most of the GBA games. This collection includes 1,138 boxes, All North American releases, most euro exclusives, some Japan exclusives. All those crappy GBA Video boxes and all the great Famicom Mini boxes included. I didnt include most of the multi game packs because most of them had a single release. PSD templates are included. The american and euro boxes use the same template for GB and GBC. Feel free to upload some of these to the Games DB. Any questions, let me know. Enjoy!


       (1 review)



  11. Nintendo Game Boy Advance 2D Front + Spines

    If there was one system platform that needed a decent 2D front and spine image set, its GBA. There are some decent GBA 2D front image collections out there, but none of them include spine images. I tried to be as accurate as possible and I think most of the FRONT covers are accurate, some spines images may be completely custom tho. (no, I dont have a list of the ones that might be completely custom, I should have kept track). And yes some front covers are upscaled, but not to the point where they look terrible. All North American games are included, along with most Euro exclusives. All the shitty GBA Video movie "games" are included, but it was hard to find decent source scans for most of them. I did not include most of the 2 or 3 game packs that had a single release. The 2 or 3 game packs I did include, are those that did NOT have a single release. Some Japanese exclusives that have been translated or use english menus have been included, but not many. I did include ALL Famicom Mini boxes that were only released in Japan, only because the boxes are cool. I did include PSD templates for the various box styles, for those that may want to create their own boxes that were not included here. Enjoy this much needed set. Any questions, let me know. I will upload a 3D Box version of this (that is the main reason I create these sets).


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  12. Atari 7800 3D Box Art

    High quality 3D box art for Atari 7800 games. All major releases included with some prototypes as well. I made this set a few years ago but never shared it idk why. Take care


       (1 review)



  13. Nintendo Game Boy Color 3D Boxes

    I was sick of seeing crappy Nintendo Game Boy Color box images in my collection (I made this set years ago in lower resolution with the annoying Game Boy Color logo on all the spines). I remade all boxes in high quality HD with accurate spines on most boxes. All USA games and Euro exclusives are included, along with many Japanese exclusives that can be played in English. Most spines and boxes on the USA and Euro games are all retail accurate, some spines may be custom made if I couldn't find proper source images. As always I included PSD templates for the 2D and 3D boxes if anyone wants to include their own games not included here. About 669 games have been done here. This system was a big pain finding suitable source art. For some reason GBC (and also GBA) are a lot harder to find HQ scans than the original Game Boy games. I got lot of images off ebay and thecoverproject, but most of the covers were standard low res 500x500 that I had to enhance and clean up. Most came out great. There are some covers that look pretty awful like International Superstar Soccer 99 (USA). I could not find a decent source image for the north american release anywhere! I image enhanced a crappy 200x200 thumbnail image I found and replaced the logo and its doable for now. NHL Blades of Steel (USA) is another one that was tough to find. Big thanks to all the logo wizards in the forums who helped create some clear logos for some of these boxes. Feel free to let me know if there are any errors. If anyone has better scans for some of these covers let me know, And if anyone wants to upload some of these to the Games DB, by all means do so. Enjoy this collection!


       (3 reviews)



  14. Nintendo Game Boy Color 2D Front + Spines

    I was sick of seeing crappy Nintendo Game Boy Color box images in my collection (I made this set years ago in lower resolution with the annoying Game Boy Color logo on all the spines). I remade all boxes in high quality HD with accurate spines on most boxes. All USA games and Euro exclusives are included, along with many Japanese exclusives that can be played in English. Most spines and boxes on the USA and Euro games are all retail accurate, some spines may be custom made if I couldn't find proper source images. As always I included PSD templates for the 2D and 3D boxes if anyone wants to include their own games not included here. About 669 games have been done here. Also included are cropped fronts and spines. This system was a big pain finding suitable source art. For some reason GBC (and also GBA) are a lot harder to find HQ scans than the original Game Boy games. I got lot of images off ebay and thecoverproject, but most of the covers were standard low res 500x500 that I had to enhance and clean up. Most came out great. There are some covers that look pretty awful like International Superstar Soccer 99 (USA). I could not find a decent source image for the north american release anywhere! I image enhanced a crappy 200x200 thumbnail image I found and replaced the logo and its doable for now. NHL Blades of Steel (USA) is another one that was tough to find. Big thanks to all the logo wizards in the forums who helped create some clear logos for some of these boxes. Feel free to let me know if there are any errors. If anyone has better scans for some of these covers let me know, And if anyone wants to upload some of these to the Games DB, by all means do so. Enjoy this collection!


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  15. Nintendo Game Boy 3D Boxes

    I was sick of seeing crappy Nintendo Game Boy box images in my collection (I made this set years ago in lower resolution with the annoying Game Boy logo on all the spines). I think someone else remade just the USA boxes in the same resolution. I remade all boxes in high quality HD with accurate spines on most boxes. All USA games and Euro exclusives are included, along with many Japanese exclusives that can be played in English. The unlicensed Sachen games are included, although those games are awful. The spines and boxes on the USA and Euro games are all retail accurate, some Japanese spines may be custom made if I couldn't find proper source images. As always I included PSD templates for the 2D and 3D boxes if anyone wants to include their own games not included here. About 840 games have been done here. Also included are cropped front and spines. Feel free to let me know if there are any errors. And if anyone wants to upload some of these to the Games DB, by all means do so. Enjoy this collection!


       (2 reviews)



  16. Nintendo Game Boy 2D Front + Spines

    I was sick of seeing crappy Nintendo Game Boy box images in my collection (I made this set years ago in lower resolution with the annoying Game Boy logo on all the spines). I think someone else remade just the USA boxes in the same resolution. I remade all boxes in high quality HD with accurate spines on most boxes. All USA games and Euro exclusives are included, along with many Japanese exclusives that can be played in English. The unlicensed Sachen games are included, although those games are awful. The spines and boxes on the USA and Euro games are all retail accurate, some Japanese spines may be custom made if I couldn't find proper source images. As always I included PSD templates for the 2D and 3D boxes if anyone wants to include their own games not included here. About 840 games have been done here. Also included are cropped front and spines. Feel free to let me know if there are any errors. And if anyone wants to upload some of these to the Games DB, by all means do so. Enjoy this collection!


       (1 review)



  17. Sega Game Gear 3D Boxes

    I made a Sega Game Gear 2D and 3D box set years ago, and I always thought they were acceptable given the scans were hard to find at the time. A few years have passed, and with better scans available and the use of AI upscaling I have decided to remake this set. The quality of these boxes are ultra HD throughout, I did the best I could to clean up the source images I found. These 3D boxes are a bit more accurate. I matched the hanger colors to the original retail boxes. All USA games are included, plus some Euro and Japanese exclusives. A few prototypes are also included. PSD Templates are included.


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  18. Sega Game Gear 2D Boxes

    I made a Sega Game Gear 2D and 3D box set years ago, and I always thought they were acceptable given the scans were hard to find at the time. A few years have passed, and with better scans available and the use of AI upscaling I have decided to remake this set. Not only have I collected and cleaned front and spine images, but also the back of the boxes. The quality of these boxes are ultra HD throughout, I did the best I could to clean up the source images I found. All USA games are included, plus some Euro and Japanese exclusives. A few prototypes are also included. I will also upload cropped versions of the full boxes. PSD Templates are included.


       (0 reviews)



  19. Atari 5200 3D Box

    I made these a while ago, but never uploaded them. Complete 3D box art set for Atari 5200. All games covered, even some unlicensed and prototype games.


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  20. Atari 5200 2D Box

    I made and collected these ages ago, but never uploaded them. Here is 2D box art for the Atari 5200 system. All games covered here, including some unlicensed and prototype games. Includes cropped front, spine and back images. Also full front, spine and back in one image file.


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  21. Atari 5200 2D Carts

    I made these a while ago and I don't think I uploaded them anywhere. Here is a full set of Atari 5200 cartridge art. Every game should be covered here. Even some unlicensed and prototypes included.


       (1 review)



  22. Atari 7800 Cartridges

    Some high quality cartridge images for Atari 7800. All major releases included. Enjoy!


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  23. Sega Game Gear 2D Cartridges

    This system needed cartridge art redone badly. I did this set years ago, but I rushed it and most of the images were poor quality. This set isn't perfect, because its hard to find decent scans of Game Gear carts. I used the best quality images I could find. Its a lot better than the older set. This set includes most, if not all, games from multiple regions. All USA carts are in this, along with European and Japanese releases. If I left some out I probably couldnt find decent scans or pics to work with. I included psd templates for those that would like to fill in the missing blanks. Enjoy!


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  24. Sega Master System / Mark III 2D Cartridges

    I recently made high quality 2D cartridge art for the Sega Master System and Mark III that I thought I'd share. I think all officially released titles are included (USA, Europe and Japan). I included psd templates for the various cart styles for those that would like to fill in any missing games. Enjoy.


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  25. Mattel Intellivision 2D Carts

    Mattel Intellivision needed an upgraded cartridge set. All major releases for the system are here and even some prototype and unlicensed titles. Included are Photoshop psd templates for those interested in creating their own art. Also included Cart stickers without the cart art. Enjoy.


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