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About This File

Version 2.0.1 -  From Launchbox 13.19 to the latest.

Version 1.0.1  - Until Launchbox 13.18


So, basically what this does is expose some of the information to a MQTT Topic, or multiple really, this way you can add the Information on your Homeassistant instance or whatever consumer of that topic is.



  •  MQTT Server


  • Extract to the plugins folder


  • Open the Launchbox Menu --> Tools --> MQTT Settings
  • image.png.84b753a9e60be111a8516fcc153914da.png
  • Fill the information about your MQTT
  • image.png.9274bc6f0f4f593aaa4dd9e7e1fd7135.png





  "TotalGames": 14,
  "TotalPlatforms": 2,
  "BigBoxRunning": false,
  "IsBigBoxInAttractMode": false,
  "IsBigBoxLocked": false,
  "IsPremium": true,
  "BigBoxCurrentTheme": null



  "Title": "Donkey Kong Country",
  "Platform": "Super Nintendo Entertainment System",
  "Developer": "Rare",
  "Publisher": "Nintendo",
  "ReleaseDate": "1994-11-24T06:00:00-02:00",
  "Rating": "E - Everyone",
  "LastPlayedDate": "2025-02-04T14:57:47.1845482-03:00",
  "Genres": [
  "Favorite": false,
  "PlayCount": 12,
  "Status": "Playing"


launchbox/retroachievments (I have no idea why this doesnt work, I personally dont use it so Dont know)


  "GetGameInfoWithProgress": {},
  "TotalPoints": [
  "TotalAchievements": {},
  "LastGamePlayed": {}



Create the sensors in configuration.yml:


- sensor:
    - name: "LaunchBox Total Games"
      state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.TotalGames }}"
      icon: mdi:gamepad-variant

    - name: "LaunchBox Total Platforms"
      state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.TotalPlatforms }}"
      icon: mdi:gamepad-classic

    - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Title"
      state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.Title }}"
      icon: mdi:gamepad

    - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Platform"
      state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.Platform }}"
      icon: mdi:microsoft

    - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Developer"
      state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.Developer }}"
      icon: mdi:human

    - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Publisher"
      state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.Publisher }}"
      icon: mdi:office-building

    - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Rating"
      state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.Rating }}"
      icon: mdi:star

    - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing PlayCount"
      state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.PlayCount }}"
      icon: mdi:counter

    - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Status"
      state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.Status }}"
      icon: mdi:gamepad-circle

    - name: "LaunchBox BigBox Running"
      state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.BigBoxRunning }}"
      icon: mdi:play-box-outline

    - name: "LaunchBox Attract Mode"
      state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.IsBigBoxInAttractMode }}"
      icon: mdi:motion-play-outline

    - name: "LaunchBox BigBox Locked"
      state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.IsBigBoxLocked }}"
      icon: mdi:lock-outline

    - name: "LaunchBox Premium Status"
      state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo"
      value_template: "{{ 'Premium' if value_json.IsPremium else 'Free' }}"
      icon: mdi:crown

    - name: "LaunchBox Current Theme"
      state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.BigBoxCurrentTheme if value_json.BigBoxCurrentTheme else 'None' }}"
      icon: mdi:theme-light-dark


An example of simple dashboard (i'm horrible designing these):




Code for card:


type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:mushroom-title-card
    title: 🎮 LaunchBox Status
  - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
    primary: "Total Games: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_total_games') }}"
    secondary: "Total Platforms: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_total_platforms') }}"
    icon: mdi:gamepad-variant
    layout: horizontal
    fill_container: true
  - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
    primary: "BigBox Running: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_bigbox_running') }}"
    secondary: "Attract Mode: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_attract_mode') }}"
    icon: mdi:play-box-outline
    layout: horizontal
    fill_container: true
    multiline_secondary: true
  - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
    primary: "BigBox Locked: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_bigbox_locked') }}"
    secondary: "Premium Status: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_premium_status') }}"
    icon: mdi:lock-outline
    layout: horizontal
    fill_container: true
  - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
    primary: "Current Theme: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_current_theme') }}"
    icon: mdi:theme-light-dark
    layout: horizontal
    fill_container: true
  - type: conditional
      - entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_status
        state_not: Idle
      type: custom:mushroom-template-card
      primary: "Now Playing: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_now_playing_title') }}"
      secondary: "Platform: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_now_playing_platform') }}"
      icon: mdi:gamepad
      layout: horizontal
      fill_container: true
      multiline_secondary: true
  - type: conditional
      - entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_status
        state: Playing
      type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
        - type: entity
          entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_developer
          icon: mdi:human
        - type: entity
          entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_publisher
          icon: mdi:office-building
        - type: entity
          entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_rating
          icon: mdi:star
        - type: entity
          entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_playcount
          icon: mdi:counter




OBS: This has super limited support, I made this out of curiosity only, I tested it literally 30min so expect bugs or things dont working fully.



Edited by srxz
disclaimer about versioning.

What's New in Version 2.0.2   See changelog


  • Now methods are async before launching the game, should fix the freezing. Thanks @kwatts

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