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Redream Per-Game VMUs for LaunchBox

Created by Saieno - @Lets_All_Game on Twitch and YouTube

What it is

A ready-to-use installer package for enabling per-game Virtual Memory Unit (VMU) save file management in Redream; fully integrated with LaunchBox

Why use it

Redream creates four VMU files, and by default all four are shared across all games. This tool creates a vmu0.bin dynamically per-game, while leaving vmu1–vmu3 shared and persistent.

This allows each game to have its own memory card (vmu0.bin), preventing cross-game save data conflicts and minimizing space limitations.



  • LaunchBox 13.12+ (must be closed during installation)
  • Standalone Redream (latest version)
  • Redream configured with automated default settings in Launchbox
  • More than one Emulator configured within Launchbox
  • ROM filenames with single spaces only
  • Windows 10/11 (not available on Android)

What it does

  • Installs a dynamic launcher (DCBoot.bat) and a minimized shortcut (DCBoot.lnk)
  • Installs a custom AHK script (LaunchGameRedream.ahk) for handling VMUs
  • Copies a blank vmu-default.bin into Redream
  • Modifies Redream Emulator in LaunchBox to hook into the new launcher
  • Installs a custom LaunchBox plugin (PerGameVMUName.dll) for consistent and clean VMU naming


  • Full uninstaller included — reverts all changes and cleans up
  • Everything self-contained, no manual file editing required
  • Installer remembers paths via settings.conf for faster reinstalls/uninstalls
  • VMU files are based on the name within LaunchBox for consistency
  • Share and trade per-game VMUs easily from the Redream VMU_Games directory

Before You Install

If you already have save data in vmu0.bin, consider moving those saves to vmu1, vmu2, or vmu3 before installing. After installation, Redream will use a new game-specific VMU as vmu0.bin for each game. Once a game is launched, you can transfer your old saves from the shared VMUs (vmu1–3) onto the new per-game VMU within Redream itself.

Known Issues

  • Filenames with double spaces will not load properly into Redream. Please use a tool like Bulk Rename Utility to clean up ROM filenames before launching.
  • If Redream is the only Emulator configured within LaunchBox, it can cause issues on install.

Edited by Saieno

  • Unusual Gem 1

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