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About This File

HI,  I wanted to thank the group and forum in general!  I fell in love with the Minimal HD theme and decided to have my MAME look the same retro way. 

This is a really cool artwork scanlines I found buried in my old HS files.

Here is the line of MAME.ini to change:

brightness                1.0
contrast                  1.0
gamma                     1.0
pause_brightness          0.65
effect                    Scanlines75dx4_J4.png
widestretch               1

And I have attached the Artwork folder that you drag and drop into the MAME folder.  If you have one there already, just let it merge,but not overwrite.

Here is a screen grab sample.

Thanks everyone for giving me a cab after 4 years of HS and nightmares!  I Love LAUNCHBOX!!


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