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LaunchBox Community Forums

About This File

Only the following views are implemented

Games List View:

Text List with Details

Vertical Clear Logo Wheel

Platform List View:

Text List with Details

Platforms Wheel with Video, Details, and ThumbsScreenshot-1.pngScreenshot-2.pngScreenshot-3.png


Suggested transitions are:

Filters Game Boxes Transition: Slide Horizontal

Everything else: Fade

What's New in Version 1.1.1   See changelog


Fixed navigation for recent games

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User Feedback

You may only provide a review once you have downloaded the file.



As the first person to leave a review I have to tell you I am surprised. I did not think I was going to enjoy this theme as much as I am! It is elegant and stream lined, as if I were reading through a comic book or manga. No need to make changes unless of course you want to add stuff, til then, thanks for this awesome theme!

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