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Everything posted by Triton2k3

  1. 175 worked thanks. for some reason I am having a problem keeping the controller setups. Every time I restart all of my controls default back. It is working though. Much appreciated.
  2. Today I realized the trackball was working instead of the wiimote in game. Multi mouse is on. Is there another way I can assign it to the wiimote as a mouse? The wiimote scrolls through the mame menus fine. When I try to set mouse or mousey using the wiimote nothing happens. Also has anyone tried using left stick and right stick while enabling dual_lightguns?
  3. We’re you using 185? I think I had an issue with 166 too. Thanks
  4. I can get player 2 to work on the right stick. I am having a problem with player 1 with the mouse cursor. The mouse cursor works in windows and a can see it working when in mame menus but in a game the crosshairs does not seem to move. Is there anything I may have missed. All of my controls are set to mouse x or mouse y.
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