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  1. Hi, Has anyone successfully added overlays to the Vectrex games? I read a lot online about having config files and matching .PNG files for the games but not sure where they all go (I have no Retroarch /Overlay folder as some articles suggest and adding one didn't work. If you had success, please share what you did to get it working.
  2. Hi, when i try to play GX4000 games, I am loaded to the Basic screen with an error message on the bottom of the screen. CPC: [computer_load_bios) Error loading cart.. My game roms are. .cpr format. I have a 6128.rom bios installed in retroarch/systems and i have tried both Amstrad cores in Retroarch 1.17.0 they both give the same results. Reading info on getting GX400 to work on retroarch it talks about selecting the 6128+ machine in the core options. I do not have this option under either core. If you have this running under android LB I would like to know what your setup is or any help is appreciated.
  3. It is possible to run C4 plus games. I have tried, T64 and D64 and PRG Tap games. 4 plus requires BIOS files for the retroarch core (VICE). If you really want to run C4 plus I recommend C64.emu by Robert Boglia on the Play store. It supports, C64, C16 and C4plus. It will also install the needed system files needed for C4plus. to be honest most C4 plus games are not that great and require keyboard use. a lot of them are text-based games. Stick with C64 emulation for a good Commodore experience.
  4. So here is an update on Apple IIGS for Android. There is no current retroarch core or Standalone emulator for current versions on Android. I am running Android 10 on my Ayn Odin. So as now there is no current way to run IIGS. If one becomes available, they will try and implement it but for now no dice.
  5. Hi, I have tried PGM, D64 and TAP files in zip. and i usually get the basic start screen followed bya blank white screen with a pink border. If you have it working what are you using. Emulator core VICE installed not sure if it needs or a bios is installed. Thanks
  6. It said it is a supported system. However once i try and load a game i get a RetroArch quit error box. I am using ZIP files that contain 2MG files. there is a emulator core installed (minVmac) and an apple2GS.rom installed under system. If you have it working on LB for Android, let me know what you had to do. Thanks
  7. Hi, Thank you very much for your help. So my problem was the initial Import with a full rom set checked when i really didn't have that. After resetting Arcades, i noticed that i had a lot of games that just did not work. I completely wiped roms and Megadata and am now using a a smaller collection of MAME 0.78 (MAME 2003) with 32bit Retroarch and Mame2003 core and everything works in LaunchBox! those external MAME4Droids are no longer needed and deleted.
  8. HI, when I long press on Arcade Classics I get the option to Delete, then i get a notification box that saids : Delete Arcade and all associate game? this process is permanent and cannot be undone. choice of cancel and Ok. If I press Ok with is start the process or ask me about keeping games and media before deleting?
  9. Hi, I am using the latest version of LaunchBox on my Ayn Odin Pro hand-held with all latest updates. I cannot seem to get any MAME .139 roms to play. I have tried both RetroArch and Retroarch64 with the MAME2010 core and all i get is the black screen. I tried MAME4DROID and while the games all show up fine (also in LaunchBox) I am not able to start any of them with onscreen or odin controls. Amy help is greatly appreciated.
  10. Mike, I did not have to set up much of anything, this has launchbox, Big Box all the emulators and roms. go here: Go to the bottom of the list and you will find: CP78.All.Hits.No Shit.LB.Edition- CP78 , along with updates 1.01-1.07, these add fixes and additional systems to the original download. It is a much easier route than trying to configure all the emulators yourself. That's what I did anyway. Everett
  11. Hi Mike, I use the Colpipes CP78 image on an external hard drive. I really just downloaded his image and used it. Then F3 and Q and RCA studio works. Is this a launch box image you are building yourself? Everett
  12. Thank you so much, F3 then Q worked!
  13. So I download a new startup.MP4 from this forum to replace the very long stock one. It only runs for 10 seconds or so. How can I increase the time to cover the LaunchBox startup? Thanks
  14. I am using MAME and BigBox to try and play RCA Studio II games , but all of them give me a scrambled display. Any ideas or anyone have this working?
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