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Everything posted by RandyMackDaddy

  1. When i tried launching a game just now I got this exception... System.NotSupportedException: The given path's format is not supported. at System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.EmulateFileIOPermissionChecks(String fullPath) at System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.QuickDemand(FileIOPermissionAccess access, String fullPath, Boolean checkForDuplicates, Boolean needFullPath) at System.IO.FileInfo.Init(String fileName, Boolean checkHost) at BizHawk.Common.PathExtensions.PathExtensions.MakeAbsolute(String path, String cwd) at BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.MainForm..ctor(Config config, IGL gl, Action`1 updateGlobalSound, String[] args, IMovieSession& movieSession) at BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Program.SubMain(String[] args) Any Idea what is causing That?
  2. After the last update I noticed after every game title it's now showing rom Versions and Origin Country. How do I remove this?
  3. Model 2 emulator has always loaded my Mario Kart Arcade gp 1 + 2 with no issues. Switched to a 32 inch monitor (and 165 refresh rate) and now those games no longer load. In the emulator alone or through LB. I tried changing graphics settings to different resolutions to no avail. Any ideas?
  4. My vids don't start. I just see the play Button...did you have go into settings to get the vids to autostart???
  5. On the New theme for 13.6 On the right hand side Game Details my Game Videos are not starting (I have Play videos checked in options) It just shows the Play Button. is there something else I need to do or should they Be playing on their own?
  6. I know there is a Backup arcade.xml file somewhere in the Backups folder But everyone I've tried is over 6 months old and missing hundreds of games. How do I find the last saved file?
  7. Anyone know a script that closes Teknoparrot without errors?
  8. I see under Gameplay/Game startup theres am option for default or Fade. But I want to have the load screen show a pic of the Controls Or Arcade Ca8 or Flyer. How/Where do I cahange that?
  9. I'm looking for a 28" lcd dynamic marquee myself. Where are you finding them?
  10. I'm adding a Lightgun platform to LB since I have the Sinden Lightgun. Is there an easy way to add games to this new platform without editing each game as to now be in a new platform? Is there a way to have the game remain in Arcade and also be in Lightgun caregory?
  11. I had a few Games lainching with mame 0.133 because they look better (major havoc,star wars) they had crisp lines. newer versions of mame make them blurry and unplayable. How can i get these to launch again??
  12. Trying to Get Naomi 2 games to launch in LB using Retroarch (flycast Core) They launch in Retroarch. I didn't see any Comman Lines that are needed. All My other Retroarch Cores launch in LB.
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