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Thanatos_Prime last won the day on November 7 2019

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  1. Frankly, it appears to be getting worse.
  2. Yes, I am still seeing it as of right now.
  3. I'm back to getting an error when moderating, starting again yesterday and now much more frequent. It seems to be more prevalent as I get closer to finishing. Happens in all browsers and in browser with no add-ins.
  4. I imagine lots of folks start off as collectors\completionists and end up curated. That is how it worked for me. On the flip side, I have lots of game variants, versions and minor hacks. I track them very easily using the Version DB entry, and View\show versions.
  5. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Moderation is not responding this morning. It just fails to load, all browsers.
  6. Things are running much more smoothly now. I've moderated well over 200 items without a single issue.
  7. That is...until you moderate for a time and then the errors come again. Same on Chrome, Firefox and Edge.
  8. It looks like it is working now. Logged out and back in and it is working on FF. Thank you!!
  9. I'm guessing someone is currently working on this as I can neither connect to moderation, nor add new games, so thank you! But just in case, letting you know that neither moderation nor addition of new games is working. O.O
  10. Refreshing only makes is go away initially. As you get closer to the last 100 or 200 entries to be moderated it happens more and more frequently until you can refresh or load moderation tabs 20, 30 or 40 times in a row with it giving an error each time before being able to moderate again, and then only for one or two times before the errors start again. The closer to Good Jorb you are, the more frequently it comes up. It started up when the website LaunchBox 11 year Celebration banner was added and I wonder if it is related. I would love to see the website rolled back to the previous version to see if it impacts the issue.
  11. I'm not sure if something changed, but it appears to be happening even more frequently today than it has for the last several days. Keeping my fingers crossed that it can get resolved soon.
  12. When moderating the database, when I do between 1 and 12 moderations, I get this output when trying to load the next item. I have had this issue in both Firefox, with lots of add-ons in use, with add-ons disabled and from a brand new install of Chrome. I can then reload and am able to do another 1-12, any help would be appreciated.
  13. Alternately, maybe Neo Geo just needs people to stop *MOVING* cabs to Arcade and creating dupes.
  14. Is anyone else having issues changing releases from Year to Month-Day-Year or am I just not figuring it out? I also cannot review past the previous pages in pending changes, I can only see the first page there.
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