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Thanatos_Prime last won the day on November 7 2019

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  1. Alternately, maybe Neo Geo just needs people to stop *MOVING* cabs to Arcade and creating dupes.
  2. Is anyone else having issues changing releases from Year to Month-Day-Year or am I just not figuring it out? I also cannot review past the previous pages in pending changes, I can only see the first page there.
  3. Ok here is another report or two: It does not appear feasible to change a release date that is only a year to a month, date, year format. it appears that making changes to the platforms themselves is now, possibly, more widely available, unfortunately not the images though. I saw a few changes that did not appear to be from seasoned submitters. I can only see the first page of my pending changes, there are not page choices shown. Nor is there a next page. I tested this in both Firefox and Chrome and verified no extensions were active.
  4. And compilation is now a Genre NIIIIICE! And so much easier to tell if Clear logos really are clear!
  5. Firstly, I love many of the new changes to moderations format. The dark theme is going to be a blessing on days when I am battling a migraine. What I have an issue with is that the game does not show the platform for which you are making changes. This comes into play when I am approving screenshot images as we tend towards ones that match the original resolution of the platform and surely will come into play when approving box art of all kinds. Additionally, you only get a "preview view" of the primary game box, having that right in front of me has saved much time in the past so it will be hard to part with that. Thank you for the attention to our side of things and for the wonderful program and site!
  6. I have a few changes made 11/15/2023. In this case they do have a single rejection each and 14 approvals. Additionally, my account as I get close to having all but these 4 items approved my total pending changes goes into the negatives. Looks like if everything gets approved I would be at -14 (negative 14).
  7. Gotcha, if we have people skipping these fixes because of the level of fatigue with change requests and subsequent corrections for the Developer and Publisher fields. I can understand that very vividly.
  8. To keep you posted, this particular item (above), which was submitted on the 27th of last month was finally accepted with no rejections this morning the 8th, a dozen days later, and with significantly lower moderation traffic these last few days. Meanwhile, there are still items from October waiting to be approved, one is attached .
  9. Since the updates earlier this year that randomized the moderation queue things have taken longer and longer to get moderated. I currently have several items that were submitted on 10/27 in the early morning still awaiting 3 votes. There are zero rejections on these items, but still they wait. I have plenty of other submissions since then that have been approved. It feels like some part of the process has broken down.
  10. One of the changes made in these updates to the Moderation of the DB was a randomization of the order in which changes get moderated. It used to be that a moderator would see the changes made in order of submission. In the new setup they are presented with some sort of weight system as to what gets addressed first, which is fine. However, the randomization breaks down when we have large volumes of change as we have had since someone/ones decided that all the Publisher and Developer names should no longer contain company info. Since then the volume of changes has far outstripped the ability of moderators to keep up with the changes. This means that on the 3rd of November I still have items with zero rejections that were submitted in the early morning of the 27th that are pending. Perhaps this is a reflection on the amount of people we have moderating, but I really think it comes down to that randomization. I'm not sure that I have a solution to present, perhaps the randomization needs to be tweaked in some fashion. Perhaps we need to attract more people to moderation or limit the amount of changes one person can enter in a given time period to allow issues like this to not arise.
  11. Yes, normally if they do NOT have the same developer, then they are different games. The ones linked above, where one is now deleted had different developers. And the Scuba Diver and Sea Hunt 2600 games where Scuba Diver is currently on the chopping block have two different developers. I again am voting NOT to merge the two for this reason. https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/41029-scuba-diver https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/28818-sea-hunt
  12. While we are on the subject here I would like to bring up that if you have 2 games that look the same, but they have 2 different developers, I would expect that they would be considered different games. Thoughts?
  13. Give us links to both games and we can help you figure it out.
  14. That thread is a box of spiders and I am not going to open the lid an inch. Thanks though!
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