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  1. hi! is insane how a need so simple as delete the not working roms or romns i dont really need, as type/category, is missing, at least in a easy and fast way, in any rom manager for the mame romset. specially when mame romset have A LOT of not working rom or stuff you dont really need to play time to time some retrogames. i found out the only program who do this is a very old program from a italian developer: http://www.arcadeitalia.net/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=14216&sid=395a565dcc38158795e3963dedaa27fc this little program have some limitation, like the rom must be in roms folder inside mame folder, otherwise will not be able to manage the roms... but, with this program in less then 2 minuts i was able to shrink from +80gb to less then 35gb, the 2 romset i have.
  2. would be wonderful, what you waiting for?
  3. Hello! I have atm 2 romset for mame on my computer: 0.139u1 0.201 The first, older one is for mame4droid, to use on my mobile phone. The last one is to use with mame64bit on my windows computer. Issue is: 87gb total space used, lol! I would like to cut all the games i dont run and i will never use, specially from the 0.139u1 romset. Doing this manually (find out the zip name for each game i like and move it in a safe directory) is a payne. My question is: there are automatic way to help me identify the game and let me on the sport to delete it if i dont like? or even better, to delete entire category of games (nudes one, certain system, etc)? i know exist clrmame and mcmplus, but they seems a little complicated to manage for my noob level, so i would like to know if exist easier way to clean up my mame roms and easily delete the games i dont really need. thank you.
  4. yes, i tried to activate v-sync in mame option (as default was off), video section, and seems to dont render anymore the tearing/wave effect...
  5. Hi, im using your preset (thanks), is very nice BUT there is a sliding effect when, in cps1/2 and neogeo games i move up and down and there is parallax backgrounds, there is like vsync issues, like waves in the scanlines at some points... is "normal"? in cadillac and dinosaurs maybe i remember a similar, or the same effect, in the original cabinet, lol, but maybe is my memory who play me!
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