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  1. Seems these have been removed from RA? Game Center CX - Arino no Chousenjou 2 (Japan) (En) (Aaron Tokunaga-Chmielowiec) (v1.51).zip MapleStory DS (Japan) (En) (edo1989) (v0.6.3).zip
  2. And these two seem outdated in the DAT? Not sure though... https://retroachievements.org/game/29847 https://retroachievements.org/game/29863 https://retroachievements.org/game/31184/hashes https://retroachievements.org/game/29752/hashes https://retroachievements.org/game/15169/hashes
  3. Are these missing in the DAT? https://retroachievements.org/game/32797 https://retroachievements.org/viewtopic.php?t=29328 https://retroachievements.org/game/14477/hashes
  4. Also, ArduRogue (World).zip doesn't seem to match the no-intro file?
  5. I noticed there are some files that don't have a SHA1 hash (only have a CRC32 file. I am not sure whether I have these files, so not sure whether this is related? For example, galaga.zip (Arcade): I have 14 files, but miss 4. These 4 don't have a SHA1 info. Same for some other roms in Arcade.
  6. Thanks. Let me summarize a bit the issue for the group of Apple II games. Only 2 of the 16 games above are not part of the LB database. Others are either wrong game names or the need to solve the issue how to name multi-side games (not multi-disk, but multi-side): * Not in LB database (2) - Nothing can be done as homebrew et al not well covered. From above, this is Flapple Bird and Space Subtraction * Dual-side games (7) - LB doesn't pick up "side A", so need to change naming to be better picked up and work with [] for original info to be ignored by LB * Spelling of the game incorrect (7)
  7. Tried it again and got the same results as you do, which is great. The Apple II files that are not working to directly import below: * A2Sudoku v1.2 - Not picked up as games is called "Apple II Sudoku" * Black Cauldron, The: Back, Black Cauldron, The: Front - the other version of the game. 4 are not identified. One (disk 3) is grouped with "your" version * Flapple Bird - Not identified as homebrew game * froggysoftware lafemme d1 / froggysoftware lafemme d2 - Not picked up * King's Quest 2: Side A / King's Quest 2: Side B / King's Quest 2: Back / King's Quest 2: Front - Not picked up * King's Quest 3: Disk 4: Back / etc - Not picked up * King's Quest: disk A / etc - Not picked up * Maniac Mansion Side 1 / etc - Not picked up * Number Munchers v1.2 - Not identified; manually identified once removed v1.2 * Odell Lake v1.2 - same issue * Portal in Applesoft BASIC - same issue (game identified as Portal) * Prince of Persia side A / etc - Not picked up * Space Quest 1: Disk 4: Back / etc - Not picked up * Space Subtraction v1.0 - Not picked up (also not without v1.0), maybe game does not exist in LB database * Word Munchers v1.4 0 - Not identified; manually identified once removed v1.4.0 * Zork I: The Great Underground Empire r75 - Not identified; manually identified once removed r75 I haven't added all Apple II games yet, so there may be more. I did some checking on other platforms and most looking good and everything being picked up well. Any thoughts / appetite to fix this through the DAT file? I could probably manually do it by adjusting the DAT file, but ideally this can be fixed for the community. Probably some [} for the versions or additions. And some fixing of the multi-side disks into something like "1A [disk 1-front]" or something similar.
  8. Did you manually combine them or did it work like on your screenshot directly by importing the roms?
  9. Thanks. Would be great if you can share when you get a chance. It doesn't seem an issue about the DAT file, but more broadly about the RA-naming though? I would have hoped that the file naming from RA allows multi-disc games to be identified by Launchbox properly and in fact also identified in general. Unfortunately, this does not seem to be the case. Naming is all over and I need to manually identify the games and then also manually combine multi-disc games into one record in Launchbox. Surprising with all the work from no-intro and redumped? Any thoughts how this is working out for you? For "The Black Cauldron", but also other Apple II games (and other platforms).
  10. Let me try. This works for you for all apple ii games?
  11. I changed the DAT file myseld to match the RA web-site. But no improvement (beyond it looking slightly "cleaner"). So, it doesn't seem to be worth the effort to change the DAT One question to you @Ultra God Azgorath: Does Launchbox identify "The Black Cauldron" as one game for Apple II or you have several entries. Automatically or did you manually somehow group them. I did some digging. It seems the ones with cue files and the ones that you tag as "clone of" in the DAT files all show very nice & clean (grouped, metadata, etc.). The multi-disks without a tag / cue show as several entries in LaunchBox?
  12. Thanks. "Black Cauldron" could be a great test whetehr this improves. RomVault basically works straight out of the box. You copy the DAT zip file into the DAT folder of RomVault (and unzip it). You dump all ROMs into the rom folder of RomVault. You hit scan, then check fix, then fix. Then it's done! Super easy with no configuration needed.
  13. Any chance to change the file names for "Black Cauldron" (Apple II) for the next DAT? I'd love to see how it impacts what I am doing with RomVault.
  14. The one on RA read much cleaner to me? Am i missing something obvious that suggests a different name? See below for the example i quoted above: Black Cauldron, The - Disk 1 Back.nib[appleasimov] 66f82e26d9417757ece6253dc140967c Black Cauldron, The - Disk 1 Front.nib[appleasimov] dbcc564fdd15795c4b994af26a01a09e Black Cauldron, The - Disk 2 Back.nib[appleasimov] 02de27187fd6446daae8303066611f13 Black Cauldron, The - Disk 2 Front.nib[appleasimov] 89d90b22588fc4217348e334c60c6900 Black Cauldron, The - Disk 3.nib[appleasimov] 0d0ef0cace8ccde940c06781efe2fd78 The Black Cauldron (4am and san inc crack) disk 1A.dsk 8899ad83dbda2e772393f98abefdc058 The Black Cauldron (4am and san inc crack) disk 1B.dsk 6af43b5d837688b373529947d3fb04fc The Black Cauldron (4am and san inc crack) disk 2A.dsk 9214fdb0b3a53c5f4160ac681a2002bd The Black Cauldron (4am and san inc crack) disk 2B.dsk a7cea209c45dacf4474753a701b4229d The Black Cauldron (4am and san inc crack) disk 3A.dsk 3493f40aec829f98e4cf6ff739ff0f81 The Black Cauldron disk 1A.woz 20521505afaa87bb93533172f0ab5467 The Black Cauldron disk 1B.woz 7ee36f4258c655325bef305300bd6f6e The Black Cauldron disk 2A.woz db2d941216029330a9fe89a65dfdd459 The Black Cauldron disk 2B.woz a3fad474e60da976c32c29bf7db7d7f7 The Black Cauldron disk 3.woz 147464e241a0b6065c49e1880f0f6e0a
  15. Wouldn’t it be best to take the official file name? The name on RA comes from Redump, No-Intro, etc. And it’s what’s on the RA web-site. Is it about the effort to copy&pasts from RA web-site? Or some other reason that’s driving the name choice?
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