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Everything posted by 3dlollo

  1. Thanks! I didn't even realized that this was an update that happened! And now that I scanned my Vita games I can see that I have no duplicates importing and removing the text files does import the games directly from the emulator... Awesome! Will need to do the same from PS3 too!
  2. I noticed that when you add games for Vita for example, or for other platforms where you need to create an "alias" (Amiga games were another instance if I remember correctly); you end up creating a text file for each game that may have an ID for the actual title. For Vita games it could be something like PCSEXXXXXX When you scrape these games, the result is that none of these games are recognized by Launchbox, so you need to manually change all these IDs with their relative names. Is there a way to add those names in the parser, so nobody else has to do this? Can the data be sent to the parser so it can "remember" what these IDs are, and in this way other users can get the names ? I looked at the documentation but found nothing that allow me to save my info and upload it to the main DB of the parser; and the result is that even after few years, when I need to re-parse my games after a clean up or a crash of a hard drive, I end up having to rename by hand all of these games that have IDs and aliases all over again. It would be awesome if there was a way to actually avoid to do that and save the data that we know it is legit (like all the PSN and PS codes for PS, PS2, PS3, PSP and Vita games); so when these games are parsed, it is easier to just scrape them and get the correct titles.
  3. Thanks; so this could work with the custom fields then. Would there be at any point in time an option in the UI to right click on a game and add a specific field directly from the contextual menu (or even better, using a keyboard shortcut)? That would really speed up greatly the process. These are changes you mostly do once when you set up your collection, but I can see value in quick change for fields changes in other situations too. And if it is an option you can toggle, you could set it on, do your assignments and then just turn it off when you are done, cleaning up the menu from extra stuff that you won't be needing at that point
  4. I want to create some custom tags/parameters that can be applied to games at global level; so I can apply this tag basically to any game in any platform running on any emulator. I tried to look in the prefs but didn't find a specific area to do that. If I change the metadata of the game there is a "custom field" area there, but if you add it to the game you have to add it manually to the other billion games you eventually want to add that tag to; while I was hoping there was an easier way to do that, like right click-> apply tag for example (or mass-apply tag of sort). I find those already in the app useful, but I want to make my own, to further divide the games across platforms into different categories/genres/types that I see fit, but I can't really see how this can be done, without change manually EVERY single game one by one in their metadata (and not even sure if that is then working if I want to filter only the games with that tag. TL:DR I want to pick games, add them something like "favorite" tag (one or more) across platforms and then be able to get a list only of these games, exactly as I would do if I was using the "favorite" tag for example. Is this possible or do I have to write my own parser outside Launchbox that would make these changes to the metadata for each game? Thanks
  5. I figured out this even exist; so I got the emulator and followed the tutorial here and games are working in the emulator, but they do not work in Launchbox. Made text files that have the same name as the game ID; added the config changes so the extension of the file is stripped and imported those test files, but Vita3K just die when running any game. If I just run the emulator it works fine and all the games show in its interface. Is there a new or better way to import games in Launchbox for Vita3K? Or is better support coming to the next releases for this emulator? Thanks
  6. After deleting a chunk of roms I noticed that for some roms it was asking me if I want to remove the rom too; At this point I have no clue why it is asking it for some games but not for others, but I will look into it further as I go. Any suggestion is more than welcome, about what to look at to troubleshoot
  7. Thanks; for some reasons I was not looking at that section, since it is in the "boxes" section. I totally forgot it was there and was looking for it in the visuals section. BTW is there any plan to add the feature to Launchbox to resize images to a certain size, when importing games? I had to do that with an external tool, so all the games cells do look the same now, and would be great to have it in Launchbox directly. Thanks!
  8. Not sure what changed; I just updated to the latest build and now when I delete either via right click or with the delete key, the game is removed but I don't get the "want to delete also the rom" prompt. Checked the settings and the option to delete the rom file in the general section is checked. Is it a bug or am I missing something? Trying to clean up 2 folders I merged from duplicates, and without the feature to delete roms and related media, it is all manual work that I don't really want to do
  9. I remember that some time ago I could change the theme settings for how the images were displayed on the main view (like size, aspect ratio, space between each screenshot and so on). But I can't find this option in the settings anymore. Was it removed? Or has been moved somewhere else?
  10. Just install it somewhere, and copy the necessary files in the same folder and reference everything in that folder. I am doing that to have multiple versions of Launchbox and it works so far when I use it on different computers. Although there is a chance that different OS from the one you used for the installation may not work... Never tried, I run everything on the latest Windows 11 version.
  11. Looks like I am the only one with interest in such things, considering that there was no reply on this post. I guess I will have to figure out how to handle this outside the app then, which means separate installations for each platform 🤷‍♂️
  12. I am sure you are accustomed to other applications that have the ability to switch on the fly the library used; or to applications that can create "playlists" so you can save your relax playlist on your phone, or your "pump me up" mix in your USB stick for your car and so on. I would like to have something like that for Launchbox and was wondering if there was anyone else that had this desire, or it is just me (I submitted a feature request BTW). The concept is simple: I have 3 retro devices, and each one can play different games, since they have different power levels; plus I have 2 retro-computers (one running dos and W95, another W98 and XP), which I dual boot basically if I need to play a specific game. At the current state of things I would love to have different libraries, so I can save my games that run on my low power handheld in a library I can access from Launchbox main interface. Basically I can do something like right click on a game or on multiple games, and say "send to cheap handheld library". That will result in a new library holding only these games I add on it, so I can switch to it and move that content on my cheap handheld. Same goes for windows games: one computer may have only certain DOS games, while another computer may be using other games running only on XP (I know that Launchbox does not run on these platforms; but I can copy files and folders from my computer to the other computer if needed, for some games to play on old systems, like dosbox games for example or GOG games). I can move games in these libraries easily and copy those at will. Currently you can't really do that: the interface show ALL the games and all follow one single library; unless you install again Launchbox somewhere else and make it "portable" so to speak... So you can have different version of Launchbox with different games. This works fine until you try to figure out which games among the thousands you have, need to be copied over to the other Launchbox install You need to copy each file individually from the window manager, since Launchbox have no clue about what you are trying to do, and this is quite time consuming. So far I made the same mame list 3 times to fit on my phone, on my main PC and on my PS vita, and it took forever as I had to copy only the specific files that would run on that specific platform, and since you cannot see what is on each Launchbox instance until you open it; you can imagine the amount of churning. Having instead multiple libraries would be great; I could have a PS vita library with just mame games that can run there; and a library for just my DOS and old win games running on W98 or Xp for example, while maintaining the main library updated. Am I the only one that have this desire? Or there is anyone interested in having support for multiple libraries and copy games over different libraries easily from the UI of Launchbox? I opened a feature request submission just in case, but I am sure that it would get more eyes on it if there is any interest here probably. So I am curious to hear what this community think. Thanks.
  13. Thanks; although wouldn't that work for 12.12 installer too? The antivirus does not seem to have issues with 12.12 installer, only with 12.13. I will try again tonight by disabling the antivirus and will let you know.
  14. Just got this on Windows 10; started Launchbox and the 12.12 version was just fine. Got a notification to update and after the installation, 12.13 did start but crashed. After that I can't run it anymore. When I double click on the app it does not even load; nothing happens. I went ahead and reverted to 12.12 and it works fine; so I guess something is wrong with the latest update? Let me know if you need me to try anything on my machine; I am on a AMD CPU and GPU system, so it is not your average system out there running with intel CPU and Nvidia GPU.
  15. My bad, I thought I saw other posts here mentioning other feature. Do I get a special "broken record" badge for being a paid member ?
  16. I am really happy about LB; my .2 cents wishlist: - Have Launchbox to remember which game was I on when I delete something, instead of scrolling all the way to the top - Sync up play time and settings across platforms (I have both the full sub to the desktop and android platforms); so I can set up all platforms once, instead of constantly have to change settings when switching platforms (or worst if I have to re-install the OS and I didn't make a backup of the settings folder) - Steam Deck support - Streaming capabilities so I can run games on my pc and play them on my TV connected to the same network (the TV is too weak to run most emulators and I don't want to have a dongle computer in the living room) - Find duplicates of games and not only of media - Better parsing of the roms (more often than not I end up with the scraper retrieving the ENG data but the JP name and images for my roms)
  17. Since I have some games in CDI format and most of the rest are in CHD; I was wondering if it was worth to convert those CDI files in CHD, or even possible. All I was able to find is GDI to CHD converters, but not CDI to CHD. Is that not worth for some reason?
  18. I thought so, although I shut it down as I always do. I found that not only the config file was corrupted but all the xml files in the data folder. The good thing is that the backup before the last one was still recent enough and not corrupted (the backup was corrupted too), so I managed to restore its state. First time I get this behavior, and I've been using LB for quite a while now; so I connected the last update to this issue, although since it happened only once it is not statistically relevant, unless other people got that too. Updating to 12.8 today; will keep an eye to see if this happens again.
  19. This is a weird one; I didn't use LB much recently, so few weeks ago I ran it to get the latest update, and it did update to 12.6. The app started as usual, everything was fine, I quit the app and move on. Today I launched it and I get an error message about my settings.xml having issue, and the message invite me to restore a backup. I opened the file and there is nothing except a string of NUL in it. Goes without saying that I didn't make any backup since I never had such issues. Is this something that was reported by anyone? I have no repro steps except the ones I just described. The backup for the shutdown was also corrupted, although the startup one before was not. Which makes me think that something went south after the 12.6 update. Please let me know if there is anything saved/logged that I can look at.Thanks
  20. I am using a 28' LCD screen, and using the standard bezels the game window is quite large, which result in being quite pixellated sadly. For 2d content I am using some filters, but for 3d content often that won't do much; so I was thinking to just reduce the window size of each core, although that will leave black space around the game window; since the bezel cover only part of the screen. I checked in retroarch and most of the bezels from projectbezel are mostly the same size; so they try to mask the screen to remove the black side bands that are a trait of 4:3 content running on 16:10 screen. Also if you try to resize the bezel in retroarch, that won't work either because it will just zoom in the bezel; which won't reduce the actual size of the game window in the center. Is there an alternative/custom version of bezels that can be used to have a smaller game window, and not have black borders around the game window? So far I just found one for Atari Lynx; which mimic the actual console look, leaving in the center an area small enough to fit the game window; which is small enough to mask the pixellated look. But I could not find such bezels for other platforms (I could make some, but I don't have any drawing skills to be honest... The best I can do is to use paint).
  21. Wow, works great! Thanks! It is incredibly time consuming to do that in Dolphin, especially because I cannot select multiple games that share the same settings (for example gamecube gamepad or tilt controller); but it is better than nothing. As I play games I save their settings in the config file and eventually all of them will be correctly set. Thanks!
  22. I am getting quite confused about how to get this done. I have different dolphin games for the wii; some use the gamepad, some the wiimote, some the wiimote sideways. Every time I play a game I need to go in the settings of Dolphin and change up the controls. This may work on a computer but I have my computer in a cabinet, so I have to grab the keyboard and mouse every time I run a different game that require me to change the controls. Is there a way to solve this? I understand that this is related to how the emulator handle controllers, but is there a way to pass controller settings parameters directly from Launchbox, so when you run a game the emulator get the parameters to correctly switch to the appropriate controller for that game?
  23. I am curious to understand how the sorting for star rating works. Just downloaded the latest community star rating, and switched to a platform (the behavior is the same in every platform); then I picked "arrange by" and selected star rating. The sorting happened, but not in the way I was expecting. - Star rating: 2+ stars category show games that have "your star rating" None for example, and Community star rating of 2.72. In this case the sorting is done using community star rating - Star rating Not Rated show games that have "your star rating" None and community star rating for example of 4.5 I am not sure how is the sorting done here... because since I didn't set any star rating for these games, they should show as "Star Rating not rated"; which is not the case; and if the sorting was using the Community Star Rating, I should not see these games in the "Not Rated" section. Is this a bug? Or am I missing something in the logic?
  24. Thanks for the reply; looking forward to see some changes on that aspect. It is not a problem if you just launch games, but if you maintain a large items base, it does affect you while you clean up things.
  25. Not sure if this is a bug or by design; but if it is the latter, it is quite bothersome. If I delete a rom in a platform; let's say I am at the letter D; when the rom is deleted the list refresh (which is great), but the view scroll all the way up to the first entry of the list. If you are dealing with a large list of hundreds of entries, this get old quite fast, since you need to scroll back to where you were before you deleted the rom. Are there plans to change this, if it is done on purpose, or a plan to fix it if it is a bug? Thanks
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