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Everything posted by decibel001

  1. Pause screens load up fine but when I go to resume, I get a black screen, I can hear the game running though. I am using MAME .209 on a windows 10 machine.
  2. I'm new to this obviously but last night I tried to import Ring King and Dynamite Cop and they would not import. It would go through the motions but then say 0 games added. I know I have my rom folder path correct. I have a split set of .205 mame, I used the import roms process in the tools menu.
  3. I was playing Dynamite Cop in Mame, so can I manually import it into big box? It seemed to work just fine.
  4. Having a similar issue with Mame .205 set not completely importing into Launchbox. I was looking for Ring King and Dynamite Cop...they aren't available in Launchbox/Big Box but I found them in Mame. Should I just do a second import of my complete Mame set?
  5. Anyone doing this? I have an old cabinet that I have put a PC in using a Ultimarc ArcadeVGA card, outputting the RGBHV sync on an old Wells and Gardner 4900 CRT monitor. My desktop and big box look great but whenever Mame launches a game the vertical sync starts to "roll"...when I exit back to Big Box everything syncs up again any help or direction?
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