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Everything posted by PurpleTentacle

  1. ha, seriously! I've always wanted to try them. As a teen, I wanted to play them because I felt like I was missing out on Zelda games, but as an adult? I'm glad I did, but I still want to see what I was "missing".
  2. ah, gottcha, I figured that was the case, just wanted to make sure. Thanks.
  3. So thanks to this thread, I finally decided to give the CD-i another try, and it worked! On the other hand, when I opened up Wand of Gamelon & the Zelda's adventure, they both gave me this message. Should I worry about it, or is it standard? Haven't had any issues with it yet, but I wanted to double check. Also, does this work with Retroarch in any way, or just MAME?
  4. Yeah, I literally Googled the problem, and one of the few relevant results was this thread, lol.
  5. Remembered that my 3rd computer doesn't have a GPU, since it's my old computer where the GPU died. No GFE, and it still is having the same issue. I'm baffled. Probably just gonna switch to Nestopia for the time being until I can figure it out.
  6. I do. Just tried closing it & no difference, although I don't know if I need to disable it from starting up with Windows, as opposed to merely closing it? Still trying to figure out how to disable it on startup (it's not under the Startup section in Task Manager, no option in Geforce Experience itself).
  7. That's a good idea! I had a copy of my build on another hard drive on my main computer (sort of a "test build" for stuff like this), and unfortunately, still have the same issue with a fresh version of RetroArch. At least I ruled out bezels/configs being the issue. Even tried a few different version of the same game. Worst comes to worst, I'll just use Nestopia. I'm less concerned with which core I use, and more concerned with fixing whatever the cause of the problem is, in case it influences other things.
  8. Just updated all my drivers, along with Windows itself. Still getting the sound issue. Here's a clip I just uploaded to YouTube just to give an example of what it sounds like: I also installed the same build of Launch Box (which same games & settings) to my laptop, and it has a very similar sounding issue (I don't think it's quite exact, but it's close). The laptop's CPU & GPU are very outdated compared to my main computer, but it's not really too bad (have no problem emulating N64 games, for example). I should mention that the green flicker you see a few times isn't present when actually playing it. Must be introduced from the recording. I also need to move/hide my mouse, lol. Unrelated, but I'm also having an issue with RetroArch where it will stop responding to my hotkeys after making a change (I use the "Enable Hotkey" to input commands into RetroArch). Doesn't always happen, but it does make controlling RetroArch a bit unreliable.
  9. Yeah, I don't think I have any specific audio settings that aren't default. I do have the bezel project stuff, but when I open it manually within RetroArch, even with the bezels, it works fine.
  10. The computer I have my default build on has an Intel i7 8700k & 1070ti (not that I'd expect the GPU to matter), so I know the issue isn't lack of power. Nestopia & FCEUmm libretros work fine, as far as I can tell. I've heard that the Mesen libretro has the best accuracy, so I'd like to figure out what the issue is (also want to fix it in case the cause negatively impacts other things without me noticing). The gameplay, as far as I can tell, is smooth, it's just a clicking-popping sound (even with the game is paused). Not every game does this with Mesen, but it's enough that I don't want to just switch the games that do it to Nestopia (would be hard to test every game, too). Any ideas? I actually just tested opening up Castlevania III manually within Retroarch, and it seemed to play fine. I don't have any extra command line parameters in Launch Box, so I'm not sure what the difference is.
  11. This is the one thing that makes me hesitant to import the hacks/homebrews. Even though I don't have all that many, it's still a bit of a pain. My TI-99 4/a collection is a bit of a mess because a higher percentage of them don't have metadata, and even then, a lot of them don't have all the images I need (and especially the movies). I just kind of accept that my TI-99 4a stuff is a mess, so I'd probably do that with my hacks/homebrews stuff. Images aren't usually too bad to track down, but making/finding movies is a different matter.
  12. Yup, added the relevant emulators to the Platform when I did a test run on a NES rom hacks platform. Also did that when I added "Nintendo Famicom" as a separate platform to my collection (still wasn't sure why that's not a default platform, but I don't know a whole lot about the Famicom vs. the Famicom Disk System (aside from the obvious). I'll probably still add "Hack" to the Custom Fields to make a playlist with all hacked roms, just for convenience sake. Only question I have left is why Launch Box recommends not adding a new Platform? It didn't recommend it when I added Famicom by doing Tools -> Manage Platforms, but when I right clicked on an existing Platform, and then clicked add, it recommended to use the Tools -> Manage Platforms to make a custom platform. Not really sure why or what the difference is. Thanks for the reply.
  13. I wanted to include Castlevania II Redaction, and initially I was going to bother to separate it since it's just one rom. But after coming across a collection of hacked NES/SNES/Genesis roms, I'm considering organizing it somehow. There are two methods I was thinking of using: 1) import them as regular NES/SNES/Genesis roms, and then adding "Hack" as a custom field, and then making a Playlist that includes that autogenerates based on that custom field. 2) Create custom Platforms for NES/SNES/Genesis hack roms (and potentially a Playlist that includes them all). When I tried creating a custom Platform, Launch Box warned me that it was inadvisable (I did this on a test copy of my build so that I didn't have to worry about messing anything up). For now, it seems like the best option is to add the hacked roms as normal, but then adding that custom field. That said, I'd like a way to organize them a bit more (like using a separate folder so they're not mixed in). I'm open to suggestions.
  14. Just tried it out, works fantastic! This solved a major problem I was having, and I'm glad you got to experience the awesomeness of the MT-32. It's definitely something I recommend everyone to use to get the "full" experience. Thanks for solving this issue so quickly!
  15. I just keep the save files on default, so I'm actually not sure where they go. I just use the default LaunchBox\ScummVM folder to store the MT-32 roms, but ScummVM remembers the actual physical path, so, as far as I know, there's no way to tell ScummVM to check the file location relative to the LaunchBox\ScummVM folder structure (maybe the ini can be edited manually to do this?).
  16. The timing here was perfect for me! I was actually putting off a solution for making my ScummVM games portable because it was one thing that I couldn't setup in a satisfactory way. I actually started typing up a post here to look for ideas, when I checked out your (epicfail) launcher to try something with it before making a post... and lo & behold, you had just updated it so that it's truly portable! It works perfectly, so I greatly appreciate it! Just wish I had a solution for setting up the "Extra" folder within ScummVM so that it's also portable for the Roland MT-32 emulation, since the ScummVM INI settings are essentially hardwired. I plan on giving a few of my friends my setup, so I'm trying to make it preconfiged as possible, but in this case, I think I'll just give them instructions on how to set up ScummVM for the first time. Pretty easy to explain.
  17. I have it setup to exit the game & go back to Recalbox when I press my left thumbstick button + start. This is the only hotkey I have set up as the same on all systems. This is what I have in the Recalbox version of RetroArch: Change Save State Slot: Left Thumbstick + Dpad Up/Down Save State: Left Thumbstick + Y Load Save State: Left Thumbstick + X Screenshot: Left Thumbstick + Left Shoulder Button Reset: Left Thumbstick + A When I try to go into RetroArch's hotkey settings, I can only assign it to one key instead of a key combination. Is there a way to assign the above actions to hotkey combinations?
  18. I went through that with my Raspberry Pi, lol. I *really* enjoyed configuring it, setting it up, and I did play it for awhile... and then just stopped. Fortunately, once I got a 13" monitor for my bedroom, it gave me a reason to play it again.
  19. Looks like I have a new project for today. Honestly, figuring out tricks like this is one of the fun parts of LaunchBox (at least as far as it relates to not playing games). Creating a script to load & run a BASIC script was kind of satisfying, even if it's not exactly sophisticated.
  20. Yeah, I gotta figure that if D-Fend can launch it by creating DOS Box configs, then it should be no problem to transfer the those configs to the games' directory within LaunchBox. I don't remember D-Fend doing anything special beyond that, but it's been awhile since I've used it.
  21. I used to use D-Fend Reloaded, actually! It might have been what kept me from fully switching to LaunchBox originally. I really enjoy how it has some preconfiged settings for specific machines. Makes it easy to find a good starting point for a game if you know what speed CPU the game was written for. Gonna stick with LaunchBox because one of my main intentions is to use it for BigBox, and throwing in another front end could get messy (I suppose I could always take the DOS Box configs made by D-Fend & use them in LaunchBox).
  22. huh, I think the game focus option is what I want to use. For some reason, the Enable Hotkeys option doesn't seem to work for me, or maybe I don't understand how it works. It never seems to send the command to RA. I think I'll use the Game Focus option, and instruct anyone who plays it to use that when playing DOS games.
  23. tl;dr: I'm trying to decide on the best method for running DOS games. At the moment, I use DOS Box when I can, but Retroach for games that need them. So my situation is like this: DOS Box seems to play most games, but for reasons I can't quite figure out, some games just don't run, although they run using Retroarch. I tried adjusting some of the settings like the video output method (I.E. Surface/Overlay/DirectDraw), or the machine type (I know some games require a specific output method, but that doesn't seem to always be the case). I'd consider just going full RetroArch to make things easier for me (game speed seems to also work well by default). Unfortunately, like I mentioned in the title, Retroarch has the keyboard shortcuts on by default, so pressing the spacebar, for instance, will fast forward. Now, I saved a config where the "End" key was used to enable hotkeys, which turns the hotkeys off by default, so it doesn't interfere with keyboard input for the games. Unfortunately, that effects *all* other systems, and on top of that, pressing the "End" key doesn't actually turn on keyboard shortcuts, so there's no way to open up the Retroarch menu (I guess turning off keyboard shortcuts oddly turns off the ability to enable them through a keyboard shortcut). So is there a better way to do this? Is there a command line parameter to load a specific config so that it only does that for DOS games? Also, how do I tell what config Retroarch is using for DOS Box? They usually run well, but I'd like to be able to tweak them, but I don't know how. Problem I'm having with a specific game - Scorched Earth in DOS Box has the mouse act weird (it's very wonky, hard to describe), but the mouse works fine in Retroarch. On the other hand, Scorched Earth runs rather slowly in Retroarch (the explosions & the starting screen load REALLY slowly, everything else is fine). Retroarch makes it actually playable, but the waiting for the explosions & such makes me not want to play it.
  24. Thanks! That's very helpful to know. Now I just need to go through & find out which games need some of those.
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