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  1. I agree too
  2. Thanks! This also does the trick. Not sure which option is better.....
  3. I miss one important improvement.... Bulk importing of systems.... Now when i do a new install i have to make the same choices for every rom set again and again. While this is normal for the rom location and the emulator setup. But for all other it can be standarized. For example. You have 1 screen where you set rom locations and choose emulators. For every system 1 line. Then all the other settings pages can be the same for every system. This way you can import all systems at once in bulk.
  4. I just tested this... It happens with MAME only. I am on one of the latest versions (0.239). I also replaced the mame.exe with the mame no nag version exe. This makes no difference. I tried to increase the MINIMUM STARTUP SCREEN TIME to the maximum seconds (5) from within bigbox and this had no effect. Then i found out that under MANAGE EMULATORS and then under MAME there is a tab called STARTUP SCREEN where you can set different options. I messed around with all options and found that if you set the STARTUP LOAD DELAY to a high value (10 seconds or 20 seconds). The problem is gone. I notice however that the load time for emulators is very long from within bigbox (7 seconds or so). I just upgraded to an SSD for launchbox and media. Only the games are from a mechanical drive. However, if you load street fighter it is not a big file. I also notice that if i edit MAME under MANAGE EMULATOR and click the EDIT button it takes 10+ seconds to load the settings for MAME. Only the first time when i edit does it take this very long time. If i go back and try edit another time it is instantanious. If i close launchbox and start it again then the first time takes very long. Seems a lilttle buggy. For now i hope it works (will test a little more).
  5. Does anyone have any clue? This is a real problem for me because in the moment (1-2s) the bigbox screen is show the controls also work so if i push a button i can start a second game or the games that was initially started looses focus and all gets messed up!
  6. Hi, Can someone (with the skills) please make (or convert) a Hyperspin theme for Launchbox. I always use the Unified Redux (which i read somewhere long time ago that it comes closest to hyperspin). However, there is something missing. I always loved the Hyperspin look. Full screen attraction with Free Play/Press Start and a Joystick in the bottom of the screen and the hyperspin sounds. Or is there already a theme that has the hyperspin look, sounds and feel? Someone made one for Attract mode. See the example (start at 5:30):
      • 1
      • Haha
  7. I am also looking for the best easy method for shelling windows 10. Found this example for hyperspin. Don't know if this helps?
  8. I just installed a new SSD (500GB) and additional 4GB ram. Will report after the caching if and how things improve.
  9. Hi, I am currently updating 2 cabinets. I have gone the setup proces a couple of times for various reasons. The problem i have is with one cabinet and i encountered it on all new setups. When i start a game in Bigbox the game loading screen shows up. Then after some time it returns to the Bigbox menu for 1-2 seconds (as if the game did not start) and then it starts the game. I have an I7 2600 CPU, Radeon HD 7750, 8GB Ram (just added 4) and a 500GB SSD (MX500) for Launchbox/Media and a 1TB mechanical hard drive for all the ROMs. On my old installation (1 year ago) i did not have this problem. On both cabinets i followed the same procedure: Install windows 10 on the new 500GB SSD Partition the disk (70GB for Windows and the rest for Launchbox). Install "allruntimes" Update all drivers with Driver Booster (only on the last installs) Then install Launchbox. Does someone know why i might have this problem after every new install? And why only on 1 cabinet while the procedure is the same on the other? The other cabinet has a newer processor (same speed) and a better video card (GTX 950). Thnx!
  10. I think i understand the script. I was not familiar with the operators like ++ but i looked it up on the AHK website. PS, why do we need the sleep 750?
  11. Hi Joe, Thank you very much! Works like a charm!
  12. I have cached all images and i think it is actually the caching itself when you first go around all systems that is causing the very unresponsive experience.... This is somewhat counter intuitive since you expect a very fast and clean system after you install launchbox for the first time. It gets a lot better when all images are cached. However, it still do not find it very snappy after all is cached. I took a better look on my system specs and the arcade cabinet on the second floor has only 4 GB of ram. So combined with a mechanical drive that may not be the best setup. I looked for additinonal RAM but since it is an old setup and the mainboard manual states it is almost a requirement to place identical RAM modules it becomes more expensive than i want to upgrade the RAM. Maybe a SSD 1TB for launchbox and the media is an option in the future when prices do drop a little. Thank you all for your help!
  13. Hi to all Retro Gamers, Since a couple of years i have been looking for some script/program in which you can limit the amount of coins you can spend in MAME. Games are no challenge if you have unlimited coins. I have not found a solution so i began trying to write my own AHK script. And that is not as easy as i thought it would be. I hope we can all contribute to making a script that can do this (or hint to a program that does this already). What i want is very simple. Suppose your coin key is the Q key. If Q is pressed for example 5 times AHK must disable that key. The script must be active only when MAME is running. For this last requirement we have 2 options. 1. start the script when MAME is started / kill the script when MAME is closed. 2. write a script that checks if MAME is running or not. Starting and killing a script may be possible from within Launchbox (with launching/closing emulator). Killing a script might be also possible if we define the exit emulator key in the script. There is one more requirement. There may be more coin keys. If you have a 2 or 4 player system then there are 2 or 4 coin keys. I am not sure but i think arcade games have coins adressed differently. You have cabinets that add coins to a global counter and cabinets that have coins dedicated for player 1, 2, 3, and 4. In the first version it does not matter where you input a coin, in the last it does. I think most cabinets have a global counter (all coins add up and you can start all players). TMNT however does have dedicated coin inputs for 4 players (example). So who will join me in making this AHK script work? Step 1. Find AHK code that will block the input of a key if it is pressed more than X times Step 2. Make it work only when MAME is active Step 3. Make it work with multiple coin keys. Who has the solution or part of the solution and wants to share the first line of code? Let's do this together!
  14. Well, definitely some very good suggestion to do the image cache thing. I do not remember but is this instruction given during a fresh install of LB? Maybe i clicked it away and did not read it.... if not shown maybe a good instruction upon installing why you should do it and how will help a lot of users. Will give it a try now! Thanx!!
  15. Hi Fry, Thank you for your reply. I use the Unified Redux theme. I want to be as close to the hyperspin feel as possible. I loved hyperspin but the bugs, the complexity and the non existing development drove me away. I have not looked at the image cache options. What are the options? I assumed that Launchbox came with the best performance options enabeled with a new install. I used to have all the media on an SSD but since they are 256GB SSDs and windows is also on the SDDs and the disk space on it became to small i had to put the media on a mechanical drive. I know, not the best option. Performance on the SSD was better but i remember that wheel art did not load instandly.
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