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Just an update from my end, I have tried the test Rlad suggested and it indeed was able to click on All and scroll quite smoothly with no issues (Nice spot Rlad). However as soon as I turn it back on, the issue reappears and will crash when scrolling or even sometimes when choosing another category, but that's quite rare. Although I have found that sometimes if I just leave it for while without touching it it will work if I don't scroll too fast, so its a really odd scenario. But does seem to have some relation to RA, even though RA seems to be working fine.
Thanks for the reply, I typed it out on here but it came out all black and couldn't see it, so changed it to white. Apologies for that, my bad, ill leave it alone this time lol. It just closes out with no error message or indication, it seems to freeze for a bit when trying to load the list from a search or when I start scrolling through games when I go to "All", in which it will then just close. Just turned on logs and will give it another try and upload the results if I cant figure it out.
Hi, Ever since the latest update (13.16), I’ve been experiencing some issues that I can’t figure out. Previously, I would occasionally encounter problems due to the large number of games (just under 20K). It would sometimes take a few moments to settle, and if I tried to click on LB whilst its "settling" or anything else, it would crash to the desktop. However, if I left it alone, it would eventually settle and work fine. The latest update has exacerbated this issue. Now, even if I let it "settle" and try to browse “All games” or simply even search for a game, it crashes to the desktop almost every time. Is there anything I can try to resolve this?Thanks.
Thanks everyone, I have tried all this and for me none of it worked. In regards to the Rlad Response (thanks), for me I download my videos manually from YouTube and put them in the video folder directly like I do with all the console games. The name of each video is taken from the edit menu of each game so its exactly the same and worked fine previously. So not sure if my issue is the same. Also thanks C-beats, I already tried all this in the past, and just retried, but no-go, the images still wont show. The image issue has been happening for several months and was hoping some update will fix it as it used to work fine, but unfortunately so far still ongoing. All these issues worked at some point so hopefully there is a solution.
Hi, At the moment, I have two ongoing issues, one of which only emerged today following the most recent update. The first, and older issue, is with the Neon Arcade LB theme. Despite having an image for a game, as illustrated below, it fails to display in Launchbox. This issue is inconsistent, affecting some games but not others, and mainly happening with EPIC games. Interestingly, these images appear as expected with the Default theme, so must be a local issue with NA. I did make a post on their page, and everyone was really helpful, but I still cant seem to figure it out. If anyone else has had this issue any advice would be greatly appreciated. The new issue which only appeared today after the latest update is happening on nearly every system, both PC and console. Most of the game videos suddenly stopped playing. When auditing the system, it shows a lot of the videos are missing (0 Video), despite the fact that there are videos for nearly every game in the folder and all worked fine prior to the update. If I goto edit to see if the video is still there, it now shows nothing (image below) when previously would have a video. The issue is random, affecting some games but not others, and in some systems, nearly 90% of the games show they have no video, even though they are present in the folder but now need to be manually reattached to the game. Like the previous issue, this one on both my laptop and PC, but also happens on all themes etc, so is maybe launchbox related?. Has this happened to anyone else or maybe have any ideas on what I can try to fix it? Thanks
Its a great theme and glad you still look after it, it enhances the whole experience!. Apologies, I should have mentioned that it is exclusive to the Neon Deluxe Arcade as it does indeed work in the Default. Also As I mentioned it seems to only be with the newer scraped games rom Epic. Its very odd, so anything guidance would be great.
Hi, I have been using this theme now for a few years and never looked back and really is a cool looking front end. Highly recommended. But I have had some weird issue with Epic games for the last few months where it won't display the gameplay screenshots in the game details, even though there are screenshots available there. See image of Frost Punk which is an example of this. Games scraped many months ago worked and their images are displayed, but the more recent ones seem to have this problem. It only seems to be for Epic Games so not sure if tis my Launchbox or the theme itself causing the problem. Any advise is appreciated on how to resolve this. Thanks
So just tried it from scratch, fresh install of launchbox, 2 week old windows installation and still happens. This is the paid for version also if this helps. I have tried turning firewalls off etc, still no luck. Is there an ini file to check the address or something?
Hi, whenever I try search for metadata for a game, via right click edit, I always get the "[ ERROR ] Could not connect to Wikipedia", launchbox database seems to connect but will always get the Wikipedia error. Can anyone give me any ideas on how to fix it please?. Thanks
Hi, I was installing launchbox on my old laptop and all was going well, when i realised I made a mistake and wanted to reinstall one of the systems (which I've done in the past many times with no issues). When I went to download the metadata for it, it keeps stopping at parsing at emumovies. When I test the connection it just says to "unable to login". I tried it with another system to test it and wont work. I have logged into the website so the login details are correct and even tried the emumovies sync utility which also connects, but launchbox just refuses. Has something gone wrong, can anyone assist? Thanks
Hi, I had a fully working launchbox and Big Box on my pc with over 27,000 games. I copied the exact same setup over to my laptop and got my 27,000 games, but decided to just make sure i have all the art so done the "downloading metadata and Media" option in order to check. It took a long time but for some reason my laptop only had about 100 errors whilst my PC had almost 2000 errors. I tried running it again on my PC and still got the same issue. Now my PC launchbox is only showing arounf 25,500 games. I tried reverting to older backups and it keeps showing 25,500 (approx) so just cant get it back to 27,000. Can someone help please?, what has happened to my games, especially since it works on my laptop and all of a sudden not on my PC and its the same setup copied over? I really dont want to start again after the hours and hours ive spent getting it to where it is. Thanks for any help.
Hi guys thanks for all you replies and srry for my late one. Im a lot more informed about it now and its a split set I have. It turned it it was a bad romset as I spent the last couple days aquiring another and it works now. Thanks again.
Ah I see, thanks so its possibly that I may be missing the BIOs files. So sorry to ask another noob questoin but how can I tell if I have amerged or split romset?, is it literally the roms inside are indiviual or in one big zip file?. Mine are all split in seperate files by the looks of it. Also how can I tell if I have the correct BIOS files if any?, as I have looked online but it seems to relate to older version which im not sure will help me or not.
ZeusMP started following Why do so many of my MAME Roms not work?
Hi, just bought Big Box not long ago and am really pleased with how its all turned out. I have spent a really long time setting up the images and videos and still not half way thorugh!!. Anyway got nearly every emulator working apart from MAME (and Fairchild F but aparently that work through MAME?), a lot of the games work but there are so many many that don't and I can't figure out why. I followed the video tutorial and like I say it does work to an extent but want to make sure its not something im doing wrong. So im using MAME64 (tried both 0.202 and 0.205) standalone as described via the video and not the retroarch core. I also have a MAME romset 0.202. So what happens is that many games just say something along the lines of "the selected machine is missing one or more required rom or chd files". So for games like the 1940 series,, none of them work they all say the same thing. I found posts regarding QSOUND, but looked in the romset I have and its already in there along with QSOUND HLE. Ive tried different versions of MAME, tried starting it out of LAunchbox and directly from mame and have the same error. MAME has it in its workig category apparently. Could it be that they just don't work or am I actually missing something?. If anyone has a advice or guidance that would be great.