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8-Bit Processor

8-Bit Processor (3/7)



  1. Thanks again, Absolute legend.
  2. Thanks mate.
  3. Absolute Legend Sir!
    Fanatstic content. 5*
  4. Hello Again, Sorry to be a pain! Just missing the last couple of covers when you get some spare time. I know your super busy adding all your fantastic boxes for Arcades. Thank you for the updated ones also. Also Jaleco set. Atomic boy (m63 system) Meikyu Jima (Unsure what system it is on Irem) Uniwar S ( again unsure) if it helps I can add the art work from what i have.
  5. appreciated good Sir! think thats completed now with the new packs but will have a check later when i add them. legend mate thank you so much
  6. top job on these too.. was only missing sky challenger now thats another section ticked off thanks to your hard work and efforts.
  7. I think that completed my set.. Cant wait to start adding the rest of your box art work.
  8. Legend Thanks man.
  9. Thank YOU. much appreciated.
    Thank You once again! topped off my launchbox build a treat.
    Includes Zippy Race! 2nd on the high score board Oh Yeah! Thanks
    5*****'s Again Awesome job youve done.
    These look Amazing Thank You!
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