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1-Bit Wonder

1-Bit Wonder (1/7)



  1. Zombeaver, I've run into something that has me stumped and wondered if you'd encountered it before? When playing MULE with two players, the game recognizes one or both X-box controllers as keyboard at times. When reloading from a saved state, sometimes one or both of the controllers don't work. I think what's happening is that when the computer shuts down, then starts up later, the game is recognizing the controllers as different joysticks or keyboard inputs and the saved state doesn't match the current inputs. Have you seen this before? Do you know of a way to change what inputs are assigned (joystick/keyboard)
  2. Could I request Alice in Wonderland, made by the same company as Below the Root? It was a really fun early adventure game. Have you thought at all about the patreon I asked about on Reddit? I really would like to contribute since you're putting so much effort in and I think the work you're doing is going to make the C64 accessible to younger generations who wouldn't get it since it's so different today.
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