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Everything posted by gh0stp1rate

  1. Platform videos don't show up in Big Box, I've placed them inside Videos\Platforms\ and properly named them accordingly but they just don't appear when I run Big Box. All the other video snaps for the games show up but not the ones for the platforms. Is there a setting somewhere that I missed that I have to enable this?
  2. No CHD's though, that's what I'm looking for. I already downloaded the 0.221 ROM set last night.
  3. Yes, I've previously had a complete 0.215 ROM+CHD+Sample Set which I originally got from archive.org and even had it on my favorites on my account over there. About a month ago, the drive where I was storing it in failed. So I went back to archive.org to go and re-download the torrent, but it was no longer there, not even listed on my favorites anymore. And as of yesterday while searching on there, the newest set was from 2016 (ROMs only). I found a complete 0.202 ROM+CHD+Sample Set at Arcade Punks site and that's what I have now.
  4. Archive.org was the first place I looked. I'll check out Pleasuredome, thanks! :)
  5. I'm not able to find any torrents at all for the latest set, only older versions that are older than what I currently have. The other resource I found for the update packs also have the latest CHD set, but they're in several .rar parts, so I'm going to probably just have to re-download them all again anyways.
  6. So do the CHDs themselves every really get updated or are new one's just added for newly working roms?
  7. Would you happen to know if there were any updates/changes to the CHDs from 0.202 to 0.221? I want to try an avoid downloading a whole CHD set as much as possible.
  8. LOL Right on! I didn't even think of that!
  9. After trying several other types of searches, I was able to find a resource for the update packs. Do I have to unpack them or just keep them zipped up like the roms?
  10. Good to know. But unfortunately I can't find these update packs at all. I currently have a complete 0.202+ROMs+CHDs+Samples set. I don't have the complete set installed on my MAME directory, only the games that I like and play often. All of the one's I like and play were working fine, without me updating them, up until the current 0.221 version and how I came across this thread. I guess I'll just stick with the previous 0.220 version which worked perfectly fine.
  11. Okay, gotcha! And thanks for the quick reply! :)
  12. Great tutorial. Got a question though and hopefully someone can clarify exactly, what an update pack is and or where to get them from? Unless CLRmamepro automatically downloads them depending on the version of the mame .EXE that you're currently working with then please forget my question.
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