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  1. Just wanted to say ive tried all the suggesstions but still get the black screen quite often. Ive even removed all videos from startup folder but one but it still happens. Someone mentioned they use ledblinky and just wanted to mention I use ledblinky too although im not sure if its part of the issue or not. Anyone else with the issue using ledblinky?
  2. Do you happen to have the "stranger things" themed video in your startup folder? I removed that video and havent had a problem since although this issue is always hit or miss so if I get the black screen again ill update this post
  3. Fresh windows10 install, fresh launchbox/bigbox install with latest version. I noticed about a third of the time that the startup video would not play and instead you get a black screen until you press a button. I did a search about the issue and seen several others reported this problem 6 months ago but seen no explanation or solution. Any fix for this?
  4. Just found out about Mr Retrolusts 4k bezel pack.... this should solve my first 2 questions about bezels and scanline/curved filters
  5. Due to windows issues I couldnt resolve Ive started over with a fresh Win10 install on my cab, Ive decided to keep it simple and just run MAME on the cab but would also like to install a handful of retro style steam games on the cab. The problem is I plan to keep the PC/cab off the internet once its done being setup. Will I be able to launch the handful of steam games with no internet connection? Also wondered if I can import just a handful of games 1 by 1 other than importing the hundreds of games on my account? Thanks!
  6. Long story short, Built my 4 player cab in 2015 using hyperspin which was a nightmare but worked great when done.... Somewhere around 2019 I set the cab on my enclosed porch for the winter and mice got inside and destroyed the pc, the cab sat for a couple years and was going to get rid of it but decided instead to fully gut it and start over. Jan 2021.....Deep cleaned inside and out, fully gutted, found splits in the side panels that were furniture grade pine, injected glue/clamped/braced/painted, completely rewired the cab, new marquee lights, installed bottom and rear led flood lighting, installed diamond kick plate, bought and installed all rbg ultimarc micro goldleafs(love em), two pacLED64 boards, rewired ipac4, rebuilt my sanwa jlfs with longer shafts, oversized actuators,10lb springs, bat tops, cherry switches, oct gates, modded the 4 stick bores to accept rgb lighting, made custom clear dustwashers, new LG IPS monitor, built a better pc with parts I had, on and on..... Older i5 with 16gb ddr3, 1tb ssd, 8tb hdd, gtx 1060 gb.... Started with a fresh install of win10 pro, I thought putting windows, and all the artwork and preview vids on the ssd would make it snappy, all roms were on the 8tb hdd..... Had everything setup the way I wanted, short vid of it in action here... It took forever to integrate ledblinky and write all my custom animation scripts but the end result was awesome. Sadly it only lasted for about a year. Sometime in late 2022 I connected the pc to the net to download a new bigbox theme and shortly after the system was laggggy as hell and got progressively worse. Im talking 3-5 min windows boot times, 3-5 min bigbox launch times. Video previews were laggy, games took 30sec to a minute to launch. It made you never want to even turn the cab on so I barely used it. I just moved to a bigger house and have a dedicated gameroom that I want to add some 1up cabs to but figure I need to get this cab going first. I tried literally everything to troubleshoot the PC. Monitored task manager, system restore, update drivers, remove updates, install updates, run memtest86 to check ram, run crystaldisk to check drives, cpu stress tests..... nothing would indicate a issue or solve it. I have a huge collection of original consoles, along with a mister fpga so decided I just want MAME on this cab and everything on the SSD..... Getting fedup- I decided to start over, Fresh win10 pro install, disabled updates. I just renewed my bigbox license with a lifetime license, Installed drivers, runtimes, etc... Just installed newest launchbox, luckily my ledblinky animations are still working since I backed up the ledblinky folder. So currently I have launchbox installed and just imported and filtered my .228 mame roms and am left with a few questions.... Bezels.... So when I ran the import wizard I chose .228 mame romset, pointed to my roms on my 8tb drive, I chose to download boxart, screenshots, and vid previews from the LB database along with linking to my emumovies account, but then it asked if I wanted to install/download bezel artwork and I thought how cool it was to have that option integrated in the wizard, I selected yes and chose to prioritize the game bezels.... I let launchbox scrape all the artwork and vids overnight and this morning it was finished. I launched a few mame games but no bezels are loading. What do I have to do to get the bezels to show? Scanlines/CRT shaders...... One of the coolest things I liked about CoinOps when testing it was the default bezels/scanline filter/and curved CRT screen filter. They really looked good on my monitor and Im not a huge fan of alot of the shaders but the CoinOps Atarsharii build really nailed it with the CRT cab/bezel/tube look. How do I get the bezels to show and enable filters to get a similar look? XINPUT..... So when playing around with CoinOps I had to download the latest firmware for my IPAC4 that enabled mode-changing so I could launch my ipac in xinput mode to work easier with coinops..... It was cool how plug and play CoinOps was but ultimately xinput lacks support for LEDblinky and I dumped alot of money on controls for the cab so I decided to come back to Bigbox and just bought the lifetime license. So my plan is to run the ipac4 in keyboard mode the majority of the time for this simple MAME/bigbox cab but I do want to add a few steam games like shredders revenge,bro force, some mortal kombats, etc..... for those games Ill have to switch my ipac4 into xinput mode and Im wondering how that will work. I dont care if the LEDblinky functionality is lost while im playing a random steam game here and there but when I exit the game will bigbox menus still be able to be navigated while in xinput mode or will I have to switch the ipac4 back into keyboard mode? Will bigbox freak out while running if I switch back and forth between keyboard and xinput mode on the ipac4? Thats about all the questions I have right now, Sorry for the long winded post.... Setting the cab up is kind of overwhelming when you dont mess with it for a long time. I hope I can get it running stable and that it stays that way this time. Thanks!!
  7. Very well could be because even after a fresh install of launchbox and everything involved I still dont get any triggers to ledblinky while navigating the menu/categories/games in bigbox
  8. So in LEDblinky there is a "FE list change" animation you can set. I made a quick custom animation and was assuming/hoping it would be triggered by scrolling through different systems in bigbox but last time I tried to set it it only worked if I picked a game and was in the game info screen and then backed out...then it would trigger. At the bottom of the LEDblinky config utility theres also a spot called "FE system lists names" ... I think this is for adding the names of categories and systems as they are named in launchbox/bigbox to help trigger the "fe list change" animation. Has anyone figured this out of have details to share as I can only somewhat get it working... thanks!
  9. Thanks for the detailed reply! My confusion was where launchbox got its working/nonworking rom labeling info.... I'm aware launchbox just passes commands to lauch so-and-so game to the emulator defined, but just wasn't sure if the import utility for mame was different than the rest, I thought maybe launchbox went off of its own master xml list or something of whats working/ not working when Importing games. I asked this on reddit as well and someone said LB would not import CHD games and this also had me confused. I already have the correct file structure for the CHD's .... I ran the mame filters "working"and "chd required" the other night and ended up with 270 results ....I exported the list and copied those folders/chd files with proper naming to the root of my mame roms folder and most of them are working, some will load and freeze on intro splashscreen but alot of them I knew just would have partial functionality. I ended up with a 241gb romset including the chd's ? I just wish there were more standard mame sets available without all the unwanteds and extra files, and that they would include the popular working chd files. Im sure there is but I tend to stay on more trusted sites where its not a thing. Anyway it was made to sound like, on redditt -that those roms requiring CHD's were just labeled as "not working" and wouldn't be imported by launchbox but I think they meant the CHD folders themselves wouldn't be imported . This is not a concern because I have all my roms on another drive and the CHD folders are where they need to be and I just need to point launchbox to the folder location so always just choose "keep roms in their current location". So its all handled by mame and solong as mame labels the chd required roms as working then LB will import it... I know now mame is where launchbox is getting its working/non-working list so I should be good to go. Going to import the set tomorrow.
  10. sorry.... I read it wrong
  11. So when I import my mame set.... If I check the box to not import non-working roms then it wont import roms that require CHD files and do indeed work if I have the chd files? I will need to manually add the CHD required- working roms?
  12. Thank you for the insight!
  13. So im aware you can choose not to import fruit machine roms, majhong, clones,bootlegs ect when importing a mame romset..... after your filtered list is imported you can export this set to a new folder. What im wondering is will it import the roms needing CHD files? I have a full .228 mame romset, a full .228 bios set, and a full .228 CHD set. When importing my mame romset will it also include the current working roms that require chd files? That way I can skim down my mame set to a more manageable size instead of keeping 550gb of CHD files on my drive when most are not being used? Or should I use a program like clr mamepro to audit/skim down my set first? Thanks!
  14. Just finished upgrading my cab, spent a week trying to get controllers working in retroarch. I tried everything but my IPAC4 kept taking priority over the controllers. Its in keyboard only mode so shouldnt be any conflicts with my wireless 360 controllers. Ive used both in this cab before. Tried autoconfig input on and off, tried mapping everything, saving profiles, tried fresh install of retroarch..... Nothing worked and my IPAC4 would always hog input ports 1 and 2 making the controllers useless even though they were recognized and configured. Finally I switched controller input driver to sdl2 and it makes my controllers stay in input ports 1 and 2 and can finally use either my controllers or my control panel and I thought I conquered the beast..... Untill I run retroarch through LB or BB then the damn ipac4 takes priority again and the controllers are useless. What kind of setting or launch command could launchbox be running retroarch with where its making the inputs mess up and behave different from when i run retroarch on its own? thanks!
  15. I dont know what the issue was but copied over the launchbox files from my backup drive to the cab and now its triggering attract led animation.
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