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  1. Correct, fighting games on PC
  2. Hi Does anyone have a "pc fighting games" clear logo? Thanks
  3. Hi Does anyone have a "pc fighting games" clear logo? Thanks
  4. Hi All Anyone have any cover art for Goldeneye for 360, after it leaked? Thanks
  5. Is there a Gamecube one? Can't see it in the list?
  6. yes, all ROMS had been added using the tool, I'll DM you the XML file shortly Thanks
  7. all like this D/launchbox/games/xxxx/roms/xxx
  8. QQ How do I change the file permission to allow LB to see the ROM Also forget to mention, i'v currently running the 10.12 Beta version - but i'm sure that isn't the issue
  9. Hi All I'm hoping someone can help me, and I have seen various other posts on this, but none of the suggestions has resolved this I have added ROMS for various systems, and have tried to launch in both LaunchBox & BigBox, and I get the same error "specified ROM path not found" I have gone into the tools/emulator/SNES9x, and ensured that the emulator is pointing in the right direction - and it is I have gone into tools/system/SNES9x, and ensured that the rom path is correct - and it is I have launched ROMS through the emulator, and they work fine, but LB & BB, just won't launch I have deleted all entries in emulators and systems, and started to "add" again, and this has not resolved it I have added all SNES ROMS again, and this has not changed the issue I have even tried using RetoArch for the system - downloading the SNES9x core, and I have the same issue Can someone possibly help on this Thanks
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