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Brian221's Achievements

8-Bit Processor

8-Bit Processor (3/7)



  1. Maybe file permissions? Authenticated Users has write permissions to the configs created by LaunchBox for overlays....but Users does not.
  2. I just started seeing this exact issue too...configs save when launching retroarch directly and they do not when launching from launchbox. ...and I'm thinking it might be related to the overlay configs. I removed the Beetle PSX file created when I added overlays via Launchbox...now that core's presets properly save and load.
  3. Followed these steps almost exactly. I created a new emulator called MAME-CDi so I could save the different settings and default command line....worked like a charm! Now I just need to figure out mapping controls. Used this to convert bin and cue files to CHDs https://scunster.co.uk/?p=1732#:~:text=An added bonus is that,bin%2C gdi or cue files.&text=Now just run “CUE or,of your games to CHD.
  4. Resolved! Clearing the /hi folder did the trick...but I was hasty trying to fix it earlier, and had renamed the highscore.dat file in plugins. All good now!
  5. Tried that...also deleted the nvram folder for the games. It seems no high scores are reporting for me anymore...even for games I hadn't previously played. I've also updated to the latest version of launchbox, restarted...same issue.
  6. After the recent high scores reset, I can't seem to get any high scores to save to the community. I think its because I'm not beating the existing saved high scores on my local MAME....any idea how to reset those? Found it...delete the contents of mame's /hi and /nvram contents for the game you need to reset. Nothing seems to work. I'm not seeing any high scores post for me anymore (at least for games I already had scores for).
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