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Posts posted by Jayinem

  1. Got another question I want to change the DPI scaling of Launchbox only. I have a script that changes the DPI but it does it for the entire computer screen. I want -1 DPI from what I have set in Windows. I tried changing all the per application options Windows gives when right clicking and choosing it didn't help. 

    For reference here is the script that changes DPI but it does it for the entire computer not just Launchbox. I had to get my TVs reg keys out of regedit.

    SetDpi(dpi) {
        RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\PerMonitorSettings\VIZ10390_01_07E4_30^30BB376176AE7BF6A3A1FE1F935346BE, DpiValue, % dpi 
        RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\GraphicsDrivers\ScaleFactors\VIZ10390_01_07E4_30^30BB376176AE7BF6A3A1FE1F935346BE, DpiValue, % dpi
    ChangeResolution(Screen_Width := 1920, Screen_Height := 1080, Color_Depth := 32) ; change these values for your screen resolution
        DllCall( "EnumDisplaySettingsA", UInt,0, UInt,-1, UInt,&Device_Mode )
        Return DllCall( "ChangeDisplaySettingsA", UInt,&Device_Mode, UInt,0 )

    And yes I'm aware that there's a scale on the button bar of Launchbox but it doesn't do what I want.  I want 5 games to show on a row and the icons are too small when I do that. The correct DPI does what I want but it also doesn't work for the rest of my computer unfortunately. 

  2. Got home tried it seemed to work until I did a reboot, now it doesn't work. I made the script #persistent but it didn't help. 


    This is my entire TV when it happens. There should be a taskbar on the bottom I didn't crop it or anything.




    Edit: Weirdly it's doing the opposite of what I want. If I hit the little square on Launchbox in the top right next to close that says Maximize or Restore, it automatically makes it go fullscreen as if the script it saying "keep it fullscreen with no taskbar" 

    And so I changed it instead of WinRestore I changed it WinMaximize in the script and sure enough it won't allow it to cover the taskbar and stays Windowed Fullscreen. 🤣





    • Game On 1
  3. I believe it happens if there's a resolution change. I don't do anything to cause it other than that. 


    I'll try that script out when I get home later.

  4. Sometimes my Launchbox goes fullscreen where it covers the taskbar and I don't ever want it to. Could I have a script that checks periodically if it's covering the taskbar and if it does make it where it isn't? 

    I've tried 

    WinActivate, Launchbox.exe
    WinRestore, Launchbox.exe 

    but it's not working.

    Edit: I was able to do it with a hotkey I just needed to make WinRestore be WinRestore, A to work on any app but I want there to be a timer or loop that checks if it's fullscreen and do it automatically. I just don't know how to write that script. 

  5. Launchbox has always been blue for me but suddenly in the last couple of days it turned black? I tried going through settings and changing it back but haven't been successful. I tried changing it to old theme and I actually like the old theme but it's still black. However with old theme I don't like that there's game details below the image and title of the game. Is there any way turn off the details where it just says game name, and turn it back to blue background?

    Probably obvious but I have free version.

  6. I like my roms to just be the name of the game and nothing else and that was always but I haven't messed with Launchbox much lately and I go to look and now my roms are renamed with something in parenthesis after it. Here are a few examples.

    Banjo-Tooie (U) (!)

    Baseball Stars (NGM-002)

    Beast Busters (World)

    When I hit edit and go to title it only shows the name game i.e. Banjo-Tooie, Baseball Stars, Beast Busters. How do I fix this? I didn't make any changes so I don't know how this happened. 

  7. 1 hour ago, darrenmarchand said:

    i had been doing that too. it won't work. Windows still eventually changes it.

    Windows has a horrible setup for controller numbers but Windows doesn't actually change it, It's MAME that does. And it does work to use read only I've done it for a year and I have a steering wheel, arcade stick and regular controller and all still work. 

  8. I'm only going to update Windows 10 every 18 months. That's when they pretty much force you to or you don't get any virus protection or anything. It just happened to me I went from 1903 to 20H2, and I won't be updating again until the end of 2022. This is just another of many examples of how Windows updates breaks things instead of fixes them.



  9. I notice a problem with games that have the same name example there is Need For Speed Most Wanted that came out in 2005 and then they did a Need For Speed Most Wanted around 2011.  I only use my own images and I have them set with the appropriate image, but I'll start Launchbox and it'll change one of them to match the other one and even remove the one I had set.  Here is what I mean 

    Notice the green box highlighting Need For Speed Most Wanted, and to the right of it is the newer Need For Speed Most Wanted appropriately imaged.



    But I just turned on my computer which boots Launchbox at start and it looked like this



    It has happened a bunch of times too not just one time. 

    I realize I could just rename one to something like "Need For Speed Most Wanted (2005)" I just like the actual names of the games to be as they are.  However I had the same problem with Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 1, but I renamed the first one to "Need For Speed III Hot Pursuit" but I would rather know a solution. 


  10. 1 hour ago, Headrush69 said:

    Looking at your previous posts, not sure for Teknoparrot why the extra step of running through an AHK. Are you using it to pre or post run apps that aren’t working in LB’s tools for that?

    If you could post the AHK you are using to launch a game, that would help as well.

    FYI, I learned a lot looking at the AHKs RocketLauncher uses for Teknoparrot games as it uses a more advanced window detection that might help. 
    running to work, will look again after.

    Nope I just load the entire game that way Just the way I've always done it, The reason was at first I only wanted Lightgun games and they required an app called Demulshooter that only works through scripts. I started collecting other types games but I didn't learn until I was doing it for like a year there was a way to load it as an emulator in Launchbox, and I already had a bunch of scripts loaded in LB so no reason to take the time to redo it all.  You load the game in Teknoparrot and save your settings first and it makes a UserProfile .xml of the game. So 

    #SingleInstance Force
    SetWorkingDir, <path><to>\Teknoparrot.exe
    run TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=IDZ.xml

    But I don't know any of this is relevant unless you tell me loading the emulator into Launchbox prevents the additional windows from coming up, I'm pretty sure the games always launch with those windows regardless of launch method. 

    Still asking my original question for a way to hide them. 


  11. 4 minutes ago, Headrush69 said:

    Are you using LB startup screens as well? If so is Aggressive hiding enabled in startup screen settings in LB?

    Is it all Teknoparrot games or just Linux based ones?

    I use a mix of starting TeknoparrotUI directly and RocketLauncher for a few Teknoparrot games. I’ll check when I get home my exact settings.

    Nah I don't use any startup screens in Launchbox,  with Teknoparrot I just make an ahk of the game and compile it to exe, and add it to Launchbox. It made no difference running the exe seperate from Launchbox, so it's not really a Launchbox issue at all.  I only have free Launchbox anyway. 

  12. 11 minutes ago, Headrush69 said:

    Why not call TeknoparrotUI directly?

    Inside Teknoparrot settings there is an option to hide the console.

    I never realized that was an option but I just tried it and still get those windows. Unless there's another setting I checked the box  "hide console windows" saved, even restarted Teknoparrot and tried again, and tried through ahk script. 



  13. I use an emulator called Teknoparrot it emulates more recent arcade games, but when it launches games even through ahk it launches the teknoparrot gui and a command window called OpenParrotLoader.exe, I want to hide these but haven't been able to. In task manger the windows are called ElfLoader and steamchild. I tried 

    WinHide ahk_exe ElfLoader
    WinHide ahk_exe SteamChild
    WinHide ahk_exe "<My><Path><To>\OpenParrotLoader64.exe"

    I also tried adding SetTitleMatchMode, 2 and with Ifwinexists but nothing seems to work although it's very possible I'm doing it incorrectly. 

  14. Nevermind, posted a script to reconnect internet automatically because it worked perfectly until I rebooted then it didn't work at all. 

  15. I was able to make a script that constantly checks if Launchbox is open and if it's not, reopens it. This could be helpful to other people for different reasons. Just change the path of my Launchbox to your own, and throw it in startup then you have a guaranteed always running Launchbox.

    #SingleInstance, force
    Sleep 3900 ;
    Process, Exist, Launchbox.exe
    If (ErrorLevel = 0)
      Run, D:\Jayinem\LaunchBox\Launchbox.exe
     Sleep 5


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  16. Ok so this may not be helpful to everyone, but I kept having Launchbox closed because I had a super escape key that I combined escape and alt+f4, and I would escape games and it would close Launchbox, so this constantly checks if Launchbox is open and if it's not it opens it, but if it's open it does nothing.  Change my path to my Launchbox to your own and throw it in startup and you have a guaranteed always running Launchbox the entire time your computer runs, and the first part makes sure all your games show in playlist instead of a different playlist, but if you want you can remove that. 

    #SingleInstance, force
    Sleep 8000
    SetKeyDelay, 0, 50
    Run, LaunchBox.exe
    Sleep, 10000
    Send {Tab 4}
    Send {Home}
    Sleep 3900 ;
    Process, Exist, Launchbox.exe
    If (ErrorLevel = 0)
      Run, D:\Jayinem\LaunchBox\Launchbox.exe
     Sleep 5


  17. So far from my testing, which is preliminary, !F4::Return does seem to solve the issue. Some of the same games that my super escape key (which again yes also has alt+F4, or did) caused it to escape, doesn't anymore.  But I was able to use alt+f4 in at least one other game, but I think it's because that game disables all changing of keyboard keys. So most likely the script does disable alt+f4 in general but I haven't found that to be an issue yet. 

    Do you know of any emulators that will only close with alt+f4 and not escape? I would like to test it on one. 

  18. 1 minute ago, neil9000 said:

    Escape does not close Launchbox, however ALT-F4 would. So it sounds like whatever scripts you are using are the issue i'm afraid and sending ALT-F4 after the emulator has closed and therefore closing Launchbox. Also ALT-F4 is not a good way to close Launchbox period as it will write files when closed correctly.

    So there's no way to prevent it? 

  19. I have a ton of different emulators and PC games and they use different settings for escape some use alt+F4, some use escape I made like a super escape key with autohotkey that makes it where almost every game (that doesn't disable changing keyboard keys) can exit using escape. However what happens a lot is when the game closes it ends up closing Launchbox too. Is it possible to make escape not close Launchbox? 


    So maybe it's not possible because I don't want to disable escape key for all apps, only for Launchbox. 

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