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Everything posted by Jabb3rJaw

  1. Ok that makes sense. I just did what you said and works great! Still trying to get the hyperspin stuff out of my head lol
  2. Are you using a cab? I'm using a cab and disabled the game details screen so it launches the game right away. I'm just trying to make it feel like an arcade cab and eliminate some of the clicks even though there are nice features!
  3. Jabb3rJaw

    Music Platform

    Please forgive me for the all questions as I’m moving over from Hyperspin. On my hyperspin wheel I made a music wheel and I’m that wheel I made sub wheels of an app called Album player and then 2 other wheels of YouTube music and Spotify. I can make a music platform but how to I get just an exe to show when I click on the music wheel? Then is it possible to launch YouTube music and Spotify under that platform?
  4. Wow that’s surprising. Seems like if you keep hitting escape to exit a game Bigbox should ask if you want to exit before it closes? I guess I could make another button to escape Bigbox but then I’d have a button to exit the emulator and another one to exit bigbox. I can see kids button smashing and closing it out. The confirm exit would eliminate that.
  5. Is there a way to enable a confirm exit screen like in hyperspin? I seem to hit escape a lot getting used to Bigbox and I end up closing it. I’d like to have an exit screen that basically says exit? Yes it No
  6. I see under the media section forums that new media is created like wheels to replace ones that are lower quality. What’s the best way to update my media so the new images will replace my old media?
  7. This is the only thing that has worked for me to avoid the error. Thanks!
  8. Thanks!!! That’s what I was looking for. I have Hyperspin set up but am slowly transitioning to Launchbox and didn’t want to have to delete or rename games and mess up my Hyperspin set up.
  9. I should’ve mentioned I am using retroarch. So there’s no way to make the (USA) roms the default roms to load? If that’s the case it would probably be easier to just remove the (Europe) and other roms like that from my romset so there’s only the (USA) set? Thanks for the help!
  10. Hi, I’m sure there is an easy way to fix this but I have different versions of the same game which is causing the bezels to not show up since one version isn’t named correctly. For example NES has Super Mario World which shows a bezel but it plays Europe version automatically and no bezel is shown. Is there a preference or anything I can do so big box and Launchbox selects the game with a bezel every time ?
  11. Just curious if a clear logo set for the famicom games has ever been done?
  12. This update helped a lot! Like others still has a small jerky lag here and there but WAY better. Thank you to all have worked on this.
  13. I'm having the same issue. Just doesn't feel smooth at all. I tried caching all the images but that didn't help either. Hopefully this can get fixed as I wouldn't even consider putting this in a cabinet the way it is. I will keep setting things up because overall I do like where its heading but will continue using Hyperspin in the cabinet until the lag is figured out.
  14. So I did force the image cache and most systems seem to be better but still slower than I'd like. Mame still goes really slow though, like it would take forever to go through the whole wheel, not that I wouldn't use the search option but having the wheel spin freely and easily is a lot nicer instead of a stuttered wheel. Any other options or settings to get it to spin without the little studder?
  15. Thanks for taking the time to answer some of these questions! I'm using Unified Redux at the moment and have attached a screenshot as it just happened. As far as the naming goes for the bezels, the rom name I use in Hyperspin is - Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (Japan, USA). This was also the name of the bezel but it wasn't showing up. When I checked in Lunchbox it was Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (Europe) but looking in my roms folder I don't even have that rom, only the Japan,USA is in there. Again, appreciate the help!
  16. 1. When entering a platform and scrolling through games if I exit back out I get just a black screen instead of the platform video playing again. It will stay like tis until I change to a different platform and that video plays then I can go back and the original video will start playing? How can I make the video play again when exiting the platform games wheel back to the main wheel? 2. Wheel (especially in Mame) seems to go pretty slow. I tried putting it on fastest. Specs are i7-11700 with Geforce 3060. 3. When scrolling through game wheels, the wheels disappear and take a while to load and show up. 4. I have video themes showing (like Hyperspin), in Mame that's great because there's a lot. Can I change this setting per platform so like NES and other systems that don't have a lot of game themes don't play a whole video on the screen? 5. And last, I used the bezel project but am noticing a lot of games have a bezel but aren't showing up. I know this is because of naming issues like Mike Tysons punchout was "Mike Tysons Punch Out USA, Japan" but the one Launchbox was using was "Mike Tysons Punch Out Europe" I must have all the different versions in my roms folder but in the Hyperspin databases everything was named like the bezel project and show up. Do I have to rename all my bezels to match the rom name Lauchbox uses? 6. When downloading a file why can't I download the whole file in the downloads section? It gives me a bunch of files to download separately. Any help would be appreciated
  17. Any idea why Famicom and Super Famicom isn't listed as a system? I don't get it.
  18. I'm just starting out with Launchbox (years of Hyperspin experience) and just curious if when closing Launchbox or Bigbox it keeps running either in the process menu or the details when I cntrl alt del and I have to manually close them before restarting. I like it so far but have notice little things like wheel art looking like it was missing but then appeared so I'm guessing it just takes a little longer to load and also Bigbox has crashed a couple times and I got an error report? Also, I'm assuming there isn't as many game themes but not sure how to go about getting whats there already. Does Launchbox download these when I add a new system, or do I have to search the forums? Anyway, overall, not bad but I'm still learning it so not sure I would add it to a cabinet just yet but easier to work with than Hyperspin.
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