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hitm4n last won the day on May 23 2020

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  1. Thanks. I've done just that, hopefully it gets some consideration from the team. Cheers.
  2. Hi neil9000, thanks for assisting (i know you do a lot round here, i'd heard of you before i even came to these forums ). And with that, i'm going to disagree with you Feel free to rebuttle (is that the right word) what i say here. I'm sorta thinking out loud. I could add a new emulator where the file extension for the games is .squiddlyboo, Launchbox shouldn't care. It scans them, looks at the file names, tries to make sense of those names and find some game info when scraped. I can attach this set of squiddlyboo roms to any emulator i wish. Launchbox will parse that file to the emulator and the emulator will play it. So why does it matter that these are bat files. These work in the same way, they are scanned and scraped and work without issue. Each one has its path saved, as if it was its own entity, its own game. Again i say, Launchbox doesn't (or shouldn't) care, its not sentient. What if these bat files were exe files, with each game stored in its own folder? My feeling here is, its not the extension thats the issue, its the fact the files are in sub-folders below whatever folder path i give it. If i could select all 6300 folders at once and save those into the "game" path option, i would. I say this because scraping, asjusting paths and other such options takes a fair few minutes to complete. Checking for "missing wrongs" takes less than a milisecond and simply says nothing is missing. Theres no way its actually checking through the folder or checking that every batch file still exists. If theres no hope for me here, thats okay. I hope maybe the Launchbox/Bigbox authors may consider whats going on here and maybe look at some new features or improvements in this area. Otherwise i'll just have to play, delete and remove manually from Launchbox each game as i go through them. 6300 though, thats a long road.
  3. Any word from the Launchbox authors on this issue? Any clarity on how the scanning for roms (or batch files in my case) takes place, whether theres a workaround maybe, or any planned changes to allow for checking subfolders of a romset? Has this issue been noted before and thought about ? Cheers. For now, i am deleting each game manually from my launchbox view, then deleting the related 2 folders from my e:roms drive. Whittling it down that way but its really slow. I really wish i could bulk delete the games from the roms folder and then rescan within launchbox to clean up the list. Cheers.
  4. You are right in all regards, there are multiple game folders, 6300 of them in fact, they are located at "e:\roms\exo\exodos\-6300-" (btw, all the games are unpacked ready to play, no zips.) Also in that folder path is one extra folder called !dos at "e:\roms\exo\exodos\!dos". And this folder contains a further matching 6300 set of folders with each one containing a bat file at "e:\roms\exo\exodos\!dos\-6300-" Of course the bat files here parse the game name and knows where to find the games files (1 level up) and where to load the emulators from (2 levels up). Every bat is set to load either dosbox or scummvm, or offer options, work fullscreen, keep aspect ratio etc. It all works very nicely, this ExoDos collection is very well put together, but doesn't lend itself well to being manually messed with (if you want to trim the set at least). The path is indeed wrong once they are all imported. You are right, it was saying "games/ms-dos". I know this is usually the case as all my roms are on this e drive and i do always have to go in there and update the path. But once i do, and i delete a game, and rescan it would always tell me its missing and remove it from view. (as an aside, i would suggest this is a bit of a bug, considering you've told the app where the games are, and that i want to leave them there, i would say that folder path should be set correctly. Anyway, thats not my real issue, i don't really care about that as its easily edited ) I don't think Launchbox should care if these are bat files or not, they are imported as roms, the path is stored correctly, and when i delete one it should surely see it is no longer there. I know i ramble. Bear with... So, your suggestion. I did think of this myself, i should have said i have tried it. I can only place one path so i changed "games/ms-dos" to "e:\roms\exo\exodos\!dos" This !dos folder contains the bat files, albeit in seperate folders another level in. So, i think the scan for missing roms is only looking at the path i put in. Strangely though, shouldn't it then tell me that all 6300 are missing if it can't find those bat files? Does the "scan for missing roms" not scan the subfolders too in a path? I think its an odd issue, and odd that no-one has seen this before? Thanks.
  5. I cannot figure this out... please help. I have the ExodosV5 collection. All the artwork , manuals and music are moved across to Launchbox manually in their "ms-dos" counterpart folders and placed in the right places (they work). I want the games plus the !dos folder to live on another drive though, not my C drive SSD which has more limited space So rather than use the ms-dos.xml, that is created by the Exodos installer, i decided to import all the games fresh from their new path, but utilise the artwork and music. And it works... Now every game is set up to use a batch file, and every batch file is named very nicely, so when imported under the MS-DOS platform, the game names are picked up well, and they match the images i've already put in place so i don't need to scrape any art or allow the games to pick up a launchbox database ID. They just work. I have filtered my set from 7200 to 6300 or so games, this is another reason to not use the pre-existing ms-dos.xml as it lists all 7200 games and i have the same issue i'm having now. So. I do a "roms" import, i scan for .bat files in the !dos folder, i remove all the "alternative startup" and "install" bat files, leaving me a set of around 6300 or so game bat files. All good so far. These are imported, i use the inbuilt "ms-dos" platform, i DO NOT scrape for art or metadata. The games are imported, the screenshots work, some play music (those that have some) and all is still good. I could leave it now, live with 6300 games and all works well. But... Then i play a game and i don't like it. I do want to slim this game set down, so i delete it. I delete the game folder and i delete the corresponding !dos game folder with the batch file. I might scan through the screenshots and delete say 10 or 20 games this way. Then, i use the "Scan for removed roms" tool in the menu, scanning only the "ms-dos" set and it always says zero games missing. I can click edit on a game that i know i've deleted, i can see the path for the batch file which again i know no longer exists. But Launchbox doesn't seem to be able to see that its gone. What the hell is going on here? Anyone got an idea? Thanks.
  6. I also would like this option, i like the Arcade startup video on launch (after BB's intro vid) but mine starts with Amstrad CPC, which is rather lacking in sound. You need a good sounding platform when showing it off to friends Lets not talk about the ZX81 theme video.... My plan, i'm going to try this in a minute, is simply to retitle arcade as ".arcade" so its alphabetically first. Should work...
  7. Heading towards 1 year later and still in lockdown in UK. What strange times we are living in.
  8. Hi. Glad you like the set, i had a lot of fun making it whilst on furlough and now i'm back at work, yeah, i'm no longer updating this set. You;re right, i think homebrew has slowed down a bit. Vectrex certainly has. That said, i am keeping an eye on new releases, and newly found rare roms and keeping a list for a potential update pack in future to catch the set up again. So about Spikes Circus. As these are images for roms, and Spikes Circus (to my knowledge) is not available as a rom, there is no point in an image. There are many other games out there on carts only where i haven't created an image too. If a rom file does indeed exist, get it into my grubby mitts and i will make an image for you. Regards. Simon.
  9. Not sure if its due to people going back to work (me included) that homebrew has slowed down, but since my last release i've kept an eye out and nothing new has presented itself so far. I am now, as i said, back at work, so time is very limited for me now anyway. The current version uploaded here and shared on my googledrive link is possibly the last package i release. However, i will continue to add new files, so if something new does come along, i may create a cover and chuck it in my googledrive. What i might not have time for is telling the world. So basically, i'm just telling you, the news is there is no news. Ha!
  10. All 3 games available for free (free homebrew releases), from here... http://tacticalneuronics.com/content/main.asp
  11. And no sooner do i say theres nothing new... 3 new games found and added by John Reder. Covers are done and uploaded to GDrive for now. Space Force Handy Pick Hank Vectrex UFO enjoy.
  12. Quick update for Dragon57 and the few following along... There has been no new activity lately, no messages regards errors or omissions, so nothing new has been created or nothing altered. So basically, v1.3 is still current. 1 more week of furlough and then back to work for me.
  13. 41 is approximately the number of original game releases which are now all freeware (officially made freeware by the current copyright owners). The rest are made up of scene demos, homebrew and hacks of those free games. There is a ton of great stuff made by homebrewers. Google "Vectrex Tosec" and you'll find links to rom sets on Archive.org that are bigger than Mames, but does have junk in (bad dumps, clone dumps etc). Better still, search for "Vectrex DrSnuggles" for a very large rom collection, all downloadable via this guys online java emulator github page. This DrSnuggles set is as good as i've found online and only contains freely distributable roms (but thats pretty much all of them). You'll have to hunt around for any stragglers. Some come from a Vectrex fans facebook group where the most prolific homebrewers hang out. 281 have been collected from many sources over the last couple of months, a lot of work, even using wayback machine to get some of them...
  14. Is there a faster way to add these to Launchbox? Using a better naming convention maybe? So the files can just be dropped into the right media folder and they get picked up? For instance, when you export files they are named "Clean Sweep-01", "Clean Sweep-02" etc. If these file names are based upon the rom file names when they were added, then i guess everyones would be different? I suppose then that this would never work for everyone and it would remain a manual process.
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