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Everything posted by d2produce

  1. So I'm using Windows 10 with an AMD processor and AMD video card and I'm getting Video Ram Error whenever I load a NeoGeo game in Launchbox using Retroarch. My NeoGeo bios is in the games folder which I recently figured out and Retroarch is actually opening now unlike before where it wouldn't do anything and now I'm having this problem and I haven't found a post that provides a solution. How do I get NeoGeo roms to work?
  2. Now Sega CD isn't working. This is Ridiculous...a $1,200 PC and I can't run Sega CD games LOL. Saturn isn't working either. And PS1 doesn't work with epsxe or Retroarch BeetleHW/Beetle I'm going to test Gamecube and Wii but I don't have high hopes for those either.
  3. So now I have sound but they are very slow to the point they are unplayably stuttering.
  4. So I got Windows 10 Pro, AMD Ryzen 7 processor and a AMD RX 580 6GB graphics card and yet neither Beetle HW or Beetle cores are working in retroarch for ps1 emulation the sound is very scratchy and the fps goes down to 14 and 1 and on Beetle HW I can't run games at all because it crashes before the bios even loads. What am I missing here is Retroarch not compatible with AMD or do I have to set it up specifically for AMD. I've watched every PS1 youtube video setup and they all work flawlessly out of the gate but it seems like every core for every system I try to setup doesn't even work until I have to do hours of research to the point I'm just thinking of ditching this computer and buying a i9 with a 1080 GTX it's pretty ridiculous that there's no GPU/CPU detection on these programs so it can autoconfig itself. I'm spending more time Fixing this broken program (Retroarch) than I am playing games LOL. So my question is what are the Global settings I need to change to get Retroarch to work with all cores / all systems?
  5. So I've tried CHD files, I've tried single, BIN/Cue's, I've tried Cue's with multiple Bins. I'm importing the CUE files only into Launchbox and retroarch is using Gen Plus GX as it's core.....but there is zero sound not even sound effects. I tried 3 different BIOS files and no sound. What more can I check? Also I've searched all over google and every other person with a similar post is either not using Retrorch and/or Launchbox and they have Sound effects but no music. EDIT: So the plot thickens...Sega Saturn and Sega Genesis also don't have sound...however Genesis had sound before. So perhaps a simple restart will fix it I will report back. Restarting didn't fix it and everything is muted in Retroarch yet Mute is off and sound is on. Seems like there's something wrong with my sound maybe updating the driver will help. After reinstalling retroarch there is still no sound. Is there a Mute option in Launchbox as well that I may have hit? So ya it's not just Retroarch the PS2 using pscx2 or whatever its called also has no Audio. So it's definitely a Launchbox issue as my audio drivers are updated. Any suggestions? So reading another thread I changed my Audio Output to Dsound....then hit mute then unmute and it worked. It's very strange because I've used both Retroarch and Launchbox on the default settings for a year now.....reset windows recently....and all of a sudden I gotta change the sound settings and I'm launchbox/retroarch from a secondary harddrive that never changed. I'm just glad it's working again.
  6. Why can't I find an answer for this on google it seems so easy? LB on my Desktop shows titles under game boxes in my library......my laptop doesn't. And going through every menu I can't for the life of me figure out how to enable what seems like a very basic and essential feature? Where do I enable this? EDIT: Nevermind I found it.... Why is there only 1 button named "Text" at the very bottom of the screen and nothing in the Menus (either right click or top left or top right)? I find it's just odd that there is 3 of every other setting and this 1 setting is tucked at the bottom in the middle of nowhere with no redundancy to it whatsoever LOL. It's like when you use an email program and you're looking for the compose button and for some reason it's way on the other side of the screen completely separate from every other control
  7. awesome, thanks.
  8. it's been 4 years is there a workaround where I can replace the default image myself?
  9. So Launchbox is great but I noticed when I select each console, the Details pane (currently labeled the "Game Details" pane) says "No Game Selected" etc. It would be nice if it rather displayed the Console name at the top, and all the stats, release year, inception, how the public reacted, how long it ran for in stores, etc, etc. The "Game Details" pane could simply be called the "Details" pane to include console information.
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