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  1. As someone who suffers from analysis paralysis, I have a really hard time picking what game to play. I just browse the collections over and over. This kind of thing is a big value to me. Very happy to see this. However, curation is something of value these days in general. Having upvoted certain items for users to consider in light of popularity, or recommendation is interesting in itself. Having seasonal live-ops mobile style lists to try and get through in a season is also interesting too. Having community lists on themes, by platform, by genre, or even more cross-genre and cross-generation themes like "Existential RPG" with stuff like chrono trigger and lost odyssey in among 5 or 6 other great games on the topic, could be really interesting. I could see this expanding to a system of some kind to have some escalation to playing some games in sequence, revealing the next, only one at a time. Or 'streaks' or badges or ;'reveal' for completing a set of games in a seasonal or community list. Like maybe at the end of the existential RPG list above, if you play them all at least once, it reveals the runner-ups for the list? Anyway I think this kind of curation has a ton on value for the platform. It creates community, it helps to highlight top content in an interesting way. In an age where I can have all my games anywhere, this makes me want to add em all to Launchbox and use them there. Which I guess leads me to a question I did not see in the news bits, Does this also take into account current stuff like gamepass, steam, gog, epic, etc. ? I see it implied, but never stated. And I guess a second question, Does the system only show the items for a list that you have, or does it list everything and sort of grey out games you don't have? Anyway, this feature set is great. The potential here is massive. Thank you for creating the game discovery center.
  2. That is awesome. Being able to see a suggestion across everything is great. being able to see them with various factors like number of achievements versus playtime or genre, type of achievements, publisher, developer, and all that metadata you have set up will be cool to try out. Thanks again for this feature.
  3. This is so awesome. And now if you can make this work across steam and gog and everything else. maybe factor in achievements, I'll never use anything else. When you have thousands of games the worst part is picking what to play. I love perfecting my library, and browsing the game art and stuff, but sometimes I just want to play! picking just one to launch is a daunting task. Anyway, Thank you. I believe the next super power of Luanchbox will be in curation, it has already won at collection.
  4. # 3 Suggested/Recommended Games - (New sections in game details that would suggest other games for you based on game similarities, LaunchBox community ratings, etc.) I have quickly browsed the forums here before posting and was happy to find this at #3! I am still going to tell a story here in the hope of helping with #3 in terms of further potential scope/ value. I have a meta-problem around games and playing them, that I think a lot of people have but I don't see a lot of talk about. Scenario: I want to play a new game, so I load up xbox gamepass, epic, steam, gog, etc. (Launchbox) and I spend so long browsing that I never actually play anything! I think Lunchbox is in a position to change this with a few features which leverage the existing tech in the platform for curating these massive libraries. I would characterize these features as 'collection games' or game library-related activities and challenges, all as a suggestion/ curation solution. 1. A feature you can launch which prompts the user with suggestions of games that launchbox thinks you like. Swipe left or right to accept or reject, or slash the bads, or shoot the good ones with the 'approved' gun. 2. a feature to show recently played games and suggest a list of ten other games, prompting the user to sort/select them in order of preference. 3 when loading bigbox 2 lists of 3 game appear as a start screen easily dismissed. 3 of the last games you played and 3 new games never played based on favorites, suggestions, ranking, favored genre, etc.. - customizable. 4 favorites, genres, platforms, years, ratings, filesize, format, time played, etc- all adjustable by weight sliders to control how the system can suggest things in general or to run a detailed suggestion on command. configurable to 1, 3, 5 or 10 results. 5 each platform has a platform suggest button. 6 genre suggest button for any game -cross platform 7 Game suggest on each game - 'more like this' 8 configure to pull results of titles not yet owned - suggestions of games to buy - other platforms already do this but not often in tandem with what you already have, and certainly not checking across platforms like steam to epic to gamepass. 9 A Game shelf /a recent catalog of games you have shown preference toward in the collection games you have done. Sort of "your chosen" "your try next" "your incomplete favorites" "your friend's favorites" lists generated/ curated. maybe they are in a button or you could make it a cross platform landing set in bigbox? 10 Community ranking elimination battles, monthly most favored games from the lunchbox community - pitting game across genres, platforms, eras, against each other each month, maybe an achievement for playing all the winners from the previous month? 11 eliminator game. start with two games and pick one, then pit that game against other favorites until another game is presented that you like better (maybe same sort of dismiss mechanic). -idea being that if a game pops up that i want to play more that the one I am comparing against it might be worth checking out. 12 By that same token friend battles put your favorite game or the game you think it strongest for a genre or platform or era up for a monthly or weekly battle, each user can swipe through the set of ten and pick their favorite, replay as many times as you like. - all of these activities could result in metadata that can be used to make better suggestions, and instead of google and facebook profiling, the user can have some control and fun about how they are building their game preference profile. Anyway etc. I think you see what I am trying to say, these little features are all in a direction toward solving a curation issue with these big gamepass libraries, gog, steam, not to mention retro game libraries. I see Launchbox as being in a unique position to facilitate a solution here, as a sort of macro value set for the platform over time. What do you think? Can you add some curation and suggestion features/ activities to my list? Did I miss the mark?
  5. This is the closest I have gotten. Thank you! Still, hotmario.zip just freezes or crashes retroarch mame core. But at least it is doing something now. Edit: Must be a bad filename or rom on that one. This Worked! Thanks again. The other info on this did not work for me. https://cdii.blogspot.com/2019/07/tutorial-how-to-set-up-mame-cd-i.html
  6. Where do you put that folder when you got it down? hAtari was built without IPF and Steem is a broken mess. I am having real trouble with Atari ST in Launchbox.
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