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File Comments posted by REI AYANAMI

    Unified Lives!

       2,055    94


    Hello. I recently discovered this theme and I really like it. How do you see sharing the "Theme Workshop"?. I would like the videos to fit better and for there to be no black borders. Thank you.

  1. Thanks Stuart!

    Could you share the psd or pdn? I'm missing some, Space Ace, dragons lair II and thayer's quest. I like your concept of the 2.5d boxes. But I always go for the fullsets and I'm always missing one. The template would be great. Thank you and congratulations on the magnificent design. I'm lovin 'it.

    • Thanks 1


       4,951    41

    Of course. Personal life is more important. I'm glad to hear you're still here. Slowly. There really is no rush. I also have a lot to fix in my collections. It's really a great job you do. Keep it up. Lots of health and happiness to you. Greetings!


       4,951    41

    What's up Snake? How are you?
    I can't wait to see the new platforms you are preparing. When will the update arrive? Thank you. And don't feel pressured, please, I just love your theme.
    Also, if you can fix that when using the pause-themes with your theme in use. The music of the video of the game does not stop listening.
    I would also like if you could make the wheel as similar as possible to the CoinOps Original.
    With more curvature than it has now and the logos a little closer together.
    And nothing more. Sorry, English is not my native language. I am from Spain. If I can help you with something. With fanarts or whatever. I would be happy to help. Greetings


       4,951    41

    I agree. I'll wait for your work first. It is very worked. I am a bit bad making art design, I never used more than paint.net. Maybe gimp cheer me up. Anyway any suggestions we will see you here. Nice to communicate with you. Greetings!


       4,951    41

    Hello RedSnake. First of all, sorry for the language. I use google translate. I hope you understand me.
    You see, I'm already desperate, probably because of my zero knowledge of programming. I just wanted to know where to find the list of games that you base their id on.

    Example. If I make a LIGHT GUN platform with a custom cabinet (I know it looks very basic but it serves as an example) Then I include "Alien 3 - the gun" on that platform and with that specific cabinet but in the end it doesn't put my cabinet, to unless I manually change the real name: "Alien3: The Gun" for "Alien3 - The Gun".

    So, yes it works but if I want to put the game in a list and not a platform, then it goes wrong again.


    I have tried everything. Visual studio. Microsoft Visual C ++. I opened the dll with "Resource Hacker" I do not like to bother about anything. But I really am lost and frustrated. Definitely. Where could I see that list that you use to put custom cabinets for each game? Thank you.


    PD: OK. One minute after writing this comment I just found out. I'm definitely stupid XD.



       4,951    41
    I also have this theme as the main one. Thank you very much for creating DARKROOM and I am looking forward to receiving updates. No matter how late, the important thing is to know that you continue to advance in the project.
    Muchas gracias!!!
    • Thanks 1
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