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Posts posted by thewhite

  1. I will check if i can fix it, for now, don't input a text in the search box. All multi-disc should be created. You will only have to remove some m3u file, for exemple, tekken 2 and tekken 3 will be considered as a multi-disc game.

    Fix search text box and removed the file extension of the game in the m3u file, download the new version.

  2. Hi,

    I have games from europe, but i want to download images like front box for north america. I set in Option, region priority with north america at the top, but it always download europe image. The only way to download north america, is to set the game as north america, but I would like to let the good region. Is it normal that the region priority doesn't work?

  3. 10 hours ago, DeadVoivod said:

    Could you perhaps just use "Patientez" instead of "Veuillez patienter" and for "à partir de" you could use "avec". 

    Yes, but the sentence will still be on 2 lines. Maybe i can fit on a single line, but my suggestion is to set the height dynamically. This could also happen on other language. So that's my question, do you fix the code or i shrink the sentence?

  4. Hi, i translated this sentence: "Please wait while metadata is refreshed from the LaunchBox Games Database..." but as you see, in French it takes longer and the box does not adjust not automatically in height. Do I reduce my translation or do you set the height?


    Same thing with: "Please wait while the next version of LaunchBox is downloaded..."


  5. I'm not sure if we talk about the same thing, i only talk on the rounded corner of the front box, the rest of the theme is ok. I spent hundreds of hours setting up all the images and videos on each game, adjust quality... I think there is too much rounded corner when we added to the image game. 

    I would like the use allways the lastest theme without always editing the text for the rounded corner. 😉

  6. I agree for disc reconstruction, it will be the best. I ask this because fanart disc for me, it's not a picture of a original disc (custom image) and this case i use the same image on the disc. For me, it's better to get a template for all image (it look nicer in launchbox). I can respect the color, so if original disc is white, i will adjust the template.

    Other vote for fanart or replace original?

  7. I'm almost done with the French translation but I have these terms that can have multiple meanings and/or I'm not sure which term to use. Can you tell me where these texts are to put the right term?

    LabelFlags -> is it like "report" or flag of a country?
    LabelSpine -> i know it's the side of box, but i don't know which term to use. Is it ok to translate as "side"?
    IndicatorPaddleSupport -> what is this device?
    LabelUseBlownUpBoxArt -> where is it?
    LabelCustomEmulatorRomPathKey -> where is it?
    LabelPlain -> like "simple" or "normal"?
    LabelClear -> like "empty" or "transparent"

    If there is other french people, how you translate these;
    Boxes Grid View Settings
    Choose this option if you want LaunchBox to automatically get you up and running playing your games.

  8. Hi, 

    I want to translate some new text added in the last version of launchbox for french. I downloaded the file from first message, but in the "Strings.fr-FR.resx" we don't have the new label like "LabelRelatedGames", but it's in the english file "Strings.resx". Do we need to add new tag for the missing one? There is a way to compare or something like that to know which text are not translated in french?

    I found the way to compare missing text from english to french by using visual studio and ResXmanager tool.

  9. 13.6 i get a error "Width and Height must be non-negative." every time i exit the edit menu of a game (save or cancel). I try 2 platform switch from french to english, run the setup again in the same folder, reboot... The send report window freeze and close after few seconds.

    ***********  UPDATE ***********
    It crash only if "game details" (ctrl+T) are hidden. So i suppose it's not only me can have this problem.


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