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Everything posted by Visuals

  1. Hallo zusammen! Ich möchte euch meinen neuen YouTube-Kanal GameProphets vorstellen, der sich auf Tutorials rund um Emulatoren und Launchbox konzentriert - und das alles auf Deutsch! 🎮 Es gibt zwar viele englischsprachige Tutorials zu diesen Themen, aber oft ist es einfach viel einfacher, alles in der eigenen Muttersprache zu verstehen, besonders wenn man mit der Technik noch nicht so vertraut ist. Deshalb habe ich diesen Channel ins Leben gerufen, um deutschsprachigen Anfängern und auch fortgeschrittenen Nutzern zu helfen, das Beste aus Launchboxen und Emulatoren herauszuholen. Momentan findet man auf GameProphets Tutorials, die Schritt für Schritt erklären, wie man Emulatoren in Launchbox einbindet, damit man seine Spiele ohne Probleme genießen kann. Für die Zukunft plane ich auch andere Themen zu behandeln, wie zum Beispiel den Bau von Arcade Cabinets. Der Kanal ist noch recht neu, aber ich lade regelmässig neue Videos hoch. Schaut doch mal rein und abonniert ihn, wenn euch das Thema interessiert! Hier geht's zum Kanal: GameProphets auf YouTube Ich freue mich auf euer Feedback und hoffe, euch bei euren Projekten unterstützen zu können! Beste Grüsse
  2. Same on my side, i tied to follow the flow of ETA Prime in the video exactly and no roms are getting imported. Seems like this functionality is broken at the moment.
  3. its working now! thx @Retro808
  4. Newbie question incomming: i tried to use the Exit Script unfortunatly it seems not wo work in my system. i entered the command under "exit Script". could anyone please let me know how to fix that?
  5. i found a solution with the help of @C-Beats i had to look in \\LaunchBox\Themes\{Theme Name}\Images\Platforms\Clear Logo\ and there was a logo called "arcade" which was overriding my other pictures all the time. after deleting it, it all worked fine.
  6. Hey guys i'm having some issues with some systems that the ClearLogo is notshowing corretly in BarTop Skin. I uploaded the Clear Logo to all the Systems (in this example Taito TypeX Zero) but in Bigbox it only shows Arcade Classics. This is the same issue for several systems and i don't know how to fix this. i already cleared the cache for the pictures and reinstalled the Skin without success.
  7. No ideas at all how to solve this?
  8. hey guys i switched LB to launch as shell, but since there i have the issue that i cant launch any games anymore. i get the error message: "an error occurred when starting the game: The requested operation requires enhanced rights." (translated) i use Rocketlauncher as "emulator". Anyone know how i could fix this?
  9. i cant find Sega Model 1 - 3, but i think this must already exist somewhere.
  10. how can i make sure that its running as admin? it works in HS and when i start direct from RL it looks more like MAME or whatever is running "behind" Laucnhbox. i disabled the firewall completly, now its working fine.
  11. Hey all i used Hyperspin for seveal years now and i have set up everything in Rocketlauncher for it. Now i switched to Launchbox but i'm currently facing the problem that i get a black screen instead of the game when i try to launch it. i have set LB as Main Frontend in RL, i have set "Hide Frontend" to true but it still happens. Does anyone have any idea how to troubleshoot this? Thanks a lot for your feedback
  12. It was a old Version of Retroarch, i updated it and now it works as desired. Thanks for your help.
  13. hmmm... am i doing something wrong? In Settings i have just "Save Configuration on Exit"
  14. Sorry for the silly question. When i made some new settings like shaders for a core and i save them, the next time i start up Retroarch with the same core, all settings are gone. Does anyone have a simple fix for this?
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