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yotengodormir's Achievements

1-Bit Wonder

1-Bit Wonder (1/7)



    One of the best themes for BigBox.
    This theme feels quick. Great job.
  1. That is correct, LB is creating an .m3u file in the temp directory. When launching from LB to RetroArch, the game is shown as: /storage/3964-6433/LaunchBox/Temp/5d2dcb58-4575-4f8e-be62-181c95a2a71c/bdaf7c4d-a416-4dcf-a358-aed481c699eb.m3u Yes, this does break saves/states since RetroArch would be looking for the game title. In this instance, when I created a saved state it saved as: bdaf7c4d-a416-4dcf-a358-aed481c699eb.state when my previous state would be Legend of Dragoon, The (USA) (Disc 1).state13
  2. Hello, I'm using the latest Launchbox beta for Android: 1.5 The emulator is Retroarch Plus (64bit) and I've tested with Beetle PSX HW and Duckstation core. My Playstation roms are cue/bin files and are not zipped. When opening a game from LB, such as The Legend of Dragoon, it will show the name in retroarch as a temp file in the Launchbox directory. My save file for the instance became: _storage_3964-6433_LaunchBox_Temp_bc106042-19aa-4156-8cae-518413581409_362bbab1-c426-4391-9d92-af3f985fde77_1.mcd I noticed this was only happening on games that had more than 1 disc. After some testing, I think it has to do just with the name of the .cue file. The romset I have named the files with this syntax: Game name (Region) (Disc #).cue If I remove "(Disc 1)" from the name of game folder/cue/bin then the game will launch correctly and Retroarch will use the proper game name as the save file.
  3. +1 to having Favorites sync across Launchbox builds. I'm now using Launchbox on my PC, phone, and retro handheld (though it's a iffy on performance.)
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